Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations

Departure Preparation:

  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • *Dinner will be served in the cafeteria in front of the serving lines. You must have previously ordered dinner. *(No dinner served for Game 1 on 8/31/19 – each student is responsible for providing their own dinner for this game.)
  • Clean up your own mess!!!!!!!
  • Change into uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  If you are missing an item get it taken care of before a director or drum major comes to check you so that you do not delay our departure or hold up your line for dismissal.
  • Have all items laid out in front of you in the same configuration as posted on the white board.  This will make inspection go a lot faster.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall. Color guard will be in the hallway.

Game Procedures and Behavior Expectations:

  • Please read the section in the Clear Springs Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted the band directors.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing solid music for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members into the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well.  You are welcome to sit next to the band if space permits.  We encourage you to take photos of your child in uniform, but please do so as not to impede the functions of the band.  You may pose for photos with them during the football team’s pregame warm-ups, 3rd quarter snack time or immediately following the game.

Post-Game Procedures:

  • We will send a message (THROUGH THE BAND APP) as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes after our anticipated arrival time.  Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument and uniform (when applicable) are put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.  This includes, but is not limited to your water jug, shako, gloves, shoes, garment bag, tote bag, undergarments and instrument.

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Please make sure that you have the following items with you for all football games that require the summer uniform.  We will have a uniform inspection in the band hall before departing for the game to check for all of these items except some instruments (see below).  Students missing items will either need to purchase new items or will be sent home.

What should be loaded on truck:

  • Instrument (except flutes and clarinets) and instrument accessories (e.g. reeds, valve oil, sticks, harnesses, etc.)
  • Lyre

What you need for uniform inspection:

Please be fully dressed in the summer uniform for uniform inspection.*

*Adjustments will be made according to uniform order arrivals. Stay tuned to the Band App and check your email for the most recent announcements!

  • Flutes and Clarinets
  • Flip folder (containing ALL stand tunes in order) Do NOT load this on the truck.
  • Blue half gallon water jug purchased at Equipment Night
  • Blue band shirt
  • Black band shorts
  • Black band baseball cap
  • Black no show socks (NOT ankle socks)
  • Black band shoes
  • Longer hair tied back with plain THIN/SKINNY BLACK hair tie

What you cannot have:

This is not a comprehensive list, only a list of the most common items that students bring that they are not allowed to have.

  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No thick/wide or colored headbands (students may wear a THIN/SKINNY BLACK headband to keep their bangs out of their face)
  • No face paint or glitter (unless approved by directors for Marching Show Purposes)
  • No Sunglasses
  • Phones must remain out of sight at all times

Water Wars – Friday, August 23 @ 6pm

Students & Parents,  
Guess what time it is….Water Balloons are bought, Fire Department has just been confirmed, and Kona Ice is booked……..Water Wars time!!!
Water Wars will be this Friday, August 23rd at 6pm, immediately following band Practice.  **Kona Ice will be there during event, so make sure to brings money for snow cones.  
For Freshman Parents, Water Wars is when our Volunteer Fire Fighters come out with one or two of their trucks and practices their drills by cooling off our kids with their water hoses.  We’ll also have an ultimate water balloon fight!    This is a good way to end summer band practice and the 1st week of school!
Girls & Guys, please do not wear white as water will make your apparel see through.  And please bring towels to dry off with and a change of clothes if you like.  You can also change back into cloths worn to school.
There are a few things needed to help with this event….1.  Water Ballons.  900 have been purchased, but If you have any lying around your house and want to donate to the band, we’ll take them.  The more the merrier!  Bunch O Ballons work best. 2.  Volunteers!! Volunteers!!  We need parents to volunteer to chaperone.  Just watching and making sure things are good from 5:45pm-7pm.      Also, need a back-up lead person for this event.
To sign up click here.
If anyone has any questions, please contact me.  We appreciate you all and really just want the kids to have a good time!

Toni Cullins


CSHS Charger Band Parent Meeting, Tues., 8/20/19

Charger Band Parents,

School has begun and our first football game is upon us!! Join us Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019 in the PAC at Clear Springs HS @ 7PM for an informative meeting led by the Directors and the Band Booster Club! Be sure to attend to get the most current information about marching band, get to know the Directors personally and meet other band parents. We could not have such a successful organization without each and every one of you! We hope to see you all there!

This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of: Clear Springs High School Band 501 Palomino Ln League City, TX 77573

2019 Rock-A-Thon Recap

Thank you to everyone who worked to make Rock-a-thon a success.  The kids had a great time, we surpassed our goal of $25,000, and the directors will soon have new hair colors!  The icing on the cake was that Mr. Williams made a surprise visit.  It was a great ending to a great day!

Our current total is $27,307.  We’re going to wait to announce the top fundraisers and order t-shirts to allow time for all donations to be received.  In the past several donations have come in the week after the event.  If you’re close to the free t-shirt, you still have some time to raise money!

The giveaway t-shirt designed by the student committee has been very popular.  Because we’ve had several students ask, they’re available to order for $12 here NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

Thanks again for your donations of time, money, and game prizes/items.  Our band family is the best!!

Alicia McConnell

VP Fundraising   

Rock-A-Thon 2019 is here…

It’s time for Rock-a-thon!  Tomorrow – 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.  Check-in begins at 7:30.  Below are some reminders for the event:

Continue to collect donations!  Anything you raise before Rock-a-thon begins, tomorrow at 8:00 am, counts toward your total.  The more you raise, the more prizes you could win!

Bring any donations you have in hand.  You can’t receive credit if you leave them at home.  To avoid a long waittomorrow, drop off your money this evening.  We’ll be collecting money and lunch orders from 6:30-8:00 in the cafeteria.  Enter the cafeteria directly from the back of the school.  The front doors will not be open.

Lunch – Lunch is $5.00 and will include Pizza, chips, cookie, and drink.  For special dietary needs – we have options.  Be sure to inform the person who takes your lunch order.

Bring a chair.  It can be a rocker or one on wheels.  Most kids prefer the wheels because they can move around.  They must sit in the chair at all times except for short 10 minute breaks.

Optional – Students can bring Video Game System (with Power strip/extension cords), Portable TV/DVD Player, Movies (must be approved by the director), Video Games (must be approved by the director), Cards, Dominoes, Board Games.

Do NOT bring snacks or drinks (The Booster Club will be selling concessions and taking orders for lunch at check in.  Please bring money for concessions!!!

Parents – You are invited to come at 2:00 and participate in the dodgeball game and listen to the directors answer questions about themselves.  It’s a chance to meet them and other band parents.  Please join us!

If you have last minute questions please contact Alicia McConnell at  Students can also text their section leaders at any time.  Thank you to everyone who is participating!

No General Booster Meeting Tonight and Other Upcoming Dates!!

Good evening, Charger Band Families!

This is just a reminder that there is NO General Band Booster Meeting tonight! Instead, there will be a required informational Parent Meeting next Tuesday, August 20th @ 7PM with a Gen. Booster Meeting to follow!

You will want to be present for this meeting as we will be discussing various topics that affect the entire band, included but not limited to the upcoming 2019 band dues that will be billed out soon.

We appreciate all of our band families and look forward to seeing all of you (and your family & friends) at our Preview Night @ Challenger Stadium this Thurs., Aug., 15th.

Other upcoming events this week: -Uniform fittings are in full effect this week! Check the Main Band Google Calendar for specifics! -Rockathon!!!!! Saturday, Aug. 17th starting at 7:30AM -3:30PM. All students should bring $5 for lunch as students are not allowed to leave once event has begun!! It’s not too late to copy and blast this link out to EVERYONE you know: Remember, the more we raise, the less fundraising that will take place through the year! Volunteers are still needed – log into Charms and sign up for a shift that works for you!! -Social Committee is looking for section parents to take the lead and be the point of contact for events. If you have received an email from them, please consider responding. You may contact Tish Wright — & Veronica Orozco- if you are interested or with any questions you might have.


From Mr. Williams – Rockathon

Dear Parents and Students,

Thank you to the parents and students who have reached out and wished me well during my cancer treatment.  Things are going well and your good thoughts are definitely helping.  Rest assured that I will return; however, the exact date is unknown at this time.  The band is in great hands and will do great things this fall!

One of my favorite events of the year is our annual Rockathon.  It is more than a fundraiser – it is a FUN-raiser that you want your child to be a part of.  It is our end of summer band/kick off the new year blowout party.  The students have worked really hard for the last few weeks and they need some time to be together to blow off steam and have a great time.  Students who have missed the event in the past end up wishing they had been there.  Parents are welcome to hang out to see what it is all about.

I would love to see 2019 as the year we get 100% participation both in attendance on Saturday and in pledges/donations from our band families.  In the past, we’ve barely hit 50% participation with the majority of those being 10-12th graders.  Every dollar we raise goes back to the band.  Please understand that the money raised does not go to each student’s band dues.  The money goes to meet the budget of the booster club.  It is our goal to raise enough money so the booster club can take over some of the costs that are associated with the band dues thus lowering the dues amount or eliminating the dues altogether. 

Along with the Amazon and Kroger programs (see the website for details), the Rockathon is a great way for family and friends from across the world to help out your band.  We’ve received donations from every continent in the past.  All they have to do is click the donation link on the website.  Try to get 10 people to donate $20.00.  When you reach that goal, try to get 5 more.  Blast the donation link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or whatever social media site you use.  We’ve even had students send donation requests to celebrities.  You never know who will step up and donate!

Keep up the hard work on the field and off.  I look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Stay cool,

Lester Williams

Director of Bands

Clear Springs High School

Clear Creek Independent School District


Hello Charger Band Families!

Now that our summer band is beginning to wind down, I wanted to take a moment to officially introduce myself. My name is Emelia Johnston, and I am joining the staff at CSHS as an assistant band director after spending the last 2 years as an assistant band director in Deer Park, TX. I am originally from the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, and attended the University of Georgia, where I was a member of the trumpet studio. GO DAWGS.

I have spent several years involved with the drum corps community, originally marching with Phantom Regiment Drum & Bugle Corps, and most recently as a brass instructor for Oregon Crusaders Drum & Bugle Corps and Genesis Drum & Bugle Corps. My primary instrument is trumpet, and I continue to play whenever I get the chance. I currently perform with the Sugar Land Winds out of Sugar Land, TX.

A few little facts about me…

I am an avid coffee drinker, a twin, I love to read, and love to be outdoors. I am a lover of ALL animals (although I am sadly very allergic to cats), but my favorites are dogs, sea turtles, koalas, and elephants.

My experiences with all of the students at Clear Springs so far have been incredibly positive, and I believe that to be a direct result of your support, both for your children and for our program as a whole. So thank you!  You all have some fantastic children, and I can’t wait to continue the high school band journey with them. I would love to meet you all in person soon. Please stop by a rehearsal and say hi!


Emelia Johnston

Heat Volunteers Needed

Hello everyone,
We need heat crew volunteers this week and next.  There are many open slots.  If you can get away for a couple hours during the day, please sign up.  Here are the sign up pages:
Tuesday 8-6
Wednesday 8-7
Thursday 8-8
Monday 8-12 (afternoon only)
Tuesday 8-13 (afternoon only)
Wednesday 8-14 (afternoon only)
Thursday 8-15 (afternoon only)
Thank you!!

This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of:
Clear Springs High School Band
501 Palomino Ln
League City, TX 77573Unsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences

Rock-a-thon FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Rock-A-Thon:

Q – What additional benefits will I get if I raise more than $500?
A – For every $100 over $500 raised, you will receive 10 Premium Raffle tickets.

Q – How will I know what donations were mailed in from my friends and family?
A – The Booster Club will be keeping track of all donations and will send each band member a list of who contributed and how much.

Q – Can my friends and relatives donate on-line?
A – Yes! On the website’s home page, in the right-hand column, you will see a link for “Rock-A-Thon Donations” – or use this direct link.

Q – What should I do if I lost my packet or want to send more than ten letters in the mail out part of the fundraising?
A – Go to the Fundraising Page on the website. There you can print out the letter signed by Mr. Williams. In addition to putting this letter in a legal-sized envelope to be stamped and addressed with your friend’s or family’s name, also include a stamped small envelope (we like 6-3/4″) addressed to: Clear Springs Charger Band, 501 Palomino Ln, League City, TX 77573.

Q – What should I do if I did not raise enough money to qualify for free food at the Rock-a-thon?
A – Bring money to spend at the concessions booth. We will have snacks for sale. Also, we will be taking orders for pizza and Chick-fil-A.

Q – What if I cannot find anything that rocks to bring to the Rock-a-thon?
A – Contact one of the band booster board members and we will see what we can find to loan to you.

Important Rock-a-thon Information

Charger Band 2019-2020 is officially underway.  Welcome to all our new families!

Rock-a-thon is just around the corner.  Join us for lunch on Saturday (August 3) and turn in your Rock-a-thon packets.  Although the calendar originally stated 2:00, we’ll be there at 1:00 to start collecting packets.  Everyone who turns in their 10 envelopes stamped and addressed TO US will be entered for a chance to compete in the wing eating contest.  Please DO NOT mail them yourself.  The winner will receive free chicken for a year!If you haven’t picked up your packet, they’ll be available in the band hall this evening and through the week.  You can also download the letters and instructions from the website at
Electronic option – Send the attached letter (or copy and paste) via email.  Include the following link – That will take them to our Rock-a-thon page where they can make their donation.  You’ll get credit for all online donations.

Rock-a-thon Packet Pickup

Saturday, August 3, 20191:00 p.m.

Slim Chickens – League City
2490 Gulf Fwy S

If you have any questions contact Alicia McConnell at

Thanks for supporting the band!

Alicia McConnell

2nd VP Fundraising

This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of:

Clear Springs High School Band
501 Palomino Ln
League City, TX 77573Unsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences

Equipment Night

Good evening Charger Band Fam, 

I hope you all have had a wonderful summer and the kids had a great first day back at band! 

Thank you for all of you who came to Equipment Night and waited patiently while we encountered unexpected POS issues!   This on top of class traffic flowing in at incorrect times and the sauna we had going on made the night especially special. 

If you did not turn in your order form at check out please get your order form turned in ASAP as we need to order our children’s uniform items so that we have them in time for our first performance.  Order forms and payment can be placed in the band safe in front of the directors office.  

If you turned in your order form and intended on paying through Charms when you got home.  There are still credit card processing issues.  The best way to pay for your uniform items is to send in a check written to CSHS Band Boosters with your students name in the memo line.  Payments can be placed in the band safe in front of the directors office.  

Again, thank you all for your patience.

I encourage you to join us at our first General Booster meeting at 7pm on August 13th.  This will be a great time to not only learn about the booster club and what we do for the kids, but a great time to discuss things as a group with our directors.

See you all soon.

Tina Foy

CSHS Band Booster President 

This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of:

Clear Springs High School Band
501 Palomino Ln
League City, TX 77573Unsubscribe From This List | Manage Email Preferences

Revised Schedule Due (7/29)

In order to allow our equipment night (Monday 07/29) to go as smoothly as possible, we will be adjusting our band camp schedule for the day. Please remember to bring your completed and signed physical forms on Monday morning. Thank you for your flexibility. I am looking forward to meeting you all!

Monday, July 29th (adjusted schedule due to equipment night)

7:00-10:00AM outside (3 hrs) *allows for us to not go over the 10 hours of marching outside before August 1st*

  • Marching Fundamentals


  • 10 minute transition inside
  • 50 minute dance block

11:00AM-1:00PM Lunch (not provided-please plan accordingly)


  • Music Rehearsals
  • 1:00-3:00PM Breathing/Fundamentals/Production 1
  • 3:00-4:00PM-Stands Tunes/halftime music

4:30-7:00PM- EQUIPMENT NIGHT (families follow the schedule with the older sibling) *fill out the consent form and medication form and bring to equipment night. They may be found on CHARMS.*

  • Juniors & Seniors-4:30-5:00PM
  • Sophomores-5:00-5:30PM
  • Freshmen M-Z- 5:30-6:15PM
  • Freshmen A-L- 6:15-7:00PM

Emelia Johnston

Clear Springs High School

Assistant Band Director

This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of:

Clear Springs High School Band
501 Palomino Ln
League City, TX 77573

Rock-A-Thon 2019

Rock-A-Thon 2019

Date: Saturday, August 17, 2019

Place:           Clear Springs High School Cafeteria

Check In:    7:30 AM

Start Time: 8:00 AM

End Time:   3:00 PM

The Rock-A-Thon is the annual band fundraiser/kick-off party. Students collect pledges from family members and friends, and then come have a fun-filled time rockin’ the day away! This fundraiser enables us to provide additional items for the band that the school district does not fund. Some of these items may include a truck and driver to transport instruments additional instructors, customized music, drill design, etc.

Note that this is a “lock-in” event.  This event is strictly for band members. Each student is encouraged to raise at least $250. No visitors will be allowed. No students may enter or leave during the event. The students will be chaperoned by band parents and directors. Between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm, there will be 50-minute rocking sessions with a 10-minute break every hour.

What to Bring:  

  • Rocking Chair, Rolling Desk Chair, Recliner, Glider, anything that “ROCKS”!!
  • Video Game System (with Power strip/extension cords)
  • Portable TV/DVD Player/I-Pod
  • Movies (must be approved by the director)
  • Video Games (must be approved by the director)
  • Cards, Dominoes, Board Games
  • NOT Snacks or Drinks (The Booster Club will be selling concessions and taking orders for lunch at check in. Contact us for special dietary needs.) Please bring money for concessions!!!

What’s In It For Me?

  • Opportunity to raise money for our Band
  • Opportunity to help my section earn free entry to the after party
  • Chances to WIN RAFFLE PRIZES that will be given away every hour.

For every additional $100 raised over $500, student will receive 10 Premium raffle tickets.