Concert Uniform Fittings/Check-out

Fittings & Check-out for concert uniforms will take place as follows:

Wind Ensemble
Tuesday, November 10th – 2:30 PM

Symphonic Band
Wednesday, November 11th – 2:30 PM

Concert Band
Thursday, November 12th – 2:30 PM

For our concerts you will need the following items:

  1. Long black sock
  2. Black dress shoes (black marching shoes are also acceptable)
  3. Tuxedo shirt
  4. Black bow tie
  5. Black Cummerbund
  6. Tuxedo pants (school owned)
  7. Tuxedo jacket (school owned)
  1. Black closed toed shoes with 1 inch or less heel
  2. Concert dress (school owned)

No jewelry is to be worn and any hair ties must be black.

Less Than A Week To Go – CCISD Band Raffle

The CCISD High School Marching Band Raffle fundraiser only has less than a week to sell your raffle tickets for a chance to win an IPad Mini, $50 Starbucks Gift Card, or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.  Money and/or any unsold raffle tickets are due in the band hall safe by Monday, November 16th.


Please download and print the CSHS Spirit Night flyer by clicking here and bring it to either night at Fuddruckers’s on NASA Road One to support the CCISD Band Booster Clubs.


Clear Creek and Clear Springs will have their “Spirit Night” on Tuesday, November 17, while Clear Brook and Clear Lake will have their “Spirit Night” on Wednesday, November 18 along with the Grand Prize Raffle drawing at 8pm. Please attend the one that best fits your schedule.


Remember you do not have to be present to win, but WE would appreciate everyone that can come out to Fuddruckers’s.


The raffle tickets sell for $5 per ticket or a book of three tickets for $10. For every 2 books of 3 tickets sold (Total of 6 Tickets), the student will earn a chance to have their name entered into the incentive drawing for the iPad Mini and Gift Cards. The incentive drawing will be conducted Wednesday, November 18.



Thank you very much,


Tina Perry


Playoff Game #1 vs. Alief Taylor


3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Load truck/eat dinner (bring $10)
4:40 Inspection in band hall begins
5:00 Depart for Alief
6:15 Arrive at Crump Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Crump Stadium
11:15 Arrive at Clear Springs
Leroy Crump Stadium

Game Meal:

Game meals for playoff games were not included in the band payments, therefore we will be collecting $10 on Friday before the meal.  CASH ONLY! Students that do not bring money will not receive a game meal.  COMPLETE THE  REQUIRED PLAYOFF MEAL SURVEY TO RESERVE YOUR MEAL!  

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday or you will be very stressed.

  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
  • Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Crump Stadium is located on the west side of Houston outside Beltway 8 near the Westpark Tollway and Dairy Ashford.  Without traffic it is typically a 45 minute drive.
  • We will monitor the weather.  The forecast for Friday is calling for temperatures around 60 degrees at kickoff.  Students will be allowed to wear letter jackets, black jackets, or black hoodies if needed.  They may also wear knit caps as long as they are black.

CCISD High School Marching Band Raffle Fundraiser

The CCISD High School Marching Band Raffle fundraiser is about to begin.  As we have done the last several years, the booster clubs for the 4 participating high school marching bands are joining together to conduct the prize raffle sale as a fundraiser with drawings for several nice prizes to be given away on Wednesday, November 18, at the Fuddruckers’s on NASA Rd. 1.  We are very fortunate that several area retailers have graciously donated some prizes and covered the associated expenses.  The four participating schools will also hand out benefit tickets so we can use them for a “Spirit Night” dinner fundraiser.  Clear Creek and Clear Springs will have their “Spirit Night” on Tuesday, November 17, while Clear Brook and Clear Lake will take their “Spirit Night” on Wednesday, November 18 along with the Grand Prize drawing.

Raffle tickets and instructions will be distributed by Friday, October 30th to the students.  The raffle tickets sell for $5 per ticket or a book of three tickets for $10.  As an additional incentive for our students to participate, the Clear Springs Band Booster Club will be conducting a drawing for an IPad Mini, $50 Starbucks Gift card, and $25 Amazon Giftcard.  For every 2 books of 3 tickets sold, the student will earn a chance to have their name entered into the drawing.  This drawing will be conducted at our “Spirit Night” on Tuesday, November 17.

Thank you very much,

Tina Perry

Football Playoffs Heads Up

As we approach the final two games of the regular season, it is time to look ahead to the playoffs.  In Texas, four teams from each football district advance to the playoffs.  The teams are then divided into Division I and Division II based on their enrollment numbers.  The two schools with the highest enrollment compete in Division I while the other two compete in Division II.  This means that there will be two champions for Class 6A.

Based on the current standings, Dickinson, Clear Creek, and Friendswood are in the playoffs.  We will clinch the final playoff spot if we win at least one of our last two games or if Clear Brook loses one of their last two games.  According to UIL enrollment numbers, we will be in Division I with Dickinson.

What does all of this mean to the band?  We are required to go to all football games including the playoffs.  Plan on an additional football game the weekend of November 13-14.  The game site and kickoff time will be determined when all of the districts solidify their playoff spots.  It is possible we will not know a day or location of the game until Monday, November 9.  If we win, we will repeat this scenario until we lose or until we win the state championship which takes place at 4:00 PM, December 9, at NRG Stadium (Home of the Texans).

We will continue to serve a pregame meal.  Details about this will be shared at a later date.

Season Wrap-up

The band staff would like to thank all of the students, parents, family, and friends for a great competitive marching season.  We cannot say enough how wonderful the students were to work with.  They endured the heat, the rain,  broken-down trucks, tired band directors, tired parents, illnesses, injuries, crazy school schedules, demanding high school teachers, dot books, coordinate sheets, a flip folder to rival War and Peace, parking changes, more parking changes, changes to the routine before school, etc.  Their flexibility and professionalism rivals that of many adults and for that it makes us proud as band directors to call them our students.

The number of parents (especially freshman parents) who stepped up and volunteered this year has been awesome!  We welcome the new faces joining with the experienced (not old) ones to help move this organization along.  If you have not had a chance to chaperon a game or volunteer on a committee, please step up and participate where you can.  You will not regret it!  Not only will you learn more about the band and its directors, but you will get to meet many wonderful parents with which you have things in common.  You will be amazed at how many lifelong friendships have developed between band parents simply because their children were in band together.

As we close the book on Waterways, we would be remiss if we didn’t say something about our performances this year.  While we are disappointed at our second division rating at UIL, we will not overlook the great strides that were made this year.  Waterways got better in every performance and every rehearsal except for one.  Unfortunately it was the one that receives the most attention.  It receives the most attention because UIL is considered to have the highest standards in the country.  While the destination isn’t what we had hoped for, we would not trade in the journey for anything in the world.  It is a journey that saw freshmen go from trying to remember their left from their right and moving their feet out of time to performing at the same level as seniors.  It saw former JV marchers step up and fill in like pros.  It saw a color guard add much excitement and visual impact to the show.  It saw a very inexperienced drum line grow into the best drum line in the history of Clear Springs.  We had 60 people not only pass all of their classes in the first six weeks, but they passed with all A’s.

We are not done.  We still have playoff games and an entire concert season ahead of us.  Next year we have new uniforms and a new stadium.  It may even turn out to be “a whole new world”!

Game #9 vs. Clear Falls


3:00 PM Rehearsal
4:00 PM Load Truck, Eat Dinner, Change into Full Uniform
4:40 PM Block in Band Hall (Chaperons should report by this time)
5:00 PM Depart CSHS as soon as all 5 buses arrive
5:40 PM Arrive Veteran’s Stadium
6:00 PM Kickoff
9:00 PM Depart Veteran’s Stadium
10:00 PM All students picked up
CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday or you will be very stressed.

  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
  • Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • We are monitoring the weather forecast as are school officials.  Friday’s game is still a go and a decision on the game will not be made until game time.  Students should be prepared to wear their blue polos and blue jeans with their band shoes.  We will provide ponchos if it is raining.
  • We are the visiting team and will be seated at the north end of the stadium near the flag pole.

Hunger Games

The Student United Way organization at Clear Springs is holding their annual “Hunger Games” food drive.  Last year through this drive, over 7,000 pounds of food was donated to the Houston Food Bank.

Student United Way makes a competition out of the food drive asking the organizations and teams on campus to participate and compete against the other participating organizations to see who can bring in the most pounds of food. The organizations that participate are divided into “districts” like the districts in the actual “Hunger Games” movies. This year, the band has decided to participate as one of the “districts” in the food drive.

The food drive will be taking place from October 26th – November 13th. This gives us three weeks to bring in the most amount of food and hopefully be the organization that wins. The winning organization will get bragging rights and a trophy.

Within the band, we will be having our own competition with the Hunger Games. We are dividing the grade levels into four districts: District 9 (freshman), District 10 (sophomores), District 11 (juniors), and District 12 (seniors). Only one district can win, “may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Bring your canned food and dry goods to the band hall with your name and grade level written on it and place in the box for your grade level. We hope to see everyone participate in this event and give back to the community that continually supports our band program.

VLIS Alumni

VLIS band is playing at the district stadium for our one and only football game on Wednesday, October 28th.  We will arrive at the stadium around 5:30PM.  Come play with our band and relive the “Good Old Days” with Mr. R and Mr. D.   We’d love to have you come and play with us and it would give you a chance to meet with the future band members and tell them about the Charger band.  The music is easy and we’ll have extra copies for you when you arrive so come on over and play with us.

Besides, we really need you as half the football team is in the band and they’ll be on the field that night so we need your help.

Hope to see you there,

Mr. Randolph

Dickinson Marching Contest

Our final contest of the year is coming up on Saturday, October 24th.  This will be our final performance of our 2015 Marching show; so you will not want to miss it.


8:00 AM Rehearsal
9:00 AM Load Truck
9:30 AM Depart CSHS
10:00 AM Arrive at Dickinson HS
11:00 AM Warm-up
12:00 PM Performance (first band to perform)
12:30 PM Return to stands to watch bands (lunch on own at concession stand)
3:45 PM Prelims Awards
4:30 PM Dinner by truck (might be after finals performance if we make finals and perform first) – we will return home if we do not make finals
9:00 PM Finals Awards
9:40 PM Depart Dickinson HS
10:15 PM Arrive CSHS
10:45 PM All students picked up
Sam Vitanza Stadium – Dickinson High School

Contest Day Checklist – Please make sure that you have everything that you need.

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.  UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them in the car.

Please visit the Gator Marching Festival website for a schedule of all performing bands, as well as ticket and parking information:

Gator Marching Festival


We are monitoring the weather forecast as are the officials at Saturday’s contest.  We will make a call on the contest as early as Thursday if the forecast does not change much.  So far everything is happening as planned.