Preview Night

Come out and support our kids at our annual Preview Night.

Saturday, August 22nd
6:00 PM Performance; 5:00 PM Report 
Clear Springs High School – Back Parking Lot

Our kids have been working hard this summer & want to show off what they have learned.  The performance will take place on the band parking lot behind the school so you will probably want to bring folding chairs.  Following their performance we will have an optional meal and social gathering in the cafeteria.  This is a great opportunity for parents to meet and/or socialize with their children(s)’ friends’ parents, and for the kids to get a chance to relax and enjoy each others company before school starts.  Following the preview night meal students will be having a water balloon war (details will be announced before preview night).

This year we will be serving pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, cookies, soft drinks, and water in the cafeteria immediately following the performance. Tickets are $5 per plate for both parents and students and will be sold at the door.  There is no presale.

Uniform Fittings

Students will be wearing their blue polo and black shorts for the first several football games after which we will wear our marching uniforms.  Uniform fittings will begin next week.  You must wear clothing  similar to what you will wear under your uniform which includes light weight properly sized athletic shorts (NOT thick over-sized basketball shorts) and a properly fitted t-shirt.  All uniforms will have a tailored look (not baggy).

Seniors, Juniors, and all percussion
Wednesday, August 19th
1:00 PM

Freshman, Sophomores, and anyone who missed Wednesday
Thursday, August 20th
1:00 PM


Starting Monday, August 17, several activities will be rehearsing/practicing on campus at the same time.   In an effort to keep the driving lanes clear in case of an emergency we and the campus administration are asking that if you arrive early to pick up your child from an event that you please park in a parking space rather than waiting in a driving lane or against the curb.  Because the back of the school will be very congested around the time we end rehearsal, we are asking that students be picked up in the front parking lot.

Last year, there was an emergency situation on campus where an ambulance had to be called.  This happened right around the time we dismissed from band practice.  With the congestion of multiple athletic events/practices going on at the same time as our rehearsal, it left the back driving lanes of the school very congested to the point that it impeded the path of the ambulance to reach its destination.  The person in need was fine; however, the mobility issue caught everyone’s attention to address the situation in case there is a life-threatening emergency the next time an ambulance is called.

Thank you for complying with this policy as we strive to do what is best for the safety of our students, staff, and guests at Clear Springs High School.

Note: If someone asks you to move, please cooperate.  There may be parent volunteers, school personnel, law enforcement officials, and fire department personnel making occasional checks of the drive lanes after school hours.

August 7th Band Updates:

  • Audio, coordinate sheets, and drill charts from performers perspective have been uploaded to the 2015 Marching Show folder in CHARMS
  • Students will not be allowed to leave band early to pick up their schedules the week of 8/10.  They may pick up their schedules after band.
  • Please be aware that if the heat wave continues when school begins we will need to push our after school rehearsal back to 6:00-8:30 PM the first several weeks of school.  We will continue to monitor the weather and let you know what we will be doing before school begins.
  • This is the last weekend for Rock-A-Thon sales, please get out and get more pledges.  We currently only have 24% participation from the students.  We especially need the Freshman to step up and get more pledges.
  • As a reminder, percussion rehearsals the week of 8/10 will be 7:30-11:30AM and 5:00-9:00PM.  There will be no afternoon rehearsal for the percussion.

Dot Books – aka GPS for Band

In order to learn drill students are given coordinate sheets.  These coordinate sheets tell the students where on the football field they are supposed to go and how many counts they need to take to get there.  However this is not enough information to excel at the drill, it is only enough to initially learn it.

In order to excel, we have the students make something called a Dot Book which contains their coordinate information as well as additional information that we have the students add when we are out on the field learning and cleaning the drill.

All students (i.e. varsity, jv, drum line, pit, and color guard) are required to have their dot book on them whenever we are on the practice field.  Students who do not have their dot book or do not have a dot book completed up to the point instructed by directors will be asked to leave the field and will only be allowed to return when they have their completed dot book.  Varsity members risk being moved to jv and jv members will not be considered for any openings on varsity if they do not have completed dot books.  Also, we will have several dot book checks for grades during the first 9 weeks.

What we will provide:
  • 1 set of Dot book pages are free (replacement pages will be 5 for $1)
What students will provide (needed 8/10):
  • 2 loose leaf binder rings (or spring links) to hold the Dot Book pages together.
  • A lanyard or shoe lace in order to wear the dot book around their neck or waist when we are out on the field.
  • a pencil (not a pen) in order to write in the dot book (note that students should already be bringing a pencil to rehearsal in order to write in their music).


E B Dazzled Spirit Sales

Spirit Sales have begun!  Our first give back vendor for spirit sales is taking pre-orders to be delivered on Preview night, August 22 after dinner.

E B Dazzled is selling rhinestone t shirts and hoodies to the band with a percentage being donated as a fundraiser.   Details and pictures are below.  If you would like to order anything, please call Karen at (713)962-5511 or e-mail her at  You may call or email your orders in now, or place your order at preview night and they will be delivered after preview night

The Clear Creek shirt below is an example of the style of the shirt that we will get, ours will say Clear Springs Chargers.

The shirts are $25, $27.06 with tax.  The hoodies are $35, $37.89 with tax.

There are two styles of shirts-REGULAR LOOSE FIT, which run true to size, and can be ordered in V-Neck or Crew Neck or FITTED, which run one size small, and only come in Crew Neck..


HOODIES run true to size S-2XL.

Also available is the new SPIRIT SHIRT. These shirts are $45, $48.71 with tax.  Once our band has an order of 24 or more of these, we will be able to have them produced so if you are interested in this particular design, please get those orders in pronto!

Beat the Heat

Below are the guidelines that were developed by CCISD administration and athletic trainers a few years ago regarding the temperature and humidity levels during practices.  I have also included the section from our band handbook where we address the issue.  You have also seen and signed the UIL document with their heat guidelines.  Furthermore, every staff member has gone through annual training by the UIL and has been certified in CPR.  We also have several HST students who are trained in First Aid and CPR.


While all of these guidelines are helpful and are great at communicating that we have plans in place, we do not overlook the fact that common sense is of the utmost importance.  Students are expected to have a buddy who watches out for them and makes sure they are drinking water during practice.  They are also expected to notify an adult or a student leader (who will then notify an adult) if there is a student not drinking water or who is having difficulty.


Students may not at any time share water jugs or drink after each other.  Whenever this happens in drum corps or marching band, mono and other illnesses tend to go through the group like wildfire and shuts them down for several days.  In addition to putting the students in danger, we do not want to lose preparation time because of something that is preventable.


Parents, please monitor your child at home.  I have spoken to all of the students and have instructed them to drink a lot of water.  Gatorade and similar drinks are great at replacing electrolytes after rehearsal.  They are also good to drink in the evening before bedtime as some will remain in their system for morning rehearsals.  Soft drinks, tea, and coffee should be limited to no more than one per day during marching season.  These drinks tend to accelerate dehydration.  We also ask that students stay away from energy drinks such as Red Bull and Monster.


In the Heat Guidelines, there is mention of “the sensitive group”.  This is in reference to students who may suffer from asthma, may be recovering from an illness, or who have extra sensitivity to the heat due to weight or other medical issues.  If your child falls into this category, please have a conversation with them encouraging them to use common sense and to sit out when they feel it is warranted.  We will not penalize students who have to sit out; however, if they sit out frequently, we do need to re-evaluate their activity level and their responsibilities in the marching band which sometimes results in reassigning them to a less strenuous position.


During summer rehearsals we will be outside in the morning and inside in the afternoons.  While we are outside, there will be parent volunteers who will be at the ready in case a student gets overheated.  If you are available to volunteer during this time, please visit the calendar at Charms to sign up.  It is a great way to see what we do and to get to know fellow band parents!

The following is from the CCISD Heat Guidelines:


High School Extracurricular Activities

  • When the temperature reaches 100 degrees or above, all students in the sensitive group may sit out without penalty.
  • When the temperature reaches one of the following conditions then, all outside practices will choose one or more of the options listed.
    • 104 degrees or above
    • 100 degrees or above AND the humidity is 45% or above
  • OPTIONS when conditions are met:
    • Practice will be moved to air-conditioned areas
    • Practice will be called
    • Practice will begin after 6:00 p.m.



Please see the following sections from our band handbook regarding the heat.


  1. Students are required to bring a ½ gallon jug of water to every practice*.  Bottles purchased in the school vending machines or at convenience stores are not sufficient for hydration during practice.
  2. Light colored and lightweight clothing should be worn*.  White shirts are required at all marching rehearsals.
  3. A hat or visor is highly recommended along with sunglasses.
  4. Sunscreen should be used at every rehearsal.
  5. Students who overheat will be taken into the building to cool down.  If further treatment is needed, the parent will be contacted and an attempt will be made to locate an athletic trainer or school nurse.
  6. During periods of severe heat (temperature of 104 degrees or higher as per district policy), rehearsals will be moved indoors or rescheduled to late evening.

*Students who do not have a ½ gallon water jug filled with water or who are not wearing proper rehearsal attire will be sent home with an unexcused absence.  Parents should not deliver forgotten items to the front desk or attendance office.  You may deliver it to the band hall or back parking lot after school.




  1. Rehearsals will take place in the event of rain.
  2. The band will not rehearse outside during severe weather or during storms where lightning is present; however, we will rehearse outside during periods of light rain.
  3. A staff member is constantly monitoring the presence of lightning with a lightning detector.
  4. According to district guidelines, the practice field will be cleared and all students moved indoors when lightning is within 6 miles.
  5. We will not return to the field until 30 minutes have passed following the last lightning strike.
  6. Rehearsals that are canceled due to severe weather will be rescheduled to the next day or time will be added to the remaining rehearsals for that week.


Extracurricular Fee News – 2nd Band Payment Due

CCISD Extracurricular Fee News

At the school board meeting Monday night, Dr. Smith announced that the district is no longer assessing the extracurricular fee.  He and the school board expressed their gratitude to the parents and families who shouldered this extra burden when the legislature created the school funding crisis a few years ago.  The hope is that we never have to assess this fee again, however it may have to be implemented in the future should future legislatures drastically cut funding to schools.

2nd Band Payment Due

The 2nd band payment of $125 for new members and $100 for returning members is due August 1st.  This can be paid with a credit card through CHARMS (service fee applies) or can be paid with cash, money order, or cashiers check. NO personal checks please.  If paying with cash, money order, or cashiers check this should be placed in the band hall safe on Monday morning.

Instructions to pay through CHARMS:
  1. Click the CHARMS link at the top of this page or click here to go to CHARMS
  2. login using your student ID or whatever you changed the password to
  3. Click the “finances” Icon
  4. Click “Pay fixed Payments” and complete checkout through paypal (service fee applies)

Summer Band – 1st Day Checklist

The following list of items should be brought with you on your first day of Summer Band.  Please review it carefully to ensure that you do not forget anything important, and do not wait until the night before to look at it.  READ IT NOW!  For your convenience, you can print it out by clicking the print button at the end of this post.

  1. CCISD Physical Form
    • Cannot use any other form
    • Must be signed by Parent/Guardian AND student in THREE separate places
  2. Band Handbook Acknowledgement/Film/Media Release Form
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian and Student
  3. UIL Acknowledgement form
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian and Student
  4. UIL Health Tips for Marching Band Acknowledgement Form
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian and Student
  5. Parent Consent Form for school sponsored trip
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian
  6. Student Medication Form
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian
  7. Sheet music for 2015 Marching Show and Fundamental Book
    • These need to be in a 3 ring binder with plastic sheet protectors.
  8. Flip Folder and Lyre for instrument.
    • This will be used for stand tunes which will be posted to CHARMS at a later date.
  9. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
    • Instruments will be set down on concrete, therefore it is recommended that you bring a small towel to place underneath your instrument. (Not required)
  10. Pencil(s)
  11. Water jug (1/2 gallon minimum; does not have to be the blue one purchased at Equipment Night)
    • Updated 7/27: Water jugs ordered on equipment night will NOT be distributed the first day of Summer Band because the equipment items have not yet been delivered. Camelbaks are highly recommended for rehearsals. (not required)
    • Blue water jugs (the one from equipment night) are required for football games.
  12. Athletic shoes
    • Vans, converse, vibram five fingers, or similar shoes are not acceptable footwear.
  13. Athletic t-shirt (white) and shorts (no jeans or long pants)
    • Tank tops are allowed.
    • Ladies undergarments must remain hidden.
  14. Sunscreen
    • Get the correct SPF for your skin type.
    • Apply sunscreen before going outside.
    • Reapply as needed during breaks.
  15. Hat/visor and sunglasses
    • Sun protection for your eyes
    • Silly hats are not acceptable.
  16. Prepare for rehearsal at least 48 hours in advance
    • Drink Gatorade the night before rehearsal
    • Eliminate soft drinks and energy drinks from your diet
  17. Eat a quality breakfast and drink lots of water before rehearsal
    • Do NOT eat a big bowl of sugary cereal or pop-tarts.  You will end up feeling terrible and/or becoming ill.
    • Breakfast should include protein and avoid simple sugars.
Instructions For Downloading Music and Forms
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of this page
  2. Enter your student area password (initially your CCISD student ID)
  3. Click “Files & Handouts”
  4. Click “2015 Marching Show” and “Fundamental Book” and then click the PDF for your instrument.  (It is recommended that you print a test page 1st to ensure that everything is working correctly in order to avoid wasting any ink.
  5. Download and READ the 2015 Band Handbook, and then continue to number 6.
  6. Click the folder “Required Forms” and download and print every form
Important Note About Physical Form:

Summer Band Is Almost Here

As you should already know, even though you are probably trying to forget about it, we will be kicking off Summer Band next week.  This time of year can be a very exciting time for band students as we get up off the couch, head to school early, learn a ton of new stuff, and make countless new friends that you will always remember.  The Freshman and Upperclassmen will be getting together for the first time to form the 2015-2016 edition of the Clear Springs Charger Band, a group that will only be in existence for this one year.

We will be starting a journey, one which will take us from thinking about one new concept at a time to thinking about literally hundreds of different concepts all at the same time, while also entertaining thousands of people.  So everyone buckle up, because here we go!

Freshman Begin
Wednesday, July 29th at 8:00 AM
Clear Springs High School – Band Hall

Color Guard Begins
Thursday, July 30th at 8:00 AM
Clear Springs High School – Band Hall

Full Band Begins
Friday, July 31st at 8:00 AM
Clear Springs High School – Band Hall

1st Day Checklist:
  • Click here in order to view a detailed checklist of everything that you need to bring with you and everything that you need to do on the first day of Summer Band.  READ IT NOW! Do not wait to read it until the night before or you will be very stressed.
  • All required forms and music are now available for download from CHARMS.  Please visit CHARMS by clicking the link at the top of this page or by clicking here, and download them as we will be collecting the forms at the beginning of rehearsal on the first day and you may be sent home if you are missing something.