The students have been weighed and measured and they have been found worthy! Uniform fittings will begin next week, August 12-15, according to the schedule below. You can expect the fittings to take 20 minutes to an hour or more, depending on how long the line is and how many parent volunteers are on hand to assist. Parents, if you are able to help, please sign up in Charms. Students can be dropped off and remain until rehearsal.

Students must wear clothing similar to what you will wear under your uniform which includes lightweight properly sized athletic shorts (NOT thick over-sized basketball shorts) and a properly fitted t-shirt.  All uniforms will have a tailored look (not baggy). Students should bring their black marching shoes and/or CLEAN socks to have their pants length properly adjusted. (There will be a limited number of shoes available for students to borrow for those who don’t have their shoes yet.)

Uniform Fitting Schedule

Mon 8/12: Seniors @ 1:00
Mon 8/12: Juniors @ 2:00

Tue 8/13: Sophomores @ 1:00
Tue 8/13: Junior/Senior Make-up @ 3:00

Wed 8/14: Freshmen A-L @ 1:00

Wed 8/14: Sophomore Make-up @ 3:00

Thu 8/15: Freshmen M-Z @ 1:00

Volunteers are needed to do some ironing and LIGHT sewing. We will be setting creases and tacking elastic onto the pants cuffs to form no-show stirrups. If you are able to assist, please sign up in Charms to help out during rehearsal Monday-Wednesday, 8/12-14, and keep an eye out for another date TBD. You don’t need to stay the whole time. Just come lend a hand between 4:00 and 7:00pm and we’ll show you what you need to do! 

Supplies needed: Iron/ironing board/ironing cloth, spray bottle; black thread and sewing needles.