UIL & Pre-UIL Performances Upcoming

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner.  However, before they perform at Pearland for judges, they will be performing their contest music at our Pre-UIL concert so that friends and family who cannot attend UIL can have an opportunity to hear the contest music.  It is also an opportunity to have a dress rehearsal before we go to contest.

Pre-UIL Concert
Tuesday, April 14th

Clear Springs High School – Auditorium

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause.  If you are able, please consider also coming to Pearland and supporting the students at their UIL performances as well.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Symphonic Band
Tuesday, April 21st

Pearland High School – Auditorium
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 23rd

Pearland High School – Auditorium

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class the weeks of April 13th and 20th.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

Letter Jacket

Students who believe they are eligible for a letter jacket must download and print the letter jacket form from CHARMS, fill it out completely and turn it in to Mr. Williams by Thursday, April 2.  Students whose forms are turned in on time and have the eligible number of points will be given an order packet the following week.  Orders will then take place during lunches on April 29.  When you receive the order packet, the band office is no longer involved in the ordering process until the jackets are delivered sometime over the summer.  For more details about letter jackets and qualifications, see the Awards section in the Band Handbook.

Trip Award Submissions

All trip photo submissions should be saved to a flash drive and turned in to Mr. Williams by Monday, April 6.  If you are submitting photos for multiple categories, create a separate folder for each category and name each folder according to this example.

example: Hidden Mickeys – Beyonce Knowles, Group Photos – Beyonce Knowles, Character Photos – Beyonce Knowles

Students submitting for Most Autographs should turn in their original autograph book.  Be sure the student’s name is included.  Remember only autographs obtained on the trip are eligible.

Awards will be handed out at the band banquet in May.

CCISD Instrument Loan Contract & Fee

In order for our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students, Clear Creek ISD assesses a  fee of $50 per semester ($100 for the entire school year) to students who use a school owned instrument.  This fee, while not small, is substantially less than what it would be to rent an instrument from a music store.

We have not yet collected the fee or the Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract for the 1st or 2nd semester of the 2014-2015 school year.  We will begin collecting this fee and contract at this time; we waited until this time of year to collect this fee in order to not have it due at the same time as other payments (e.g. band dues,  Orlando trip payment, etc…).  The Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract will be distributed to the students who are using school owned instruments on Wednesday, March 25th.  Please sign the Instrument Loan Contract and submit BOTH the contract and the payment for the 1st and 2nd semesters(if applicable). These should be turned in to Mr. Brown by Wednesday, April 8th.  Please make Checks payable to “CCISD-MEF”.  DO NOT make checks payable to Clear Springs High School, to the band, to the booster club, or anything else.  ONLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “CCISD-MEF”.

Please submit the payment and contract by Wednesday, April 8th or you will be added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

Important Notes:
  • If a student uses more than one school owned instrument, only one contract and one payment needs to be submitted.
  • As this is a CCISD fee and not a Clear Springs Band fee, this fee will not show up in the financial section of CHARMS and cannot be paid with a credit card through CHARMS.  This also will not show up in CCISD4me.com unless it is not paid by the due date and we have to add it to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.
  • You can track whether or not the contract and payment has been turned in by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Forms Collected” icon.
  • Percussion have to pay this fee as they use school owned instruments.
  • Students are encouraged to take care of any fees that they may have on the Clear Springs fine and fee list as students will not be able to go to the band banquet at the end of the year if they are not clear.  They will also not be able to buy tickets to prom or graduate
If the contract that is given to the students is lost you will need to print a new one from CHARMS using the directions below:
    1. Login to CHARMS
    2. Click the “Inventory Uniforms” icon
    3. You should see a list of items checked out to the students, click the button labeled “F” to the right of an instrument (not a lock or locker)
    4. Print the form

Chili’s Give Back Event

A great way to help help raise some additional funds for the band is to have lunch or dinner at Chili’s.  Yes, you read that right, simply have lunch or dinner at Chili’s and present the following flier when you pay for your meal and Chili’s will donate 15% of your purchase amount to the band.

Chili’s Give Back Event Flier

Tuesday, March 24th
2845 Gulf Fwy S
League City, TX 77573-6781
(this is the one by 646)

This is a very easy way to raise some funds.  Let’s try and make this as successful as possible by not only participating but also by printing out extra fliers and giving them to friends, relatives, and/or co-workers.

Please remember to present the flier when paying for your meal!!

Required Orlando Trip Meeting

Our trip to Orlando is quickly approaching and to prepare we will be having a mandatory trip meeting for all students and at least one parent or guardian.

Monday, March 2
7:00 PM
Auditorium – Clear Springs High School

At this meeting, the trip handbook will be distributed which will include our itinerary.  We will be discussing important items that students will need to know for the trip as well as behavioral expectations.  There will also be forms to fill out and turn in.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.

photo credit: Express Monorail via photopin cc

Solo & Ensemble | Spaghetti Dinner Part 2

If you have not already read part 1 please click here and read it before continuing.

Students will be performing in the Band Hall, Choir Room, and Orchestra Room beginning at 5:30.  The “final” schedule, which is subject to change, has been posted in the band hall and a link to it was included in The Band Buzz email.

Audience members will need to enter between performances.  Video recording is allowed provided it is not a distraction the performers.  For this reason, flash photography is not allowed.

Important Notes:
  • The ensemble (triangle) room across from the choir room, and the practice rooms, will be used for warm up.
  • Students must get their instruments out of the band hall before 5:30 because they will not be able to get into the band hall once the recital begins.
  • Students should plan on arriving at least 30 minutes prior to their performance time and should be waiting outside the performance room 15 minutes prior to their performance time.
  • Students will need to listen and complete an ensemble evaluation form of 4 other performances that evening.  Evaluation forms will be provided.
  • The Spaghetti Dinner will be taking place in the cafeteria beginning at 6:00. Students planning on eating at the Spaghetti Dinner may eat either before or after their performance.
Students should wear business casual attire:
  • Boys Attire
    • Polo or button down shirt tucked in (No T-shirt)
    • Khaki or dark pants (No jeans)
    • Matching belt and dress shoes (No athletic shoes)
  • Girls Attire
    • Business casual appropriate pants or skirt (No jeans)
    • Business casual appropriate blouse (No t-shirt)
    • Business casual appropriate shoes (No athletic shoes)

Solo & Ensemble | Spaghetti Dinner

Students have been hard a work the last month or so preparing their solo and/or ensemble for performance at our Solo & Ensemble recital on February 26.  For your convenience, that evening we will also be having a Spaghetti Dinner to both help raise funds for the band students as well as make it easy to be able to attend the recital without having to cook any dinner yourself that evening.

Thursday, February 26th
Clear Springs High School

For the Solo & Ensemble recital we encourage family and friends to come out and listen to their students and we also ask that you listen to a couple of other students while your are here so that all students can have the opportunity to play for an audience.  The schedule of performance times will be available at the beginning of next week.

For the Spaghetti Dinner we will be serving a savory plate of pasta with meat sauce, salad, bread, and dessert.  Dinner is kindly being cooked by our very own CSHS Culinary Department in order to keep our costs at a minimum and it was a big hit in 2014.  The tickets for this event are being sold by the band students and are $10.  Four tickets were distributed to the students to sell on Tuesday, February 10th and any students who need additional tickets can get them from the directors.  All money and any unsold tickets need to be returned by Friday, February 20th.

As with many of the other fundraisers that we do, we can raise the most funds if tickets are sold to not only your own family but also to friends, neighbors and co-workers. So lets all do our best to make this evening a success.   Students don’t forget to purchase a ticket for yourself (or have your parents purchase it for you).


E-mail cshsbandbooster@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Continue reading part 2 of this article by clicking here.


Pancake Breakfast

Our next fundraiser coming up is our Pancake Breakfast where you will be able to enjoy a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage served to you by members of our band council.  Pancakes are “ALL YOU CAN EAT”

Saturday, January 31st
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
1150 West Nasa Road 1
Webster, TX 77598

Chili’s has generously donated their restaurant to allow us to host this event, they have also donated a chef to make the pancakes.

The tickets for this event are being sold by the band students and are $10.  Two tickets were distributed to the students to sell on Thursday, January 16th and any students who need additional tickets can get them from the directors.  All money and any unsold tickets need to be returned by Monday, January 26th.

As with many of the other fundraisers that we do, we can raise the most funds if tickets are sold to not only your own family but also to friends, neighbors and co-workers. So lets all do our best to make this morning a success.   Students don’t forget to purchase a ticket for yourself (or have your parents purchase it for you).

UNSOLD TICKETS MUST BE RETURNED! E-mail cshsbandbooster@gmail.com if you have any questions.

We Have An All-State Band Member

This past Saturday Kunqian Li participated in the Texas Music Educators Association Area F Band Auditions.  Area F encompasses all of southeast Texas from the Texas/Louisiana state line over to Katy ISD and all the way south to Brazosport ISD.  He is one of only two bass clarinetists selected to represent the area when the All-State students convene at the TMEA Clinic/Convention in San Antonio in February. Less than 1% of the students who begin the audition process earn a place in this prestigious organization.

Please help us congratulate Kunqian on this tremendous accomplishment as he is the first Charger to make the All-State Band!  (The previous Springs All-State students started at Creek and moved to Springs when the school opened.)