The 2019-2020 audition music is now available for download from CHARMS. This evaluation process is a very important tool used to ensure proper band and chair placement. These are not auditions for marching band. EVERYONE enrolled in a band class gets to experience the joys of marchng season!

The audition music is posted at Charms in the Auditions-CSHS Band folder in the Handouts and Files section. Please read the instructions very carefully. After reading them, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Williams.

Color Guard and Percussion will have separate audition material.

Students NEW to the Clear Springs Band will need to create a Clear Springs CHARMS account before they can download the music:
  1. Click here to create an account.
  2. Click the “NEW Students Click Here!” button.
  3. On the next page, enter the information in ALL fields (not just the ones in red). This includes email, phone number, instrument, cell phone number, and cell phone carrier (needed in order to receive text messages).
  4. When you are done, be sure to click the green “Register” button.
  5. On the next page, click “Add Adult”. Be sure to click the green “Update” button before leaving the page. Do this for each adult you want to add.
  6. After all of your information is entered in CHARMS, you are ready to download your music.

If you are unable to register for Charms, enter your birthday mmddyy for your student ID.

Download Instructions:
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of the page.
  2. Under “STUDENT AREA PASSWORD”, enter your CCISD student ID.
  3. Click on the “HANDOUTS & FILES” icon.
  4. Click on the “Auditions – CSHS Band” folder.
  5. Click on the PDF for your instrument.  A scale sheet is included in the audition file. Scales are expected to be played as written – tongue up/slur down. Students who do not perform the articulation as assigned will be scored accordingly. You may use this scale sheet as a guide at the audition; however, a scale sheet will not be provided for you at the audition.

***Tenor and Bari Sax students will audition on Alto. There is no separate audition for Tenor or Bari. Students need to provide their own Alto Saxophone.

Auditions begin the week of May 20th.  Please check our Google Calendar for the specific day and times.

Monday – Flute/Oboe
Tuesday – Clarinet/Bass Clarinet
Wednesday – Trumpet/French Horn
Thursday – Trombone/Tuba/Euphonium
Friday – Bassoon/Saxophone

The audition packet contains a cover letter with more detailed information.  Please read it as it contains information that you will need to know for auditions.

2018-2019 Band Banquet

The 2018-2019 school year is quickly coming to a close, which also means that the 2018-2019 edition of the Clear Springs Charger Band will be coming to an end as our seniors graduate and incoming freshman join to form the 2019-2020 Clear Springs Charger Band.  However, before we say goodbye to our seniors and welcome in the new freshman, lets all get together and celebrate our achievements from this year as well as reminisce about your favorite memories by attending the Clear Springs Charger Band Banquet.

The program for the banquet will begin with a Mexican dinner buffet after which the directors will present various awards for achievement and service.  There will be opportunities to win prizes and an awesome slide show.  To close the evening we will be letting the kids loose on the dance floor.  Don’t worry parents, there will be parent chaperones to keep an eye, or several eyes, on things.

Cost: $25 per person
Make checks payable to: Clear Springs High School Band Boosters or pay online in the Booster Club Store or by clicking here.
Payments are due no later than May 10 to the Band Hall safe.

Student ticket orders must have the following 3 items included:

  • Page 2 of the Band Banquet Ticket Order Form
  • Check or cash for the ticket(s); or PayPal receipt
  • “All Clear Form” printed from the CSHS Library Website showing that the student is clear of all fines and fees owed to any department at Clear Springs. To print the all clear form click here, then click “Clear Springs High School”, Then “Catalog”, then “Login”, then “My info”

Friday, May 17, 2019
7:00 – 11:00 pm
Doors will open at 6:30 pm (Please do not arrive before 6:30)
Challenger Columbia Stadium – Field House
(park at the south end of the stadium and enter the glass doors)

Please note:

  • Only currently enrolled CSHS band students may attend.  Dates and former band members may not attend.
  • Students may not leave and re-enter the banquet.
  • Students who do not drive themselves must be picked up by 11:00 PM.
  • Parents may purchase tickets and attend; however, we are limited to the capacity of the room.  Students and senior parents are placed at the head of the guest list.  If ticket purchases exceed room capacity, we will notify those who are on the excess list and issue refunds accordingly.

Flowers Worth a Thousand Words

Show your favorite performers how much you appreciate all their hard work by presenting them with flowers after their performance/s. Roses will be available as you enter the PAC at the Spring Concert.  To ensure availability, you may also contact Daisy Dunklee to reserve yours in advance, and pick them up at the concert when you drop off your donation: dadunkle@yahoo.com. Please contact Daisy no later than Monday, 5/13, for reserved roses! Recommended donation is a minimum $3 per flower. This is a charming way you can help support the band and brighten a students evening at the same time!


The last CSHS Band Booster Club General Meeting of the 2018-2019 school year will be on Tuesday, May 7 from 7:30-8:30PM in the band hall.

Please join us as we wrap up our Booster Club activities for the year and elect our 2019-2020 Booster Club Executive Board Officers. Nomination Committee members, Candidates, and all Booster Club Members should attend to support this important selection process. If you have volunteered in any capacity this year, we would love for you to join us so that we can show our appreciation at this special meeting.

General Membership Meeting
May 7, 2019
Band Hall


  • Call to order
  • Approve Minutes from Previous General Meeting
    (preliminary minutes have been posted in Charms for review)
  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • First VP of Communications Report
  • Second VP of Fundraising Report
  • Committee Reports
    – Band Banquet
    – Digital Yearbook
    – Rock-a-thon
    -Nominating Committee – Vote on 2019-2020 Executive Board
  • New Business
    – Budget Audit Committee
    – Volunteer Opportunities
    – Volunteer Recognition
  • Adjourn
2018-2019 Executive Board
  • Tina Foy – President
  • India Allen – First Vice President, Communications
  • Alicia McConnell – Second Vice President, Fundraising
  • Margaret Gibb – Secretary
  • Brad Horst – Treasurer
  • President Elect – Alicia McConnell

To contact the Executive Board, please click here or the Contact Us link at the top of the page.

Digital Yearbooks

Pre-order your Digital Yearbook now!

From summer band to the spring concert, a lot has happened in the Charger Band this year. Don’t pass up this opportinity to have hundreds of photos at your fingertips! Order your Digital Yearbook photo collection today!

Fill out the order form and drop it in the band hall safe. You can pay by cash, check, or go to the Booster Club Store and make your purchase through Paypal. Don’t miss out! Order yours today!

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest

The students have been working hard in class and after school, with dress rehearsals and clinics, all culminating in the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is happening next week! We still need chaperones, especially for Concert Band on Tuesday. If you can lend a hand, sign up by clicking the link below or you can go through Charms.

Concert Band UIL – 4/30/2019

Symphonic Band UIL – 5/1/2019

Wind Ensemble UIL – 5/2/2019

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause. Make sure to get there early in case the performances are running ahead of schedule. Also, please remember proper performance etiquette and make sure you only enter the auditorium between performances or during applause.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Concert Band
Tuesday, April 30
Clear Lake High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, May 1
Clear Lake High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, May 2
Clear Lake High School

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Instructions for how to adjust hems if needed may be found HERE
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class next week.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.


Attention all students, especially juniors!

Those of you who will be taking the SAT and/or ACT exams  next year need to be planning ahead now so that you can take the exams and not miss any band events next Fall.  Juniors in particular will need to take their exams at the end of this school year and/or in June – especially if you will be attempting early acceptance to Texas A&M or the University of Texas.

For your convenience we have included the SAT dates on our band calendar for the remainder of this year as well all the SAT dates for the 2019-2020 school year and have noted which days do and do not conflict with band events.  You will see multiple test dates throughout the year with only one or two conflicts.  Per the Band Handbook, the SAT and ACT are not considered excused absences from band events, therefore planning ahead is required by the students in order to be able to take the exams, do well on them, and meet all their band commitments.

The available dates, per the band calendar, for the remainder of this school year are:

  • SAT – May 4 (except Wind Ensemble) and June 1
  • ACT – June 8 and July 13

Please take advantage of these testing dates if you are applying for early acceptance to any university.

CSHS Drumline Car Wash Fundraiser

I don’t know about you, but my car is COVERED with pollen! And this rain will NOT wash it all away. But you know what will? The car washers at the Clear Springs Drumline Car Wash Fundraiser! Join us from 9:00-1:00 THIS SATURDAY, April 27th, AutoZone and help raise some money for these terrific kids! Come help wash or just come hang out. Lots of bodies draw the eyes of passers-by. Tell everyone where they can go for a car wash and a good cause!

Saturday, April 27, 2019
9:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.
2605 W. Main St
League City, TX 77573

Pre-UIL & UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner.  Before they perform at Clear Lake H.S. for judges, they will be performing their contest music at Pre-UIL concerts as a dress rehearsal.

Pre-UIL Concert
Concert Band
Monday, April 15th

Clear Creek High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, April 15th
Clear Creek High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 18
Clear Springs High School

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause.  If you are able, please consider coming to Clear Lake HS and supporting the students at their UIL performances as well.

Make sure to get there early in case the performances run ahead of schedule. No one will be allowed to enter the auditorium once the director takes the stand. And double-check the calendar for time adjustments. Although unlikely, the preliminary times listed here are subject to change. If you want to make sure you don’t miss the performance, sign up in Charms to be a chaperone!

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Concert Band
Tuesday, April 30
Clear Lake High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, May 1
Clear Lake High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, May 2
Clear Lake High School

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Instructions for how to adjust hems if needed may be found HERE
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class the weeks of April 15th and 22nd.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

Volunteer of the Year

Please take a minute to nominate a volunteer for the Charger Band Volunteer of the Year recognition.  So many parents have contributed so much of their time and talent this year to making the 2018-2019 year a success!  Go to this link to fill out a quick survey:


The intent of the CSHSBBC Volunteer of the Year Award is to recognize to one parent who exemplifies outstanding commitment to the Charger Band program through volunteer time, energy, and enthusiasm. Nominee may be any Clear Springs High School Band Booster Club (CSHSBBC) member in good standing. The CSHSBBC Executive Commitee will evaluate all eligible entrees and select a winner. Please submit your nominee by Friday April 19th.

Any or all of the following may be considered in making and evaluating nominations. The nominee:

  • Has contibuted consistently and sustained throughout the year, not just a single event or two.
  • Sets an example that we would like others to emulate.
  • Demonstrates exceptional commitment, service, creativity, cooperation, or leadership. The following areas will be assessed:
    • impact
    • reach
    • engagement
    • challenges
    • inspiration

Note that Executive Board Officers (Tina Foy, Alicia McConnell, India Allen, Brad Horst and Margaret Gibb) are not eligible. 

Pre-Participation Physicals

All students who will be participating in High School Band during the 2019-2020 school year are required by the district to have a Pre-Participation Physical which must be dated on or after April 1, 2019.  These Physical Forms must be on file by the first day of Summer Band (July 29).  Forms are available for pickup in the band office and available for download online by clicking HERE.  Students who do not have a current completed form on file in the band office will be sent home from summer band.

This physical can be performed by your family doctor or PA, or at any place that gives sports physicals. The physical forms are due the first day of Summer Band, but can and should be turned in to the band office if completed before the end of this school year. There will be an opportunity to get your physical at Clear Springs on April 23rd. Click HERE to download the flyer.

2019Physicals Flyer


  • It is suggested that parents make a copy of the completed form to keep on file at home.
  • If you will be participating in both band and athletics you will need one copy of your physical form on file in the band office and one copy of your physical form on file with the athletic trainer.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to make sure a copy of the physical form is made and that one is given to the band directors and one to the athletic trainer.



Final Uniform Wash

We were not able to get all the uniforms washed the last go ’round due to a lack of volunteers. We need to get the marching uiforms washed so that they can be closed out for the end of the year. There are many ways to help the band but this is one of the easiest! You can wash the uniforms in your home washer and dryer at your convenience. If you can help out, please sign up in Charms.

Click HERE to sign up!

Volunteers take 7-10 uniforms each home to wash. You will receive simple instructions on how to wash them, put them back together, and return them to school.

Booster Club Meeting – 4/9/19

Our next General Membership Booster Club Meeting will be held next Tuesday, April 9, 2019 in the band hall at 7:30 pm.  If you signed up to wash uniforms, you may drop them off at the meeting. Minutes for past booster club meetings can be found in Charms under Handouts & Files.

  • 4/09/19 – Executive Board Meeting @ 6:00 pm                                                               General Meeting @ 7:30pm
  • 5/7/19 – Executive Board Meeting @ 6:00 pm                                                                  General Meeting @ 7:30pm
2018-2019 Executive Board
  • Tina Foy – President
  • India Allen – First Vice President, Communications
  • Alicia McConnell – Second Vice President, Fundraising
  • Margaret Gibb – Secretary
  • Brad Horst – Treasurer
  • Alicia McConnell – President Elect

To contact the Executive Board, please click here or the Contact Us link at the top of the page.

Winter Guard

After marching season, Colorguard moves into the wonderful air conditioning where we create a 3-5 minute show with a certain theme chosen by the director. Auditions and preparation for contest begin in late November, and carry on until the show concept is fully realized. In this show there are many elements of what we do during marching season present, but now with greater detail since the focus is put on guard only, as its own unit. We spin flag, rifle, and saber, and also include body movements and dance in our choreography. The guard performs to a track chosen, and often edited by, the director, that will relate to the meaning of the show.

To be able to see the show, Requiem of a Dream, students and parents can attend our final showcase this Wednesday, April 3 at 7:00PM in the CSHS competition gym.

Indoor Drumline

Did you know that our very own drumline and front ensemble (pit) have been meeting since before the winter break and preparing for Winter Drumline competition? Winter drumline is an energetic, theatrical, indoor marching percussion ensemble that competes during the winter and early spring. Our percussionists will be showcasing their show, Vanity, in a state preview performance this Wednesday, April 3 at 7:00PM in the CSHS competition gym.


Texas Roadhouse Rib Plate Fundraiser

Come see what they’ve been up to and cheer them on as they prepare for their final competition of the season at Texas A&M University Saturday, April 6 at 3:00! They can use some behind-the-scenes support on Saturday, so sign up in Charms if you are available to lend a hand as a chaperone or a roadie.

Volunteer Here: https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?v=4702551&cb=7255221

TCGC Website: https://www.texascolorguardcircuit.org/events/17365

Blessing of the Fleet

This Sunday, the Charger Band will be participating in Lakewood Yacht Club’s 64th Annual Blessing of the Fleet. This required event has been on the calendar since last May; the itinerary is listed below for your convenience. You can also find the itinerary by clicking on the event on the band calendar at cshschargerband.org.

CCISD high school bands have been asked to represent the school district at this event. Last year Clear Lake had their turn. This year it is our chance to participate. Students, staff, and chaperones will be provided lunch at 11:30. Following lunch, we will assemble and then parade over to the dock where the ceremony will be held.

This traditional naval ceremony dates back thousands of years and is still recognized as a way to formally bless vessels. In keeping with tradition, members clean up their boats and decorate their ships with festive flags, ribbons, and flowers. Traditional bagpipers and the Charger Band will entertain and provide ceremonial music throughout the event. A local reverend will entreat safety and good fortune upon the Lakewood Yacht Club fleet and members will christen (or re-christen) their boat by bathing the bow with a bottle of champagne.

The public is invited and is encouraged to dress in classy nautical attire for the occasion.

Chaperones Needed: Click HERE to sign up in Charms!

Sunday, March 31

Full Marching Uniform

10:00 Report to Band Hall/Change into Full Uniform
10:30 Chaperone Meeting
11:00 Depart CSHS
11:30 Arrive Lakewood Yacht Club
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Assemble
2:00 Ceremony begins with band marching to dock
3:00 Ceremony concludes
3:30 Depart Lakewood Yacht Club
4:00 Arrive CSHS
4:40 Last student picked up

Lakewood Yacht Club
2322 Lidstone Ave, Seabrook, TX 77586

This will be the last use of the marching uniforms for the year. We will need one last washing before we retire them until next season. The pick-up time is 4:00-5:00 pm on Tuesday, 4/2, and the return date is 7:30 pm Tuesday, 4/9. You will receive simple instructions on how to wash them, put them back together, and return them to school. If you can help wash uniforms please sign up in Charms:

Concert Uniform Fittings: TAKE 2

Wind Ensemble will be issued uniforms during class on Monday, April1, and Concert and Symphonic bands will be issued uniforms on Tuesday, April 2.

Students, bring your garment bag if you still have it to keep your uniform nice and cozy till you get home.

Parents, Uniform hems may need to be adjusted.  Please DO NOT CUT them if they are too long. Please do not use any adhesives or any materials that may result in permanent alteration or wear.  A simple whip stitch hem will work for both men’s pants and ladies’ dresses.  See the links below for a video on how to hem concert blacks, and another good video that will show you how to “catch stitch” pants and preserve the crease.

Help is needed to get everyone sized and checked out during their class period. Please sign up in Charms if you can lend a hand:
Uniform Fittings on April 1, 10:30-12:30
Uniform Fittings on April 2, 8:00-10:00

Required uniform items that will need to be provided from home are included below.

For our concerts you will need the following items:

  1. Long black socks
  2. Black dress shoes (black marching shoes are also acceptable)
  3. White tuxedo shirt
  4. Black bow tie
  5. Black Cummerbund
  6. Tuxedo pants (school owned)
  7. Tuxedo jacket (school owned)
  1. Black closed toed shoes with 1 inch or less heel
  2. Concert dress (school owned)

No jewelry is to be worn and any hair ties must be black.



Texas Roadhouse Rib Plate Fundraiser

This is the second year for CSHS to have an Indoor Percussion team. They are working hard and it is showing. Just last weekend, they were awarded 2nd place in their category at competition! The Indoor Percussion team is doing a Texas Roadhouse Rib Plate Fundraiser to help with the cost of uniforms, props, buses, and competition fees.

This fundraiser is for “to go” rib plate meals from Texas Roadhouse. Each meal includes 1/2 slab of ribs, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a roll.

Plates are available for purchase from March 25th thru April 4th ONLY! Sells are underway now. Meals will not be sold during the day of delivery.


Your plates will be available for pick up on April 15th at CSHS. Those who purchased plates drive up outside of the cafeteria to pick up their to-go meals during the hour of 5:30pm-6:30pm.

How does this work?
  1. Print the CSHS BAND DRIVE THRU FLYER . Use one form per family order.
  2. Fill out the bottom portion of the form, place form in an envelope along with payment of cash or check. Cash is best, but you can send a check made out to CSHS Band Booster Club.
  3. Keep the top part of the form to remind you when to pick up your meals.
  4. Have your student drop off the envelope, with the order form and payment, in the black safe in the band hall by Thursday April 4th.
  5. Drive up next to the sidewalk outside the cafeteria between 5:30pm and 6:30pm on April 15th to pick up your pre-ordered meals.

Thank you in advance for supporting our kids!

Order Form:

Jason’s Deli Give Back Night

Head over to Jason’s Deli in League City on Thursday, March 28, for a give-back event which will return a portion of your meal receipt to the band when you dine in or take out from 5:00-10:00 p.m.

Please help us out by forwarding this to all of your Jason-loving friends!

Thursday, March 28, 2019
5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Only at the League City location:
2755 Gulf Freeway South
League City, Texas 77573

Taste of the Town Save the Date

Save the Date! The Clear Springs High School Charger Band Booster  Club would like to cordially invite you to our 7th annual Taste of the Town and Silent Auction on Tuesday, March 5, 2019.

Taste of the Town is a family-oriented community event that will take place in conjunction with the Charger Band’s solo recital. Local restaurants will showcase their signature dishes for guests to sample, giving participants an opportunity to get a “taste of the town.” Invite friends, family, and coworkers to an evening of food and music, and help support our students’ music education.

Tickets will go on sale in February at www.cshschargerband.org.