How To Wear Your Uniform!!

What To Do In Uniform:
  • Walk in pairs (e.g. when going to the restroom)
  • Double knot shoes
  • Always wear full uniform (unless instructed by director)
  • Gloves, gauntlets, shakos, and jacket must be put on or taken off when instructed to by directors
What Not To Do In Uniform:
  • No running in uniform
  • No eating in uniform (except 3rd quarter snack or where authorized by directors)
  • No inappropriate language
  • No jewelry (e.g. earings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, etc…)
  • No bandanas or thick headbands
  • No sunglasses (unless authorized by directors)
What Should Be In Hat Box:
  • Shako
  • Gloves
  • Gauntlets
  • Flip folder
  • Lyre
  • Nothing else is permitted in the hat box especially food of any kind.
  • When not being worn gloves should be in pants pocket.  Gloves should be put in hat box for transport.
  • When not being worn gauntlets should be attached to suspenders on back.  Gauntlets should be ROLLED (never folded) and put in hat box for transport.
Shakos (band hat):

To wear your shako correctly,

  • Place two fingers flat on your nose and pull the brim down until the brim touches your fingers.
  • If you wear glasses, pull the brim down until the brim touches the top of your glasses.
  • Adjust string inside so that the shako touches the top of your ears
  • Adjust chin strap so that it fits securely underneath chin at all times while wearing shako.
  • Forehead must not be visible.

When not wearing shako,

  • Put in hat box.
  • If hat box is not available then place shako in front of you, right side up, with brim facing forward, and chin strap pulled behind.
  • Shako should never be upside down.
  • When carrying shako, you must carry in the left hand with 3 fingers over brim and thumb and pinky underneath.
  • Never carry shako upside down or use it as a bucket to carry other items.
  • Lightweight properly fitting athletic shorts are to be worn underneath the pants (not thick or oversized).
  • Pants are either completely on or completely off as instructed by directors.
  • Suspenders should be up over the shoulders.
  • Pants should always be zipped
  • Pants should fit with a tailored look (not baggy or loose)
  • Suspenders should be tightened enough so that the crotch of the pants is in the correct position.
  • Hem of pants should be adjusted so that the pants touch the top of the shoe without a break in the crease.
  • Students should never ever under any circumstance take the suspenders off, unzip the pants, and roll down the top of the pants so that they are around the waist.
  • When not worn, pants must be properly placed on a hanger (creases matching) and in the garment bag.
  • Jackets are completely on or completely off as instructed by directors.
  • Students should never walk around with their uniform unzipped.
  • Jackets must be fully zipped.  The one exception is that jackets must be halfway unzipped during uniform inspection so that we can check to make sure students have the correct t-shirt on underneath their jacket.  Jackets must be zipped before students leave band hall.
  • When not wearing jacket it must be on a hanger in garment bag or folded correctly and placed on top of the shako.
  • Your uniform should never touch the ground.  The one exception will be that pit and tubas will turn their jackets inside out and then fold them and place on the ground.
  • When carring shako and folded uniform, place folded uniform on left forearm underneath shako (use shako to hold jacket in place).
  • Long hair must be tied back when not wearing shakos.
  • When wearing shakos, all hair must be up inside the shako.
  • Hair must not extend below the top of the jacket’s collar.  Hair must not cover ears.  Bangs must not be visible under the brim.  This should be checked before game day.
  • All students (male and female) whose hair is not short, must use thin black hair ties, thin black headband, bobby pins, and/or hair spray to keep their hair up inside their shako.  Alternatively, students can get a hair cut.
  • No excessive makeup, extreme hairstyles as determined by the director, or any other decorations that may detract from uniformity are allowed.



Many hands make light work! It takes a lot of planning and doing to make the largest group of students at Clear Springs such an extraordinary organization for the kids. While the directors are busy running the band program, instructing our students, and coordinating district, region, and area-wide events, the boosters lend a hand with the more visible aspects of the program and even add those special touches that help build a sense of community among the students and the band families. Volunteers can pitch in for one single event, chair a committee, or anything in between. Appointed posititions may only be filled by current booster club members, so don’t forget to join! All volunteers must register and go through a background check per CCISD regulations and State Law. Registration can be found at

All parents are encouraged to volunteer for at least one activity per year.

By why stop there? This is an incredible group of kids to work with! Watch year-round for sign-up opportunities in Charms, and contact the chairperson of the committees that pique your interest. (Contact information may be obtained by emailing the booster club. See the Contact Us tab on the Charger Band website for more info.) If you see an opening to chair a committee and you would like take the lead, contact the booster club for more info.


Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: OPEN

This committee explores the possible grants and donations available to the Band and/or Band Booster Club and applies for those grants and donations.


Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: Sonia Lozano

This committee works with the VP of Communications to design, maintain, and implement timely updates to the band website, and posts relevant articles and events to Facebook and Twitter.


Approximate Timeframe: Variable, Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: OPEN

This committee provides treats at various functions such as concerts, trips, band camps, and other band socials as necessary. This committee also provides information to the intermediate school band programs and welcomes incoming freshmen.


Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: OPEN

This committee arranges fellowship activities for band members, decorates the band hall and fine arts wing before contests, and arranges for other activities to enhance social relations and morale among all band students.


Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: Toni Cullins

This committee arranges the sale of spirit items such as car decals, yard signs, chaperone shirts, ornaments, and other appropriate items. Responsibilities include selecting vendors, arranging payment with the board of directors, setting up booths (a table) to sell items at all home band events and football games, distributing items purchased by band members.


Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: India Allen

Committee members issue properly fitting marching and concert uniforms to students, alter marching uniforms when issued and again at games and contests as needed, clean uniforms, collect uniforms at the end of the year, and take inventory for the directors.


Approximate Timeframe: August – September
2019 Chair: TBD

Volunteers are on hand during outdoor marching rehearsals to care for students who become overheated or injured. Responsibilities include assessing the severity of illness and determining if a parent needs to be called, administering liquids, applying cooling cloths, minor first aid, administering medications as indicated on the student’s medical consent form, documenting all aid administered, and/or contacting the athletic trainers for more serious injuries.

Parents that are Physicians, RNs, Paramedics, or EMTs and are needed to join the Heat Crew to address first aid and medical needs that occur.


Approximate Timeframe: Variable, Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: Margaret Gibb

Chaperones carry the responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of all the students at events, from football games and marching contests in the fall to concert contests in the spring and all the parties, parades, and contests in between!

Parents that are Physicians, RNs, Paramedics, or EMTs and are needed to travel with the band to performances and events. The band first aid volunteer carries the first aid kit (including medications) and addresses first aid and medical needs that occur.


Approximate Timeframe: August – November
2019 Chair: TBD

 Props are used during the marching show and Indoor Drumline to add visual interest to the overall presentations. Props are designed with input from the directors and built by volunteers. Carpentry, metalworking, and mechanical skills are a plus but not necessary. Other tasks may include painting, upholstering, detail crafting, sanding, and problem solving.

All skill levels welcome!


Approximate Timeframe: Variable, Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: OPEN

Roadies are responsible for hauling, lifting, loading, and unloading equipment and props as necessary at football games and various competitions throughout the year.


Approximate Timeframe: August – November
2019 Chair: Marlene Guzman

This committee arranges for game meals during marching season prior to each football game as well as other opportunities that are deemed necessary during the year. Duties include selection of food vendors, pricing, pick-up, and dispensing of meals the day of the event. This committee also purchases the snacks distributed to students after half-time at football games and during marching contests.


Approximate Timeframe: September – October
2019 Chair: OPEN

The committee chair will work with the booster club board of directors and student leaders to determine what kind of booth the band will run at the annual homecoming carnival. Once a determination has been made, the idea is submitted to CSHS administrators for approval. Volunteers then make the required arrangements for materials, build (if needed), set up, and run the booth.


Approximate Timeframe: October 12 & 19; March TBD

The Clear Springs Band will be providing parent volunteers to serve as time keepers and monitors to help move bands from one area to another at marching contests hosted at CCISD Challenger Columbia Stadium as well as a Drumline Competition hosted at Clear Springs in March.


Approximate Timeframe: Fall TBD
2019 Chair: OPEN

Seniors are “kidnapped” and chauffeured to breakfast to celebrate their final year of band together.  Parent volunteers are needed to drive the students to and from breakfast. The chairperson will coordinate with the booster club board of directors to set the date and time of the event and to get the names of participating seniors. The chairperson may also make arrangements with the venue and coordinate drivers or they may delegate other committee members to help with these and other necessary tasks.


Approximate Timeframe: November-December
2018 Chair: OPEN

Volunteers plan the annual Holiday Party held following the League City Holiday Parade for all current band and color guard students and their parents. Volunteers collect donations for the party, decorate at the school while the band marches in the parade, set up and facilitate party games, and clean up after the party.

SECTION SOCIAL/S (per occurance)

Approximate Timeframe: TBD
2019-2020 Chair/s: TBD

The clarinets won a competition during the Holiday Party by collecting the most donations for people in need. Or the low brass raised the most money in a fundraiser. Competitions are often introduced to encourage the students to particiate. Sometimes the award is kudos. Other times it may be a get-together. The committee chair will coordinate with the section leader and booster club president to set a date for the winning group to have their party. The committee will then plan and facilitate the event including collecting funds as needed, purchasing any treats, and all the trappings.


Approximate Timeframe: TBD
2019-2020 Chair: OPEN

The chairperson will coordinate with the booster club board of directors to set the date and location of this fundraiser. Volunteers help to make the arrangements and advertise the event as well as hands-on help on the day of the breakfast.


Approximate Timeframe: Year-Round
2019-2020 Chair: TBD

The chair of this committee arranges for the collection of photos from throughout the year and compiles them into a digital photo album (yearbook) to be offered for purchase to students and parents at the end of the year.

Photographers are needed at ALL events to document all the awesomeness that occurs. Photos should be submitted as directed by the chair to be included on the band website, Facebook/Twitter pages, and digital yearbook.


Approximate Timeframe: August – March
2019 Chair: Emily Horn

Taste of the Town is a family-oriented, community event during which local restaurants will showcase their signature dishes for guests to sample. Volunteers help solicit vendors and silent auction donations, obtain required permits, sell tickets, check in guests, set up and decorate the cafeteria, and clean up after the event.

The Silent Auction chair will spearhead the collection of donated items and coordinate volunteers as they assemble baskets and run the silent auction table on the night of Taste of the Town.


Approximate Timeframe: April-May
2020 Chair: OPEN

Parent volunteers sell tickets to the end-of-the-year banquet, arrange for a catered meal, decorate the venue, check in guests at the event, serve food and drinks, chaperone the dance, and clean up afterward.




The first production of next year’s marching show “Dios de los Muertos” is available for download in Charms for brass and woodwinds.

Download Instructions:
  1. Click here to go to CHARMS
  2. Enter student ID to log in (or other password if you changed it from your ID)
  3. Click on the “Handouts & Files” icon
  4. Click on the folder labeled “01 Marching Show Music”
  5. Click on the PDF file for your instrument. If your instrument has multiple parts (2 or more), print all of the parts so there is flexibility when assigning parts.
Please Note:

Re-enroll or Enroll in Kroger Community Rewards

KrogerIf you have been enrolled in the Kroger community Rewards program in previous years, please take a moment to re-enroll.  Everyone must re-enroll every year.  You should have received an email from Kroger that allows for a simple one click re-enrollment.  If this is new to you, please consider enrolling – it’s easy money.

Kroger Community Rewards® makes supporting the Clear Springs Charger Band students super easy.  All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Kroger Plus Card and Kroger will donate a percentage of your receipt to the band at no cost to you.  First, you need to enroll your Kroger Plus Card in the community rewards program by following the instructions below.

  1. Visit Kroger Community Rewards
  2. Sign in or create an account
  3. The organization number for the Clear Springs High School Band Booster is: 91187

Please share this with your friends and family as this is an easy way for them to support the band students.  For your convenience you can use the share buttons below to share through Facebook, twitter, or email.


1st Semester Instrument Loan Fee & Contract

In order for our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students, Clear Creek ISD assesses a  fee of $50 per semester ($100 for the entire school year) to students who use a school owned instrument.  This fee, while not small, is substantially less than what it would be to rent an instrument from a music store.

The 1st Semester Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract and fee were originally due Oct. 1st; However, we have pushed that date back to Friday, October 16th.  We will finish distributing The Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contracts to the students who are using school owned instruments by Thursday, October 8th.  Please sign the Instrument Loan Contract and submit BOTH the contract and the payment for either just the 1st semester or for both the 1st and 2nd semesters if you would like to take care of the 2nd semester at this time.  Please make Checks payable to “CCISD-MEF”.  DO NOT make checks payable to Clear Springs High School, to the band, to the booster club, or anything else.  ONLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “CCISD-MEF”.  Also, DO NOT combine this payment with any other payments.

Please submit the 1st semester payment and contract by Friday, October 16th.  Payments not made by that date will be added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

Important Notes:
  • If a student uses more than one school owned instrument, only one contract and one payment needs to be submitted.
  • As this is a CCISD fee and not a Clear Springs Band fee, this fee will not show up in the financial section of CHARMS and cannot be paid with a credit card through CHARMS.  This also will not show up in LinkED unless it is not paid by the due date and we have to add it to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.
  • You can track whether or not the contract and payment has been turned in by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Forms Collected” icon.
  • Percussion have to pay this fee as they use school owned instruments and may check out instruments to take home for practice.
If the contract that is given to the students is lost you will need to print a new one from CHARMS using the directions below:
  1. Login to CHARMS
  2. Click the “Inventory Uniforms” icon
  3. You should see a list of items checked out to the students, click the button labeled “F” to the right of an instrument (not a lock or locker)
  4. Print the form

Yard Signs & Car Decals

They’re finally HERE!  Order your Charger Band custom car decals and yard signs.  Please either visit our on-line store by clicking here or print off the attached order forms, fill them out, attach your check or money order made out to the CSHS Band Boosters (or your cash payment), put them all in an envelope and drop them off in the band hall safe.  The initial orders were due September 30, 2015, however we will continue to accept new orders with an increased priced for the decals of  $12 due to no longer being able to take advantage of bulk pricing.

charger band car decal order form 2015
charger band yard sign flyer 1

Thank you for your patience as we worked out details and thank you to Marlene Guzman for doing all the leg work for us!  For questions about car decals or yard sign orders, please contact Marlene Guzman at

Updated 10/6: removed due date and change price of decal.

Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations

Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Dinner will be served buffet style in front of Culinary Arts.  We will also have some tables available in Room 1816.
  • Clean up your own mess!!!!!!!
  • Change into uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  If you are missing an item get it taken care of before a director comes to check you so that you do not delay our departure or hold up your line for dismissal.
  • Have all items laid out in front of you in the same configuration as posted on the white board.  This will make inspection go a lot faster.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.
Game Procedures:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
Game Behavior Expectations:
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS. Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument and uniform (when applicable) are put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.  This includes but is not limited to your water jug, shako, gloves, shoes, garment bag, tote bag, undergarments and instrument.

Important Volunteer Information

If you have signed up or plan on signing up to volunteer or chaperon any band event this year this applies to you.  If you have volunteered in the past, you need to reapply.  Please take care of this today as it can take a few days to get approved.  We need all chaperons to be in compliance by Friday’s football game.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

We received the following message this morning……

All parents or community members interested in volunteering, must reapply to be a volunteer for the 2015-2016 school year. The system has been cleared as of August 1st to support new registrations. Volunteers can apply online at… Approved volunteers will be notified via email and will be directed to contact your campus to see what volunteer opportunities are available.

Meet The Chargers

This is a community pep rally.  That means that all members of the community are invited to come and show their support for the Clear Springs Chargers Band, Silverados, Cheerleaders, and Fall Athletes.


Wednesday, August 26th

3:00 – Rehearsal
5:30 – Rehearsal Ends – Dinner Break (bring your own)
6:10 – Assemble in Band Hall
6:30 – Meet the Chargers in Main Gym
7:30 – end of event
7:35 – Band Hall closed/all students picked up
Clear Springs High School – Competition Gym

What to wear:

Rehearsal clothes are acceptable; however, students may change clothes and be less smelly if they so choose.


As you can see in the schedule above, rehearsal on this day ends at 5:30.  Students may bring a sack dinner or parents may deliver one to school at 5:30.  We will not be providing a meal.

Back To School

Students bringing instruments, rehearsal gear to school in the morning…
  • Go directly to the Cafeteria upon arrival.  Do not go to the Fine Arts Hallway
  • Wait in the Cafeteria until 7:00 AM or until Dr. Ruiz releases you
  • Exit through the parking lot doors(do not go down Mane Street)
  • Cross breezeway
  • Enter glass doors by Band Hall by 7:10 AM (do not enter exterior band hall door)
  • If you arrive after 7:10 AM, you will need to enter through the Cafeteria and wait for the bell to dismiss students to First Period
Students not bringing instruments, rehearsal gear to school in the morning…
  • Remain in Cafeteria until bell rings dismissing everyone to First Period
  • Do not enter the Band Hall or hang out in the Fine Arts Hallway before school
Remember that for security reasons, only students currently enrolled in band are allowed in the Band Hall.  All non-band students will need to wait on Mane Street or in the cafeteria.
What students need for band class…
  1. Band binder with fundamental book and show music (downloadable from Charms), flip folder, and lyre for instrument. (THIS INCLUDES FOOTBALL PLAYERS)
  2. Dot book
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
    • We will do basic marching in the band hall, students are required to change into athletic shoes if they are not wearing them to school.
  6. Clothing that allows students to perform all visuals
    • Students wearing tight jeans or skirts will need to change into athletic shorts; however, this will need to take place during the 7 minute passing period as we do not set aside class time for students to change clothes.
What students need for after school rehearsals…
  1. Band binder with fundamental book and show music, flip folder, and lyre for instrument.
  2. Dot book
  3. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
  4. Pencil(s)
  5. Water jug or Camelbak (1/2 gallon minimum; does not have to be the blue one purchased at Equipment Night) – we suggest filling the jug with ice then with water so the water will still be cold by the time rehearsal begins at 3:00.
  6. Athletic shoes
    • Vans, converse, vibram five fingers, or similar shoes, sandals, and flip flops are not acceptable footwear.
  7. White athletic t-shirt and shorts (any color)
    • Tank tops are allowed.
    • Ladies undergarments must remain hidden
  8. Sunscreen
    • Get the correct SPF for your skin type.
    • Apply sunscreen before going outside.
  9. Hat/visor and sunglasses
    • Sun protection for your eyes
    • Silly hats are not acceptable.
  10. Students may eat a snack after school.  Those who eat A lunch are encouraged to eat a snack after school.

Note: failure to have required items at during and after school rehearsals will negatively affect weekly participation grades.

Notes for parents…
  1. Please refrain from dropping forgotten items off at the front desk for your child.  If possible, please wait until 2:45 and deliver the items to your child outside the band hall.
  2. The UIL 8-hour Rule begins with the first day of school.  Please pick up your child within ten minutes of the conclusion of rehearsals.  We will not go over time due to the UIL 8-Hour Rule.  To re-familiarize yourself with this rule, please see the required forms section at Charms.
  3. Please use caution when picking up your child as there will be a lot of foot traffic moving in both directions across the driveway.  Please use a designated parking space if one is available or pick your child up from the front of the school.
  4. For the safety of the students, please avoid driving on the band practice field while students are on the lot moving equipment.