Game #8 vs Clear Creek


3:00 PM Rehearsal
4:00 PM Load Truck, Eat Dinner, Change into Summer Uniform
4:40 PM Block in Band Hall
5:00 PM Depart CSHS
6:00 PM Arrive Veteran’s Stadium
7:00 PM Kickoff
10:00 PM Depart Veteran’s Stadium
11:00 PM All students picked up
CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday or you will be very stressed.

  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
  • Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Parents, family, and friends who will be attending this game please be aware that this is normally the most crowded game of the year. It is highly advised that you arrive early in order to get seats.
  • We are monitoring the weather forecast as are school officials.  Friday’s game is still a go and a decision on the game will not be made until game time.  Students should be prepared to wear their blue polos and blue jeans with their band shoes.  We will provide ponchos if it is raining.

Region Band/Orchestra Entries Due

We are just over a month away from Region Orchestra and 9th Grade Region Band Auditions.  Please see the Region Band Entry Form on CHARMS for details.

It is an expectation that students in Wind Ensemble audition for Freshman Region (9th grade only) and High School Region (all grades).  Region Orchestra is optional.  Students who do not audition run the risk of losing their position in Wind Ensemble to someone from another band who does audition.  All Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band students regardless of audition status will be tested on the music during the 2nd 9 Weeks.  This will determine second semester placement and chair order.  While the Region audition results do not determine the placement or chair order, the results are taken into consideration along with the tests taken during the 2nd 9 Weeks.

Students in Concert Band should not audition unless they are taking private lessons and a director has approved them to audition.

Symphonic Band students should only audition if they are taking private lessons and want to be considered for placement in Wind Ensemble for the spring semester.

Region Entry form Due Dates:

Region Orchestra & 9th Grade Region – Due Monday, October 19th
High School Region – Due Monday, November 2nd

Entry fee:  $15 per audition

Please include your entry fee payment at the above times.  Signed forms (with both parent and student signatures) and payment are required before students can be entered in the audition.  Forms turned in after the due dates will have a late fee of $15 per audition added (as required by TMEA Region 17).

Students who enter but do not audition for whatever reason are still responsible for paying the entry fee.  No refunds are given for withdrawing from the contest.


Students must be academically eligible at the time of the audition. The entry fee will not be refunded if you are ineligible to participate in the audition.  Please note that there is only one opportunity to regain eligibility before the Region Orchestra, 9th Grade Region, and Phase I Auditions.  Students who are declared ineligible due to a 1st 9 Weeks grade, must be passing all classes at the close of school on November 6 to participate in Region Orchestra, 9th Grade Region, and/or Phase I Auditions.  Students who audition on specialty instruments (oboe, bassoon, piccolo, color clarinets, tenor sax, bari sax, bass trombone) that do not audition until Phase 2 must be passing on December 4 in order to regain eligibility on December 11 and audition on December 12.  To avoid these confusing scenarios, all students are encouraged to work hard and pass all their classes.

UIL Region Marching Contest

The competitive marching season is quickly coming to a close, beginning with the UIL Region Marching Contest on Saturday, October 17th.


8:00 AM Rehearsal
9:30 AM Load Truck
10:00 AM Meet in Band Hall in Full Uniform
10:20 AM Depart CSHS
11:00 AM Arrive Pearland High School
11:40 AM Warm-up
12:45 PM Perform (first band after lunch)
1:30 PM Depart Pearland High School
2:00 PM Arrive CSHS
2:30 PM All students picked-up
The Rig – Pearland High School

Contest Day Checklist – Please make sure that you have everything that you need.

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.  UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them in the car.

Other 6A band performance times:
Friendswood – 11:00 AM
Clear Creek – 11:15 AM
Alvin – 11:30 AM
Clear Brook – 11:45 AM
Clear Lake – 1:00 PM
Dawson – 1:15 PM
Manvel – 1:30 PM
Brazoswood – 1:45 PM
Clear Falls – 2:00 PM
Dickinson – 2:15 PM
Pearland – 2:30 PM

No admission fee is charged.  

Parking is on the visitor’s side of the stadium.  Overflow parking is available at Turner High School, 4717 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX 77584.  Two shuttle buses will run from Turner High School to the stadium.  Please allow plenty of time to park and walk to the home side or to ride the shuttle.

Chili’s Give Back Event

Our second Chili’s give back event is around the corner!  Please print off the attached flier and take it with you to Chili’s 646 location to support our Charger Band.  If you work in an office or have friends and family who might enjoy eating out for a cause, please print and distribute as many fliers as you want!!!  The fun lasts from 11am-11pm on October 22 (the week after UIL).  Our first give back night was a huge success.  Let’s make this one even better with a bigger turnout!!  Thank you for supporting our Charger band. Future Chili’s give back save the date:  March 3, 2016.  Thank you for supporting our band.

Chili’s Give Back Flier

Thursday, October 22nd
2845 Gulf Fwy S
League City, TX 77573-6781
(this is the one by 646)

This is a very easy way to raise some funds.  Let’s try and make this as successful as possible by not only participating but also by printing out extra fliers and giving them to friends, relatives, and/or co-workers.

Please remember to present the flier when paying for your meal!!

Game #7 vs. Clear Brook (Intermediate Night)


3:00 PM Rehearsal
4:00 PM Load Truck, Eat Dinner, Change into Full Uniform
4:40 PM Block in Band Hall
5:00 PM Depart CSHS
6:00 PM Arrive Veteran’s Stadium
7:00 PM Kickoff
10:00 PM Depart Veteran’s Stadium
11:00 PM All students picked up
CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday or you will be very stressed.

  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
  • Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • The intermediate students will be attending this game, therefore it will be crowded in the stands.

National Merit Commended Scholars

Congratulations to seniors Ben Hazel and Aaron Lassmann for being named National Merit Commended Scholars.  There were nine students from Clear Springs to achieve this honor this year.

The National Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®)—a test which serves as an initial screen of approximately 1.5 million entrants each year—and by meeting published program entry and participation requirements.

In late September, more than two-thirds (about 34,000) of the approximately 50,000 high scorers on the PSAT/NMSQT® receive Letters of Commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise. Commended Students are named on the basis of a nationally applied Selection Index score that may vary from year to year and is typically below the level required for participants to be named Semifinalists in their respective states. Although Commended Students do not continue in the competition for National Merit® Scholarships, some of these students do become candidates for Special Scholarships sponsored by corporations and businesses.

Charger Band Alumnus Named World Champion

AdamHazel-BD2015-portrait AdamHazel-BD2015-action

The Charger Band Family extends its congratulations to Class of 2014 alumnus Adam Hazel on earning a championship medal with the 2015 Drum Corps International World Champion Blue Devils.  DCI is like the Major Leagues of marching band and earning a world championship is no easy feat.

As a member of the Charger Band, Adam was a member of the Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band as well as a marching leader and Band President.  He was also a multi-year member of the All-Region Band, and was an Area qualifier.  In 2014, Adam was the recipient of the John Philip Sousa Award.  The John Philip Sousa Band Award is the highest award a high school band director may award to one of his/her students.  The award was introduced in 1955 to honor the top student in the high school band, and recognizes superior musicianship, dependability, loyalty, and cooperation.  It was created with the approval of Helen Sousa Albert and Priscilla Sousa, daughters of the famous composer and bandmaster.

Adam is currently a music major at the University of North Texas.

Re-enroll or Enroll in Kroger Community Rewards

KrogerIf you have been enrolled in the Kroger community Rewards program in previous years, please take a moment to re-enroll.  Everyone must re-enroll every year.  You should have received an email from Kroger that allows for a simple one click re-enrollment.  If this is new to you, please consider enrolling – it’s easy money.

Kroger Community Rewards® makes supporting the Clear Springs Charger Band students super easy.  All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Kroger Plus Card and Kroger will donate a percentage of your receipt to the band at no cost to you.  First, you need to enroll your Kroger Plus Card in the community rewards program by following the instructions below.

  1. Visit Kroger Community Rewards
  2. Sign in or create an account
  3. The organization number for the Clear Springs High School Band Booster is: 91187

Please share this with your friends and family as this is an easy way for them to support the band students.  For your convenience you can use the share buttons below to share through Facebook, twitter, or email.


1st Semester Instrument Loan Fee & Contract

In order for our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students, Clear Creek ISD assesses a  fee of $50 per semester ($100 for the entire school year) to students who use a school owned instrument.  This fee, while not small, is substantially less than what it would be to rent an instrument from a music store.

The 1st Semester Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract and fee were originally due Oct. 1st; However, we have pushed that date back to Friday, October 16th.  We will finish distributing The Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contracts to the students who are using school owned instruments by Thursday, October 8th.  Please sign the Instrument Loan Contract and submit BOTH the contract and the payment for either just the 1st semester or for both the 1st and 2nd semesters if you would like to take care of the 2nd semester at this time.  Please make Checks payable to “CCISD-MEF”.  DO NOT make checks payable to Clear Springs High School, to the band, to the booster club, or anything else.  ONLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “CCISD-MEF”.  Also, DO NOT combine this payment with any other payments.

Please submit the 1st semester payment and contract by Friday, October 16th.  Payments not made by that date will be added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

Important Notes:
  • If a student uses more than one school owned instrument, only one contract and one payment needs to be submitted.
  • As this is a CCISD fee and not a Clear Springs Band fee, this fee will not show up in the financial section of CHARMS and cannot be paid with a credit card through CHARMS.  This also will not show up in LinkED unless it is not paid by the due date and we have to add it to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.
  • You can track whether or not the contract and payment has been turned in by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Forms Collected” icon.
  • Percussion have to pay this fee as they use school owned instruments and may check out instruments to take home for practice.
If the contract that is given to the students is lost you will need to print a new one from CHARMS using the directions below:
  1. Login to CHARMS
  2. Click the “Inventory Uniforms” icon
  3. You should see a list of items checked out to the students, click the button labeled “F” to the right of an instrument (not a lock or locker)
  4. Print the form

Game #6 vs Friendswood


3:00 PM Game Meal
3:45 PM Block in Band Hall in Full Uniform
4:30 PM Depart CSHS
4:55 PM Arrive CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium
6:00 PM Kickoff
9:00 PM Depart CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium
9:40 PM All students picked up
CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Saturday or you will be very stressed.

  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
  • Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • There will be no restroom breaks until after we are settled into the stands.  Everyone should use the restroom before we depart before and after the game.