Game 3 @ La Porte

Friday, September 9

3:00 PM Rehearsal
4:00 PM Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into summer uniform
4:45 PM Inspection in the Band Hall
5:15 PM Depart CSHS
6:00 PM Arrive LaPorte Stadium
7:00 PM Kickoff
10:00 PM Depart LaPorte Stadium
10:30 PM Arrive CSHS
10:45 PM Band Hall closes/last student picked up

La Porte High School
301 E Fairmont Pkwy, La Porte, TX 77571 (map)

In an effort to relieve the stress and enhance the excitement of football games, we have created the following two posts which can be referred to throughout the season.  Please make sure that you read them or you will be very stressed.

A message for our chaperones:

For Saturday games, parents need to be at CSHS outside the band hall by 3pm, and for Friday games by 4pm.  Everyone must have a chaperone shirt.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook (which has recently been added to CHARMS) prior to the game.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Friday!

Excused Absences for Rehearsals

There are many puzzle pieces that must fit together correctly in order to have a successful band program that students and parents can enjoy and be proud to be a part of.  One of those puzzle pieces is student attendance at all rehearsals and performances.  This is an extremely important puzzle piece because band is a team activity and when any one person is missing it negatively affects all of the other members.  The reason for this is because at band rehearsals students are learning how their parts and marching fit with everyone else.  This is not something that students can learn at home, no matter how much they practice.  The individual may be able to succeed on his own, but until they and the people around them learn how to make things fit together, the puzzle cannot be completed.

Please take a moment to review the attendance policy in the band handbook.  Whenever a student misses a band event whether it is a rehearsal or performance, we need documentation from a parent indicating the reason for the absence.  We really appreciate those parents who have already contacted us about potential conflicts.  With proper communication and plenty of advance notice, we are able to work it out.

From time to time, students will become ill.  If they are sent home from school by the nurse, we ask that they have the nurse email Mr. Williams letting him know.  If the student is too ill to attend Saturday practice, a doctor’s (or urgent care clinic) note is required for the absence to be excused.

When students sign up for band, they have made a commitment to adhere to the rehearsal schedule set forth.  When we all work together, great things can happen!

TMEA All-State & Region Etudes Available


The high school region band process is very similar to the junior high region band process, However, there are two main differences.  The first is that there is a freshman only region band audition which takes place before the high school audition  and which is a non-performing band. The Freshman Region audition is for the purpose of earning a region band patch, points toward your letter jacket, and most importantly practice for the high school region auditions.  Freshman may audition for freshman region, high school region, or both. The second main difference between junior high and high school is that the highest placing students at Region band will advance to the Area band auditions and then the highest placing students at Area will become Texas All-State musicians, a prestigious honor.  They will then have the privilege of performing with one of the All-State ensembles at the Texas Music Educators Association convention in February.

Though participation in the region band auditions is not required it is strongly encouraged as the whole process is a very educationally beneficial one.  Also, students who wish to attempt to move up a band for second semester must participate in region auditions and students who do not want to be passed up by another student, and possibly moved down a band, should participate as well. All Symphonic Band students will be tested on the Freshman cuts and all Wind Ensemble students will be tested on the entire etudes starting in September. Placement at the region audition in December will be a factor in second semester placement.

TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) has posted the etude lists for the 2016-2017 All-State & Region Band auditions which can be viewed on TMEA’s website by clicking here.  For your convenience, we have also created packets with the etudes and performance guides available for download from CHARMS. The Freshman cuts can be downloaded by clicking here or by visiting CHARMS.

We highly recommend that everyone purchase the etude books as the same book is often used every year and these books are excellent practice tools after All-State auditions have ended and before next year’s etudes are announced.  The list of etude books can be found by on TMEA’s website by clicking here.

All-State & Region Practice Recommendations

Do NOT immediately sit down and start playing through the etudes.  You will learn bad habits from doing this that will be hard to fix later.  Instead, break the etudes into small easily manageable sections, work through the steps below until successful and then play through the sections of music. (A section can be a couple of measures, one line, or maybe 2 lines, but do not do more than 2 lines at a time.)

  1. Read the Performance Guide
    • This can be found on TMEA’s website by clicking here or in the packets available for download from CHARMS.
    • Read it again as you begin to learn and improve on the etudes.
  2. Practice small sections of the music at a time
    • Mark your phrases before you start practicing
    • Work on only one phrase at a time
    • Do not combine phrases until you can do each of the following
      • Play each phrase without stopping
      • Play each phrase with logical breaths
      • Play each phrase at the same tempo
  3. Attack the hard parts first!
    • These will be the sections that need the most time to work up
    • It is OK to go slower on these sections in the beginning
    • Is is NOT OK to play through the etude slowing down on the hard parts and speeding up on the easy ones.  Everything must be at the same tempo unless there is a ritard or a tempo change that is marked.
  4. Use a metronome
    • Seriously, use a metronome 100% of the time that you are practicing, and focus on completing the steps below, in-time with the metronome.
    • Start slow, only get faster when you can complete all of the steps below successfully.
    • Don’t get frustrated and turn the metronome off.  Keep it on and make yourself stay with it.
    • If you can’t play it with the metronome, then you definitely can’t play it without one.
  5. Determine the key of each section and practice the scale, scale in thirds, and arpeggios for that key.
    • A lot of times the key is in the title
    • If it is in a minor key, practice the scale, thirds, and arpeggios three times more than you would if it were a major key.
    • Memorize the scale, thirds, and arpeggios
    • Be sure to play the full range of the etude
    • Practice with a metronome turned on
    • Practice both slowly while focusing on getting every note to sound the same, and fast while focusing on getting your fingers to be even.
    • Make this a part of your daily routine every time you practice.
    • If there are chromatic segments, practice the chromatic scale as well.
  6. Count the rhythm with a metronome
    • Count as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Instrument should be in playing position
    • Finger/position your part as you count
    • Only continue when you have counted and fingered/positioned 100% successfully.
    • If there is a rhythm that you are not sure how to count, work on a different section until you have asked for help.
    • Continue doing this two or three times a week until auditions are over.
  7. Say note names with a metronome
    • Always do this under tempo, you won’t be able to do it as fast as counting or playing.  You may need to go as slow as 50, 60, or 70 beats per minute, but it will definitely pay off in the end.
    • Say note names as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe).  Practice until you get it right.
    • Say flats and sharps (e.g. if you have a B-Flat, then say “B-Flat”)
    • Finger/position your part as you say the note names
    • Only continue when you have said the note names and fingered/positioned 100% successfully and in time with the metronome
  8. Play the part
    • Record yourself with an app that can playback the recording slower than it was performed (Audacity and Goldwave are good ones)
    • Listen to the recording at different speeds and analyze your performance
    • Did you stay with the metronome?
    • Did you play the correct rhythm?
    • Did you play the correct pitches?
    • If you are having trouble playing the correct rhythms, then spend more time counting.  If you are having trouble playing the correct pitches, then spend more time saying note names.
    • If you hate the way you sound, practice to sound better.
  9. Move on to next section or repeat this section at a faster tempo

Game 2 vs. Dobie

Saturday, September 3

3:30 PM Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into summer uniform
4:00 PM Inspection in the Band Hall
4:30 PM Depart CSHS
4:50 PM Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
6:00 PM Kickoff
9:00 PM Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
9:20 PM Arrive CSHS
9:40 PM Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX  (map)

In an effort to relieve the stress and enhance the excitement of football games, we have created the following two posts which can be referred to throughout the season.  Please make sure that you read them or you will be very stressed.

A message for our chaperones:

For all Saturday games, parents need to be at CSHS outside the band hall by 3pm, and during the week games at 4pm.  Everyone must have a chaperone shirt.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook (which has recently been added to CHARMS) prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Saturday!

Game 1 vs. Pearland


Fri, August 26

3:00 PM Rehearsal
4:00 PM Load Truck, Eat Dinner, Change into Summer Uniform
4:40 PM Block in Band Hall
5:00 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:30 PM Depart CSHS
5:50 PM Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
7:00 PM Kickoff
10:00 PM Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
10:20 PM Arrive at CSHS
10:40 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598 (map)


The first football game is always one of the most exciting and stressful events of the year.  In an effort to relieve the stress and enhance the excitement we have created the following two posts which can be referred to throughout the season.  Please make sure that you read them or you will be very stressed.

Important Volunteer Information

If you plan on signing up to volunteer or chaperone any band event this year, this announcement applies to you.

All parents or community members interested in volunteering, must apply to be a volunteer for the 2016-2017 school year.  Volunteers can apply online at

Approved volunteers will be notified via email. Band volunteer opportunities can be found in Charms.

Please apply as soon as possible since it may take a few days to get approved.  We need chaperones to be in compliance by Friday’s football game.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

If you volunteered with the Charger Band for 2015-2016 you are covered for this year, as well.  Freshman parents have to re-enroll and choose Clear Springs as your school.  Your Intermediate school volunteer enrollment does not roll over.

Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations


Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Dinner will be served in the cafeteria in front of the serving lines. You must have previously ordered dinner.
  • Clean up your own mess!!!!!!!
  • Change into uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  If you are missing an item get it taken care of before a director comes to check you so that you do not delay our departure or hold up your line for dismissal.
  • Have all items laid out in front of you in the same configuration as posted on the white board.  This will make inspection go a lot faster.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.
Game Procedures and Behavior Expectations:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS. Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument and uniform (when applicable) are put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.  This includes but is not limited to your water jug, shako, gloves, shoes, garment bag, tote bag, undergarments and instrument.

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Please make sure that you have the following items with you for all football games that require the summer uniform.  We will have a uniform inspection in the band hall before departing for the game to check for all of these items except some instruments (see below).  Students missing items will either need to purchase new items or will be sent home.

What should be loaded on truck:
  • Instrument (except flutes and clarinets) and instrument accessories (e.g. reeds, valve oil, sticks, harnesses, etc.)
  • Lyre
What you need for uniform inspection:

Please be fully dressed in the summer uniform for uniform inspection.

  • Flutes and Clarinets
  • Flip folder (containing ALL stand tunes in order) Do NOT load this on the truck.
  • Blue half gallon water jug purchased at Equipment Night
  • Blue band polo
  • Black band shorts
  • Black no show socks (NOT ankle socks)
  • Black band shoes
  • Plain black leather or faux-leather belt(NO bling)
  • Longer hair tied back with plain THIN/SKINNY BLACK hair tie
What you cannot have:

This is not a comprehensive list, only a list of the most common items that students bring that they are not allowed to have.

  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No thick/wide or colored headbands (students may wear a THIN/SKINNY BLACK headband to keep their bangs out of their face)
  • No Hats
  • No Sunglasses
  • Phones must remain out of sight at all times

Water Wars II (The Sequel)

Come join in the fun as the CSHS Charger Band celebrates the beginning of the school year with water fun!  The League City Fire Department will be in attendance on Saturday, August 27, from 12-1pm, directly following our first Saturday practice.

Any parents interested in organizing games for the kids, please contact Laura Santos at 

Kona Ice will also be there on Saturday, 12-12:30, so bring your $ if you want a frozen treat.

As their will be no sopping wet Chargers allowed in the band hall, please remember to bring your towels.  Also on the “to bring” list: water guns, water balloons and anything else water related you’d like to use as we battle the heat in our second annual Water Wars.

Back to School 2016

All Band students…
  • Go directly to the Band Hall upon arrival at school.
  • Remain in the Band Hall until the bell rings releasing you to 1st Period or Advisory.
  • You may not eat breakfast in the Band Hall.  You can drop off your gear in the Band Hall then exit through the exterior door and enter the cafeteria via the breezeway.
Remember that for security reasons, only students currently enrolled in band are allowed in the Band Hall.  All non-band students will need to wait on Mane Street or in the cafeteria.
What students need for band class…
  1. Band binder with fundamental book and show music (downloadable from Charms), flip folder, and lyre for instrument. (THIS INCLUDES FOOTBALL PLAYERS)
  2. Dot book
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
    • We will do basic marching in the band hall, students are required to change into athletic shoes if they are not wearing them to school.
  6. Clothing that allows students to perform all visuals
    • Students wearing tight jeans or skirts will need to change into athletic shorts; however, this will need to take place during the 7 minute passing period as we do not set aside class time for students to change clothes.
What students need for after school rehearsals…
  1. Band binder with fundamental book and show music, flip folder, and lyre for instrument.
  2. Dot book
  3. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
  4. Pencil(s)
  5. Water jug or Camelbak (1/2 gallon minimum; does not have to be the blue one purchased at Equipment Night) – we suggest filling the jug with ice then with water so the water will still be cold by the time rehearsal begins at 3:00.
  6. Athletic shoes
    • Vans, converse, vibram five fingers, or similar shoes, sandals, and flip flops are not acceptable footwear.
  7. White athletic t-shirt and shorts (any color)
    • Tank tops are allowed.
    • Ladies undergarments must remain hidden
  8. Sunscreen
    • Get the correct SPF for your skin type.
    • Apply sunscreen outside near the bike racks and not in the Band Hall.
  9. Hat/visor and sunglasses
    • Sun protection for your eyes
    • Silly hats are not acceptable.
  10. Students may eat a snack after school in the fine arts hallway as long as they clean up after themselves.  Those who eat A lunch are highly encouraged to eat a snack after school.

Note: failure to have required items at during and after school rehearsals will negatively affect weekly participation grades.

Notes for parents…
  1. Please refrain from dropping forgotten items off at the front desk for your child.  If possible, please wait until 2:45 and deliver the items to your child outside the band hall.
  2. The UIL 8-hour Rule begins with the first day of school.  We will not go over time due to the UIL 8-Hour Rule.  To re-familiarize yourself with this rule, please see the required forms section at Charms.
  3. Please pick up your child within 10 minutes of the rehearsal’s conclusion.  If you will not be able to make it within that time, please make other arrangements.
  4. Use caution when picking up your child as there will be a lot of foot traffic moving in both directions across the driveway.
  5. Rather than using the bus lane for pick up and drop off, we ask that you please use a designated parking space on the cafeteria end of the practice lot if one is available or use the pick-up/drop-off area at the front of the school.
  6. For the safety of the students, please avoid driving past the 50 yard line on the band practice field while students are on the lot moving equipment.
  7. Continue to monitor your child for proper hydration.