Physical Forms for Band & Athletics

Students that are involved with both band and athletics must have a copy of their CCISD Pre-Participation Physicals on file with the band and with the athletic trainer.  Students who have not already made a copy may pick up their physical form from us, get a copy made, and then return one to us and one to the athletic trainer.

It is suggested that when physicals are given each year that each student make three copies of the physical form and give one to the trainer, one to the band director, and keep one on file at home.

CCISD Extracurricular Fee

CCISD Extracurricular fee is due by Monday, September 15th.  Failure to pay this fee will result in the suspension from the halftime performance at the football game on Sept 25th.

Click here for information on what the fee pays for, why it is assessed, and how to pay for it online through ccisd4me.

  • The CCISD Extracurricular Fee does NOT appear in the CHARMS Financial Statement as the fee is a district fee and NOT a campus fee.  Please click the link above for instructions on how to pay the fee through ccisd4me.
  • You CANNOT pay for the fee through CHARMS.  Please click the link above for instructions on how to pay the fee through ccisd4me.
  • Do NOT bring in a check made out to the band. Please click the link above for instructions on how to pay the fee through ccisd4me.
Heads Up:

As discussed at the parent meeting in May, the 1st semester CCISD instrument rental fee will be due October 1st.  We will be posting instructions in the next couple of weeks.  Please do NOT bring in this payment until instructions are posted.

Game #3 vs La Porte


3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Dinner/Load Truck
5:15 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive at Bulldog Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Bulldog Stadium
10:45 Arrive at CSHS
Bulldog Stadium – La Porte High School

  • Students are not permitted to bring blankets on the bus (students may bring a jacket or sweatshirt to wear if they get cold in the air conditioning).  It may not be used to cover up.
  • The booster club will have mosquito spray on hand.  Students may bring their own if so desired.
Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Change into summer uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  Don’t get lazy and think you have everything because you have already been to two games.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.  Please click here and read the Game Day Checklist to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
Game Procedures:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
Game Behavior Expectations:
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument is put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.The band hall will open at 8:30 AM Saturday morning for rehearsal to begin on the field promptly at 9:00 AM.

2014 Show Shirt

Heartland Show Shirt Clear SpringsWe are now taking orders for our 2014 Show Shirt the design of which can be seen here, every year we have a shirt with a design that is specific to that year’s show.  This is a great souvenir for both band students as well as family to purchase.  All orders must be made through the CHARMS Store.

Order Instructions:
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of the page.
  2. Students & Parents please login.
  3. Click the “Online Store” icon (guests may click the “Guest Shopping” icon)
  4. Click the button labeled “choose” next to the 2014 Show shirt.
  5. Select your size
  6. Click “No Description (click to add to cart)”
  7. Enter the quantity you want.
  8. Click “Update Cart”
  9. You may repeat the process to add additional show shirts to your order.
  10. When you have finished adding items to your cart click “Checkout”
  11. If paying with credit card, click “Checkout with Paypal” and you will be taken to paypal to complete your order.
  12. If paying with cash or check (payable to “Clear Springs Band”), click “Bill And Print”
  13. Print the order form that appears and drop this order form and your payment in the band hall safe.
Important Notes:
  • You MUST bring in BOTH the order form and your payment if paying with cash or check.
  • Orders are made through the CHARMS online store NOT through the online store.
  • Do NOT just make a miscellaneous payment in CHARMS; you must actually order the shirt in the CHARMS online store.
  • Make checks payable to “Clear Springs Band”.  If checks are returned due to insufficient funds, the amount of the check and any additional fees will be added to the student’s account on the campus fine and fee list.

Booster Meeting Sept. 15

Please join us for our first general booster meeting September 15th @ 7:00 PM in the band hall.

Important information will be discussed regarding the fundraisers we have planned, projects we have on the books, and how we plan to make this a great year for our kids.

For the schedule of general meetings please see our Google Calendar by clicking here or the calendar link at the top of the page.

Game #2 vs Dobie (Senior Night)


3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Dinner/Load Truck
5:15 Depart CSHS/Senior Parents should be at Veteran’s Stadium at this time getting lined up in alphabetical order
6:00 Arrive at CCISD Veteran’s Stadium/Seniors go straight to field to meet parents
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart CCISD Veteran’s Stadium
10:30 Arrive at CSHS
Clear Creek ISD Stadium

  • Students are not permitted to bring blankets on the bus (students may bring a jacket or sweatshirt if they get cold in the air conditioning)
  • Seniors will wear full uniform minus shako for Senior Recognition and will change into summer uniform after senior recognition.  Seniors need to be in full uniform for inspection with their summer uniform in garment or tote bag.  They will need their garment bag to store the uniform after Senior Recognition.
Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Change into summer uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.  Please click here and read the Game Day Checklist to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
Game Procedures:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
Game Behavior Expectations:
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument is put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.The band hall will open at 8:30 AM Saturday morning for rehearsal to begin on the field promptly at 9:00 AM.


Last week you should have received an email from Mrs. Love asking that if you arrive early to pick up your child from an event that you please park in a parking space, you can not wait on the emergency lanes or thoroughfares.  Instead, please park in a parking space and then pull around when your child is ready.  Because we are using most of the back parking  lot for rehearsal there may not be enough spots in the back of the school for all parents, you may need to wait in front of the school.

You may still use the thoroughfares to drop-off and pick-up as long as you are not waiting in your car.  When waiting you must park in a parking space.

A couple of weeks ago, there was an emergency situation on campus where an ambulance had to be called.  This happened right around the time we dismissed from band practice.  With the congestion of multiple athletic events/practices going on at the same time as our rehearsal, it left the back driving lanes of the school very congested to the point that it impeded the path of the ambulance to reach its destination.  The person in need is fine; however, the mobility issue caught everyone’s attention to address the situation in case there is a life-threatening emergency the next time an ambulance is called.

Thank you for complying with this new policy as we strive to do what is best for our students, staff, and guests at Clear Springs High School.

Note: If someone asks you to move, please cooperate.  There will be school personnel, law enforcement officials, and fire department personnel making occasional checks of the drive lanes after school hours.

Band Dues Due Sept 1

In order to provide a quality education for your child, band dues are assessed to cover the gap between what the district pays for plus what the booster club raises and the cost of operating a modern band program at a 6A high school in Texas.  Details of what the band dues covers was discussed in detail at the final booster club meeting at the end of last year.

As was communicated at the parent meeting (different from the booster meeting) at the end of last school year, the $200 band dues are due on Sept 1st.  Please note that this is separate from the equipment night purchases, game meals, and the CCISD extracurricular fee.  You may pay with a credit card through CHARMS (there is a service fee), or you may pay with cash, money order, or cashiers check (no personal checks).

Please be aware that the CCISD extracurricular fee will be due on Sept 15th, we will send out instructions the week of Sept 1st. Do NOT pay the CCISD extracurricular fee through CHARMS or include it as part of any other payments you are making to the band or band boosters.

Game #1 vs North Shore


3:00   Rehearsal
4:00   Dinner/Load Truck
5:00   Depart
6:00   Arrive at GPISD Stadium
7:00   Kickoff
10:00 Depart GPISD Stadium
11:00 Arrive CSHS
Galena Park ISD Stadium

Departure Preparation:
  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.  Trombones last on, first off.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • Change into summer uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall.Please click here and read the Game Day Checklist to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
Game Procedures:
  • Please read the section in the Charger Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted Mr. Williams.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
Game Behavior Expectations:
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing excellent support for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members up to the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well
Post-Game Procedures:
  • We will send a text message as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS. Please plan to be there no later than five minutes before our texted arrival time. Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument is put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.The band hall will open at 8:30 AM Saturday morning for rehearsal to begin on the field promptly at 9:00 AM.

WELCOME to the Band Booster Club

We would like to thank everyone who has joined our booster club so far, you are essential to our organization. For your convenience all members are posted on the band website which can be accessed by clicking here. This week we will be scheduling the general booster meetings for the year and will communicate the dates to you, they will also be on our google calender which can be accessed by clicking the calendar link at the top of this page or by clicking here.

It’s not too late to join our booster club and we would love to have you. To join the booster club, please fill out the following form and ask your child to put it in the safe in the band hall or you can turn it in to any booster executive board member:  2014 CSHS Booster Club Membership Form