2020 Gulf Coast Classic Competition – Volunteers Needed!
Our first band competition is fast approaching and we need volunteers. The competition is on Saturday, November 7, 2020. There will be 2 shifts where we’ll need help with Warm Up Areas, Warm Up Area to Monitors to Field Gates and Field Gate Monitors. SIGN-UP HERE.
Keep in mind that before you can volunteer, you’ll need to complete the CCISD Online Volunteer Application. Please go here to apply: Once you receive the approval, please forward to
2020 Equipment Night Buying Guide
Order deadline is end of day September 4th!
Due to COVID-19, we are having to alter our plans for a marching uniform. For safety and sanitization reasons, we will not be issuing our Charger Band uniform to students in 2020-2021. In addition, due to our postponed football performance schedule, we have decided to implement a fall uniform. This will consist of items listed below. We chose items that can possibly be worn outside of band activities. Furthermore, we selected items that would help provide comfort when the weather “allegedly” cools down. While it is not our traditional look, we believe it will allow us to maintain a professional appearance during this time. These items make up what is required for this year’s marching band. NOTE* – 10th, 11th, and 12th graders are “grandfathered” in on the shoes and are not required to purchase the new design; however, they may purchase new ones if they so desire as we will be wearing these shoes in the future. The cap will include the band logo. Everything else will not have a logo so it can be worn outside of band activities. These items must be purchased through us. On your own, you will purchase long black socks, a royal blue, black or white 1/2 gallon water jug, lyre (brass and woodwinds only), and flip-folder. All items will be purchased via the band website at!
Order deadline is end of day September 4th!
2020 Required items – marching shoes (*see note), long-sleeve blue shirt, baseball cap, jogger pants and show shirt.
Optional item – mesh shorts.
Heat Crew Volunteer Needed…
September 1st thru 3rd added…
With summer in full swing and evening Band Practice returning, our students might need some assistance cooling down…enter HEAT CREW! There are several open slots — Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 5:30 – 8pm.
CLICK HERE to see the open slots. This is a great way for new parents to get involved…and it’s a pretty easy gig too!!!
Booster Club Memberships Available Now!
Many thanks to the Monticello, Downs and Fontanilla Families for recently joining the Charger Band Booster Club.
Check out the benefits of Membership and JOIN TODAY!
Member Level Benefits:
- Director ($1000) – voting rights for both spouses, 2 spirit items, VIP admission to winter/spring concerts & 2 tickets to taste of the town
- Composer ($500) – voting rights for both spouses, 1 spirit item, VIP admission to winter/spring concerts & 2 tickets to taste of the town
- Conductor ($250) – voting rights for both spouses, 1 spirit item
- Patron ($100) – voting rights for both spouses & 1 spirit item
- Family ($40) – voting rights for both spouses
- Member ($25) – voting rights for individual member
Heat Crew Volunteers Needed
With summer in full swing and evening Band Practice returning, our students might need some assistance cooling down…enter HEAT CREW! There are several open slots for next week — Monday thru Friday, 6 – 8pm.
CLICK HERE to see the open slots. This is a great way for new parents to get involved…and it’s a pretty easy gig too!!!
Welcome 2020-2021 Booster Club Officers!
Welcome 2020-2021 Booster Club Officers!
June 1st marked the start of the transition to the 2020-2021 CSHS Band Booster Club and we want to welcome our newest officers! You can meet them in person at an upcoming Parent Meeting…TBD.
2020-2021 CSHSBBC Executive Board
Alicia McConnell – President
Sonia Lozano – First Vice President, Communications
Shemeca Richard – Second Vice President, Fundraising
Emily Horn – Secretary
Albert Guzman – Treasurer
Shemeca Richard – Second Vice President, Fundraising
If you are interested in more information about how YOU can lend a helping hand, click HERE.
Many hands make light work! It takes a lot of planning and doing to make the largest group of students at Clear Springs such an extraordinary organization for the kids. While the directors are busy running the band program, instructing our students, and coordinating district, region, and area-wide events, the boosters lend a hand with the more visible aspects of the program and even add those special touches that help build a sense of community among the students and the band families. Volunteers can pitch in for one single event, chair a committee, or anything in between. Appointed positions may only be filled by current booster club members, so don’t forget to join! All volunteers must register and go through a background check per CCISD regulations and State Law. Registration can be found at
All parents are encouraged to volunteer for at least one activity per year.
By why stop there? This is an incredible group of kids to work with! Watch year-round for sign-up opportunities in Charms, and contact the chairperson of the committees that pique your interest. (Contact information may be obtained by emailing the booster club. See the Contact Us tab on the Charger Band website for more info.) If you see an opening to chair a committee and you would like take the lead, contact the booster club for more info.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
This committee explores the possible grants and donations available to the Band and/or Band Booster Club and applies for those grants and donations.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: Sonia Lozano
This committee works with the VP of Communications to design, maintain, and implement timely updates to the band website, and posts relevant articles and events to Facebook and Twitter.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: Kevin McConnell
This committee and the Webmaster works with the VP of Communications, Band Directors and Booster Club Board to design, maintain, and implement timely updates to the band website content and relevant announcements.
Approximate Timeframe: Variable, Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
This committee provides treats at various functions such as concerts, trips, band camps, and other band socials as necessary. This committee also provides information to the intermediate school band programs and welcomes incoming freshmen.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
This committee arranges fellowship activities for band members, decorates the band hall and fine arts wing before contests, and arranges for other activities to enhance social relations and morale among all band students.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
This committee arranges the sale of spirit items such as car decals, yard signs, chaperone shirts, ornaments, and other appropriate items. Responsibilities include selecting vendors, arranging payment with the board of directors, setting up booths (a table) to sell items at all home band events and football games, distributing items purchased by band members.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
Committee members issue properly fitting marching and concert uniforms to students, alter marching uniforms when issued and again at games and contests as needed, clean uniforms, collect uniforms at the end of the year, and take inventory for the directors.
Approximate Timeframe: August – September
Chair: Joey Barcio
Volunteers are on hand during outdoor marching rehearsals to care for students who become overheated or injured. Responsibilities include assessing the severity of illness and determining if a parent needs to be called, administering liquids, applying cooling cloths, minor first aid, administering medications as indicated on the student’s medical consent form, documenting all aid administered, and/or contacting the athletic trainers for more serious injuries.
Parents that are Physicians, RNs, Paramedics, or EMTs and are needed to join the Heat Crew to address first aid and medical needs that occur.
Approximate Timeframe: Variable, Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
Chaperones carry the responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of all the students at events, from football games and marching contests in the fall to concert contests in the spring and all the parties, parades, and contests in between!
Parents that are Physicians, RNs, Paramedics, or EMTs and are needed to travel with the band to performances and events. The band first aid volunteer carries the first aid kit (including medications) and addresses first aid and medical needs that occur.
Approximate Timeframe: August – November
Chair: TBD
Props are used during the marching show and Indoor Drumline to add visual interest to the overall presentations. Props are designed with input from the directors and built by volunteers. Carpentry, metalworking, and mechanical skills are a plus but not necessary. Other tasks may include painting, upholstering, detail crafting, sanding, and problem solving.
All skill levels welcome!
Approximate Timeframe: Variable, Year-Round
Chair: OPEN
Roadies are responsible for hauling, lifting, loading, and unloading equipment and props as necessary at football games and various competitions throughout the year.
Approximate Timeframe: August – November
Chair: OPEN
This committee arranges for game meals during marching season prior to each football game as well as other opportunities that are deemed necessary during the year. Duties include selection of food vendors, pricing, pick-up, and dispensing of meals the day of the event. This committee also purchases the snacks distributed to students after half-time at football games and during marching contests.
Approximate Timeframe: September – October
Chair: OPEN
The committee chair will work with the booster club board of directors and student leaders to determine what kind of booth the band will run at the annual homecoming carnival. Once a determination has been made, the idea is submitted to CSHS administrators for approval. Volunteers then make the required arrangements for materials, build (if needed), set up, and run the booth.
Approximate Timeframe: October 12 & 19; March TBD
The Clear Springs Band will be providing parent volunteers to serve as time keepers and monitors to help move bands from one area to another at marching contests hosted at CCISD Challenger Columbia Stadium as well as a Drumline Competition hosted at Clear Springs in March.
Approximate Timeframe: Fall TBD
Chair: OPEN
Seniors are “kidnapped” and chauffeured to breakfast to celebrate their final year of band together. Parent volunteers are needed to drive the students to and from breakfast. The chairperson will coordinate with the booster club board of directors to set the date and time of the event and to get the names of participating seniors. The chairperson may also make arrangements with the venue and coordinate drivers or they may delegate other committee members to help with these and other necessary tasks.
Approximate Timeframe: November-December
Chair: OPEN
Volunteers plan the annual Holiday Party held following the League City Holiday Parade for all current band and color guard students and their parents. Volunteers collect donations for the party, decorate at the school while the band marches in the parade, set up and facilitate party games, and clean up after the party.
SECTION SOCIAL(S) (per occurrence)
Approximate Timeframe: TBD
Chair(s): TBD
The clarinets won a competition during the Holiday Party by collecting the most donations for people in need. Or the low brass raised the most money in a fundraiser. Competitions are often introduced to encourage the students to participate. Sometimes the award is kudos. Other times it may be a get-together. The committee chair will coordinate with the section leader and booster club president to set a date for the winning group to have their party. The committee will then plan and facilitate the event including collecting funds as needed, purchasing any treats, and all the trappings.
Approximate Timeframe: TBD
Chair: OPEN
The chairperson will coordinate with the booster club board of directors to set the date and location of this fundraiser. Volunteers help to make the arrangements and advertise the event as well as hands-on help on the day of the breakfast.
Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
Chair: TBD
The chair of this committee arranges for the collection of photos from throughout the year and compiles them into a digital photo album (yearbook) to be offered for purchase to students and parents at the end of the year.
Photographers are needed at ALL events to document all the awesomeness that occurs. Photos should be submitted as directed by the chair to be included on the band website, Facebook/Twitter pages, and digital yearbook.
Approximate Timeframe: August – March
Chair: Emily Horn
Taste of the Town is a family-oriented, community event during which local restaurants will showcase their signature dishes for guests to sample. Volunteers help solicit vendors and silent auction donations, obtain required permits, sell tickets, check in guests, set up and decorate the cafeteria, and clean up after the event.
The Silent Auction chair will spearhead the collection of donated items and coordinate volunteers as they assemble baskets and run the silent auction table on the night of Taste of the Town.
Approximate Timeframe: April-May
Chair: OPEN
Parent volunteers sell tickets to the end-of-the-year banquet, arrange for a catered meal, decorate the venue, check in guests at the event, serve food and drinks, chaperone the dance, and clean up afterward.
Clear Springs Charger Band Booster Club
Booster Club Membership is one of the easiest ways to support the Band while giving our Students and Directors more opportunities (and really cool stuff) to do what they love! With Membership comes a vote – let your voice be heard. To join the booster club, complete the form and ask your child to put it in the safe in the band hall or you can turn it in to any booster executive board member: 2020-2021 CSCBBC Membership Online Fillable Form.
Making your donation couldn’t be easier too — CLICK HERE!
2020-2021 Clear Springs Charger Band Booster Club Members
Director Level | Composer Level | Conductor Level | ||
Your name here… | Your name here… | Your name here… | ||
Patron Level | Family Level | Member Level | ||
Your name here… | Your name here… | Your name here… | ||
Charger Spirit Wear – Last Call
Last call for Charger Band spirit shirts and hat orders. Order by noon today, Monday the 26th.