Meet the Chargers

This is a community pep rally.  That means that all members of the community are invited to come and show their support for the Clear Springs Chargers Band, Silverados, Cheerleaders, and Fall Athletes.


Wednesday, August 27th
6:10 – Assemble in Band Hall
6:30 – Meet the Chargers in Main Gym
7:30 – end of event
7:35 – Band Hall closed/all students picked up
Clear Springs High School – Competition Gym

What to wear:

Rehearsal clothes are acceptable; however, students may change clothes if they so choose.


Rehearsal on this day ends at 5:30.  Students may bring a sack dinner or parents may deliver one to school at 5:30.  We will not be providing a meal.

Back To School

Students bringing instruments, rehearsal gear to school in the morning…
  • Go directly to the Cafeteria upon arrival.  Do not go to the Fine Arts Hallway
  • Wait in the Cafeteria until 7:00 AM or until Mr. Ruiz releases you
  • Exit through the parking lot doors(do not go down Mane Street)
  • cross breezeway
  • Enter glass doors by Band Hall by 7:10 AM (do not enter exterior band hall door)
  • If you arrive after 7:10 AM, you will need to enter through the Cafeteria and wait for the bell to dismiss students to First Period
Students not bringing instruments, rehearsal gear to school in the morning…
  • Remain in Cafeteria until bell rings dismissing everyone to First Period
  • Do not enter the Band Hall or hang out in the Fine Arts Hallway before school
Remember that for security reasons, only students currently enrolled in band are allowed in the Band Hall.  All non-band students will need to wait on Mane Street.
What students need for band class…
  1. Music, flip folder, and lyre for instrument.
  2. Dot book
  3. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
  4. Pencil(s)
  5. Athletic shoes
    • We will do basic marching in the band hall, students are required to change into athletic shoes if they are not wearing them to school.
  6. Clothing that allows students to perform all visuals
    • Students wearing tight jeans or skirts will need to change into athletic shorts; however, this will need to take place during the 7 minute passing period as we do not set aside class time for students to change clothes.
What students need for after school rehearsals…
  1. Music, flip folder, and lyre for instrument.
  2. Dot book
  3. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
  4. Pencil(s)
  5. Water jug or Camelbak (1/2 gallon minimum; does not have to be the blue one purchased at Equipment Night)
  6. Athletic shoes
    • Vans, converse, vibram five fingers, or similar shoes, sandals, and flip flops are not acceptable footwear.
  7. White athletic t-shirt and shorts (any color)
    • Tank tops are allowed.
    • Ladies undergarments must remain hidden
  8. Sunscreen
    • Get the correct SPF for your skin type.
    • Apply sunscreen before going outside.
  9. Hat/visor and sunglasses
    • Sun protection for your eyes
    • Silly hats are not acceptable.
  10. Students may eat a snack after school.  Those who eat A lunch are encouraged to eat a snack after school.

Note: failure to have required items at during and after school rehearsals will negatively affect weekly participation grades.

Notes for parents…
  1. Please refrain from dropping forgotten items off at the front desk for your child.  If possible, please wait until 2:45 and deliver the items to your child outside the band hall.
  2. Please pick up your child within ten minutes of the conclusion of rehearsals.  We will not go over time due to the UIL 8-Hour Rule.
  3. Please use caution when picking up your child as there will be a lot of foot traffic moving in both directions across the driveway.  Please use a designated parking space if one is available.
  4. For the safety of the students, please avoid driving on the band practice field while students are on the lot moving equipment.


Are You Ready For The Rock-A-Thon

Rock-A-Thon is Saturday, August 23rd with check-in beginning at 8:30 AM in the Clear Springs High School Cafeteria, rocking will begin at 9:00 AM

This event is a lock-in, therefore students will not be permitted to leave in the middle and parents will not be permitted to bring anything to their children.

What students should bring:
  • Donations
  • Rocking chair or some sort of chair that can rock (such as an office chair)
  • Optional items can include TVs, computers, game consoles, and dvd or blu-ray players.
  • If bringing electronics students must provide their own extension cords and power strips.

As of 8/11/15, all mail in and on-line donations (through Charms and PayPal) have been tallied and added to the financial section of each band student’s Charms account in the finances section.  The total listed is cumulative and will be updated this coming week as donations continue to come in and are transferred and processed.

Final numbers of mail in and credit card donations will be updated Friday morning.

Also, all donations of cash and checks gathered this summer must be brought in at check-in on Saturday.

Detailed lists of who donated via mail-in, Charms or PayPal will be available at check in Saturday for your child to send thank you notes.

If you have any questions about donations please contact: Laura Santos at

We are excited to see everyone at Rock-A-Thon!  You don’t want to miss it!

Preview Night – Part 2

If you have not already read our previous Preview Night article please read it by clicking here.


Friday, August 22nd
4:30 – Meet in Band Hall wearing Summer Uniform (see below)
6:00 – Performance/Demonstration on practice parking lot
7:00 – Dinner in cafeteria (purchase tickets by clicking here)
7:45 – Chaperone Meeting (for anyone who is chaperoning this year)Clear Springs High School – Back Parking Lot

Summer uniform consists of the following items:
  • Blue band polo
  • Black band shorts
  • Black no show socks(NOT ankle socks)
  • Black band shoes
  • Plain black leather or faux-leather belt(NO bling)
  • Longer hair tied back with plain thin BLACK hair tie
  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No Hats
  • For this performance only, students may wear plain sunglasses (NO Crazy colors)


Game Meal Selection

Due Monday, August 25th

By now all game meal payments should be complete.  Any late payments that were dropped in the band hall safe may not have been entered in CHARMS yet, they will be entered by the end of the day on Friday August 22nd.  Please remit payment ASAP or students will not receive a meal for the 1st football game.  Please note that full payment will still be required even if games are missed due to lack of payment.

Click here and complete the following Google form by Monday, August 25th to select your game meals.  If you do not complete this form by Monday, August 25th you will be given the first item listed.  For additional cost, you may get a 2nd entree for $5 and cost will be added to CHARMS.

Chaperones that wish to purchase game meal(s) may do so on a week-by-week basis.  Please click here to make your meal selection. Only fill out the games you know that you will be chaperoning; leave other games blank.  If you are not sure when you will be chaperoning then you may fill out the form for only the current week’s game and fill out other games later.  The cost will be $10 and will be added their child’s CHARMS account.

Due Monday, August 25th

Uniform Fittings

Students will be wearing their blue polo and black shorts for the first several football games after which we will wear our marching uniforms.  Uniform fittings will begin next week.  You must wear clothing  similar to what you will wear under your uniform which includes light weight properly sized athletic shorts (NOT thick over-sized basketball shorts) and a properly fitted t-shirt.  All uniforms will have a tailored look (not baggy like last year).

Battery, Seniors, and Juniors
Monday, August 18th
1:00 PM

Pit, Sophomores
Wednesday, August 20th
1:00 PM

Freshmen, and those who miss their other assigned day
Thursday, August 21st
1:00 PM

Preview Night

Come out and support our kids at our annual Preview Night.

Friday, August 22nd
6:00 PM Performance; 4:30 PM Report 
Clear Springs High School – Back Parking Lot

Our kids have been working hard this summer & want to show off what they have learned.  The performance will take place on the band parking lot behind the school so you will probably want to bring folding chairs.  Following their performance we will have an optional meal and social gathering in the cafeteria.  This is a great opportunity for parents to meet and/or socialize with their children(s)’ friends’ parents, and for the kids to get a chance to relax and enjoy each others company before school starts.

This year we will be serving hamburgers & chicken sandwiches with tea & water plus dessert in the cafeteria immediately following the performance. Tickets are $10 per plate for both parents and students and can be purchased online through this website by clicking here or by cash.  If paying online please print out the receipt and drop it in the band hall safe, if paying with cash please put in an envelope labeled with your name, what it is for, and how many tickets and then drop it in the band hall safe.

Orders are due by Wednesday the 20th.

Note:  Do NOT pay online through CHARMS, if paying online pay through the online store on this website.

Updated 8/20: Clarified performance time and added report time.

Dot Books

In order to learn drill students are given coordinate sheets.  These coordinate sheets tell the students where on the football field they are supposed to go and how many counts they need to take to get there.  However this is not enough information to excel at the drill, it is only enough to initially learn it.

In order to excel, we have the students make something called a Dot Book which contains their coordinate information as well as additional information that we have the students add when we are out on the field learning and cleaning the drill.

All students (i.e. varsity, jv, drum line, pit, and color guard) are required to have their dot book on them whenever we are on the practice field.  Students who do not have their dot book or do not have a dot book completed up to the point instructed by directors will be asked to leave the field and will only be allowed to return when they have their completed dot book.  Varsity members risk being moved to jv and jv members will not be considered for any openings on varsity if they do not have completed dot books.  Also, we will have several dot book checks for grades during the first 9 weeks.

What we will provide:
  • 1 set of Dot book pages are free (replacement pages will be 5 for $1)
What students will provide:
  • 2 loose leaf binder rings (or spring links) to hold the Dot Book pages together
  • A lanyard or shoe lace in order to wear the dot book around their neck or waist when we are out on the field.
  • a pencil (not a pen) in order to write in the dot book (note that students should already be bringing a pencil to rehearsal in order to write in their music).


CSHS Info Packet & Schedule Pick-Up

Next week begins Information Packet Pick-up at Clear Springs High School.  Students are not allowed to miss rehearsal to take care of this.  The schedule is as follows. 

  • August 4 – 7:30-2:30 – Band students may pick them up AFTER 11:30.
  • August 5 – 7:30-2:30 – Band students may pick them up AFTER 11:30.
  • August 6 – 3:00-6:30 – Band students may pick them up BEFORE 4:00.
  • August 7 – 7:30-2:30 – Band students may pick them up AFTER 11:30.

The Proof of Residency Verification/Class Schedule/Textbook Pick-up schedule is as follows.  Students are not allowed to miss rehearsal to take care of this.

  • August 8 – 9th Grade
  • August 12 – 12th Grade – 3:00-6:00 – Band students may pick them up BEFORE 4:00.  Be in line at 2:30.
  • August 13 – 11th Grade – 3:00-6:00 – Band students may pick them up BEFORE 4:00.  Be in line at 2:30.
  • August 14 – 10th Grade – 3:00-6:00 – Band students may pick them up BEFORE 4:00.  Be in line at 2:30.
  • August 15 – All Students – 12:00-3:00 – Rehearsal ends at 11:30.

Band Update & Reminders 7/30/14

We have had a great start to the 2014-15 season learning (and re-learning) how to march.  Thank you to everyone who took care of getting all of the forms signed and turned in on time.  This will be very helpful as we get closer to the start of school.  Here are a few announcements and reminders as we move into August.

  1. The next trip payment is due this Friday.  $200 for students and $150 for chaperones.
  2. The Meal Plan payment is also due this Friday.  Remember the $150 payment is required for everyone.  The only exceptions are for those who have already visited with Mr. Williams.  We are working on the final details of our Meal Plan.  Information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
  3. Be sure to download and print the stand tunes addendum and add them to your flip folder.  These are the tunes we will be performing for the Silverados this year.
  4. Students should have already downloaded the fundamental book and added them to a three-ring binder.  You should be able to find good back to school deals on the binders.  If you want to put them in sheet protectors, that is ok but it is not required.
  5. Everyone should have already received their Equipment Night items with the exception of the shoes.  The shoe shipment was delayed; however, they are now in and will be distributed to the students after rehearsal on Friday.