The Importance Of Being Early

In a previous post on this website we have told students that they should arrive 15 minutes early for rehearsal.  We do not tell students this just for the sake of being able to start band rehearsal on time.  We also tell students this because, if they can turn it into a habit, it will be something that benefits them for the rest of their lives.

Students that learn the habit of being early as teenagers will not have to be worried or rushed when they are older and have something that they have to be early for and is very important.  A job interview is one such example.

In the Clear Springs Band, we believe in helping teach our students this important habit of being early.  One of the ways we do this is by lining up in 2’s outside the band hall door, with all necessary items for rehearsal, and marching to the practice field a few minutes early so that we can begin rehearsal on time. This also helps get students mentally focused for rehearsal.  This is not optional, if it were it would not be an effective teaching tool, because of this students are marked tardy if they are not in 2’s once we start marching over to the field or if they have to go back inside because they forgot something.

Thank you parents for your support in helping teach our students the importance of being early.


The ExtravaBandza is an opportunity for Clear Creek ISD to show off its band programs to the community.  All 5 high school bands will be performing their 2014 competition shows after which we will have a mass band performance featuring all of the 7th through 12th grade CCISD band students.  This is definitely something that you won’t want to miss.


Tuesday, October 7th
3:30 PM Run Through on Band Lot
4:30 PM Load/Eat Dinner/Dress in Uniform
5:30 PM Depart CSHS – Stadium Gates Open ($3.00 admission, children get in free)
7:00 PM Perform at CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium
8:00 PM Mass Band performance
8:45 PM Depart CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium
9:20 PM Arrive CSHS – Unload Truck
9:50 PM Last student picked up
Clear Creek ISD Stadium

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.

  • The concession stands will be open and all proceeds will benefit CCISD band programs, so please show your support by purchasing snacks.
  • Also, traffic is an issue at CCISD stadium, so please plan to arrive early.

Game #5 vs Clear Lake


Friday, October 3rd
3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Dinner/Load Truck
5:15 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive at CCISD Veteran’s Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart CCISD Veteran’s Stadium
10:30 Arrive at CSHS
Clear Creek ISD Stadium

  • We will be wearing full uniform.  Please click here to read the Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) and make sure you have everything that you need.
  • Students are not permitted to bring blankets on the bus (students may bring a jacket or sweatshirt to wear if they get cold in the air conditioning).  It may not be used to cover up.
  • The booster club will have mosquito spray on hand.  Students may bring their own if so desired.
Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Change into full uniform AFTER eating dinner.  Gauntlets and gloves should be worn.  Shakos should be in the hat box with the hat box open for inspection.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  Don’t get lazy and think you have everything because you have already been to three games.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.  Please click here and read the Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.  Make sure you have a garment bag to transport your uniform in on the bus.
Game Procedures:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
Game Behavior Expectations:
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument is put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.

Friendswood Contest

The students have been working hard now for over 8 weeks and have their first chance to perform at a contest at the 2014 Friendswood Marching Festival.


8:00 AM Rehearsal
9:00 AM Brunch/Load/Dress
10:30 AM Depart CSHS
12:00 PM Warm-up
12:52 PM Perform
4:15 PM Prelims Awards
4:30 PM Dinner at Truck
6:30 PM Finals Begin (will go home if we do not make finals)
9:30 PM Finals Awards
10:30 PM Arrive CSHS
Henry Winston Stadium – Friendswood, TX

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.

If this will be your first time to attend an event at Henry Winston Stadium in Friendswood, allow yourself plenty of time to get parked and into the stadium.  Traffic flow can be very congested and parking is extremely limited.  With buses, trucks, and cars traveling in and out of the area all day, there will be delays.

For information about ticket pricing, the detailed performance schedule of all bands, and parking information please visit the contest website below:

2014 Friendswood Marching Festival

Game #4 vs Brazoswood


3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Dinner/Load Truck
5:00 Depart CSHS
5:45 Arrive at CCISD Veteran’s Stadium
6:00 Kickoff
9:00 Depart CCISD Veteran’s Stadium
9:30 Arrive at CSHS
Clear Creek ISD Stadium

  • We will be wearing full uniforms beginning with this game.  Please read click here to read the Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) and make sure you have everything that you need.  This is new please read!
  • Students are not permitted to bring blankets on the bus (students may bring a jacket or sweatshirt to wear if they get cold in the air conditioning).  It may not be used to cover up.
  • The booster club will have mosquito spray on hand.  Students may bring their own if so desired.
Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Change into full uniform AFTER eating dinner.  Gauntlets and gloves should be worn.  Shakos should be in the hat box with the hat box open for inspection.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  Don’t get lazy and think you have everything because you have already been to three games.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.  Please click here and read the Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.  Make sure you have a garment bag to transport your uniform in on the bus.
Game Procedures:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
Game Behavior Expectations:
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument is put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.

Fuddruckers Benefit Night

A great way to help help raise some additional funds for the band is to have lunch or dinner at the new Fuddruckers.  Yes, you read that right, simply have lunch or dinner at Fuddruckers and present the following flier when you check out and Fuddruckers will donate 20% of your purchase amount to the band.

Fuddruckers Benefit Night Flier

Tuesday, September 23rd
11 AM – 9 PM
20001 Gulf Freeway
Webster, TX 77598

This is a very easy way to raise some funds.  Let’s try and make this as successful as possible by not only participating but also by printing out extra fliers and giving them to friends, relatives, and/or co-workers.

Please remember to present the flier when checking out!!

Grades, Eligibility, & Attendance

For those who are not already aware, all students’ grades can be viewed by both students and parents through ccisd4me.  Click here for information on how to register and access ccisd4me.  This is being mentioned for two reasons:

1. Academic Eligibility:

Our first UIL eligibility check is on October 2nd.  This means that students must be passing ALL of their classes with a 70 or above in order to remain eligible.  Students who have a 69 or below in any non-waiver class by the close of school on October 2nd will lose eligibility at the close of school on October 9th.  Student in waiver-eligible classes must be passing at the close of school on October 17.  Click here to view the Eligibility calendar for the entire school year.  For more information about eligibility, read the Eligiblity – FAQ section of the Parent Survival Guide (pg. 13) and re-read the UIL Eligiblity section of the 2014 Band Handbook (pg. 6).  Both the Parent Survival Guide and 2014 Band Handbook can be found under “Handouts & Files” in CHARMS.

2. Band Grades:

Band grades can also be viewed in ccisd4me.  Participation grades consist of daily participation in class which includes having all necessary materials.  Participation grades are also made up of attendance at outside of school rehearsals.  Students will lose points for unexcused absences and unexcused tardies.  For more information about what is considered excused vs unexcused read the Attendance section of the Parent Survival Guide (pg. 15) and re-read the Attendance policy section of the 2014 Band Handbook (pg. 16).

We do use CHARMS to track attendance at outside of school rehearsals and performances.  You can view this by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Absences” icon.

For more information about grades, please re-read the Grading Policies section of the 2014 Band handbook (pg.5) and view the Band Syllabus. The Band Syllabus can be found under “Grading Information” in “Handouts & Files” in CHARMS.

Note: Please check the above mentioned resources if you have any questions, if you are unable to find the answer in those resources then please email us.

CHARMS Fundraising Entrees Explained

The following letter is from our booster club treasurer:

Dear Band Students and Parents,

There has been some confusion regarding the Rock-a-thon entries that show up on the student financial statements in CHARMS.  I am sending out this message to clear things up.

As the Rock-a-thon approached, we started receiving many requests from students/parents who wanted to know how much had been mailed in for them.  Instead of answering each request, I entered the mail-in numbers for each student in their CHARMS account.  They showed up under the fundraising section and were marked “cash”.  This information was only meant to show the current mail-ins and any donations received after that date were not entered.  Also, any donations that were brought in on the day of Rock-a-thon were not entered into CHARMS.

As per IRS rules and CCISD policies, we are not allowed to individually allocate fundraising efforts.  All donations must be used for the entire band and cannot offset any individual band fees or expenses.  The information I entered was only meant to show current donations since some students were trying to meet certain goals.

I have removed the entries from CHARMS for mail-in donations.  Any entries that remain were made on the CHARMS website and were placed there automatically when the donation was made.  Again, all fundraising money must be used to support the entire band and will not be credited to an individual.

Thank you,

Glen Santos
Treasurer, Clear Springs Band Booster Club

First Aid Committee

The Charger Band First Aid Committee is in need of parent volunteers.

We are looking for a few parents that are Physicians, RNs, Paramedics, or EMTs and are willing to travel with the band to performances and events.  Our current first aid volunteers have seniors and will be graduating in May.  We really need freshman and sophomore parents who have training in these fields to volunteer alongside these senior parents to observe how things operate and learn CCISD policies concerning treatment of students.

The band first aid volunteer carries the first aid kit (including medications) and addresses first aid and medical needs that occur.  If you are interested and/or willing to learn more about this volunteer position, please submit your contact information using the contact form below.

Error: Contact form not found.

Thank you for supporting the Charger Band!

TMEA All-State/Region Clinic

The University of Houston Moores School of Music will be hosting a free clinic to help prepare students for the TMEA All-State/Region Audition.  Many of the clinicians are members of local professional ensembles including the Houston Symphony Orchestra, Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, and Houston Ballet Orchestra.

Saturday, October 4th, 2014
10:00-11:30 AM (Students will be excused from band rehearsal that day with proof of attendance)

Clinic participants should bring their instrument, music, pencil, and portable music stand.  The clinic is free.  Reservations are required.  Please call or email Carol Risinger to RSVP by Friday, September 26, 2014.  Carol may be reached at or 713-743-3175