All-State & Region Band Etude List and Practice Recomendations

TMEA has posted the etude lists for the 2014-2015 All-State & Region Band auditions which can be view by clicking here.

If you have not purchased the etude book for your instrument we will be posting copies of the etudes on CHARMS.  This may take several weeks once we have time to scan everything and get it uploaded.  We will send out an email when they are available for download, please do not email asking when they will be available.  If you want the etudes faster, please purchase the etude book.  The list of etude books can be found by clicking here.

All-State & Region Practice Recommendations

Do NOT immediately sit down and start playing through the etudes.  You will learn bad habits from doing this that will be hard to fix later.  Instead, break the etudes into small easily manageable sections, work through the steps below until successful and then play through the sections of music. (A section can be a couple of measures, one line, or maybe 2 lines, but do not do more than 2 lines at a time.)

  1. Read the Performance Guide
  2. Use a metronome
    • Seriously, use a metronome 100% of the time that you are practicing, and focus on completing the steps below, in-time with the metronome.
    • Start slow, only get faster when you can complete all of the steps below successfully.
  3. Determine the key of the section and practice the scale, scale in thirds, and arpeggios for that key.
    • Memorized
    • Full range
    • With a metronome
    • Both slowly while focusing on getting every note to sound the same, and fast while focusing on getting your fingers to be even.
  4. Count the rhythm
    • Count as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Instrument should be in playing position
    • Finger/position your part as you count
    • Only continue when you have counted and fingered/positioned 100% successfully.
    • If there is a rhythm that you are not sure how to count, work on a different section until you have asked for help.
  5. Say note names
    • Always do this under tempo, you won’t be able to do it as fast as counting or playing.
    • Say note names as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Say flats and sharps (e.g. if you have a B-Flat, then say “B-Flat”)
    • Finger/position your part as you say the note names
    • Only continue when you have said the note names and fingered/positioned 100% successfully
  6. Play the part
    • Record yourself with an app that can playback the recording slower than it was performed
    • Listen to the recording at different speeds and analyze
    • Did you stay with the metronome?
    • Did you play the correct rhythm?
    • Did you play the correct pitches?
    • If you are having trouble playing the correct rhythms, then spend more time counting.  If you are having trouble playing the correct pitches, then spend more time saying note names.
  7. Move onto next section or repeat this section at a faster tempo

For more information about the All-State/Region Band process please read our previous All-State/Region article by Clicking here.

Summer Band – 1st Day Checklist

The following list of items should be brought with you on your first day of Summer Band.  Please review it carefully to ensure that you do not forget anything important, and do not wait until the night before to look at it.  READ IT NOW!  For your convenience, you can print it out by clicking the print button at the end of this post.

  1. CCISD Physical Form
    • Cannot use any other form.
    • Must be signed by Parent/Guardian AND student in THREE separate places.
  2. Band Handbook Acknowledgement/Film/Media Release Form
    • Do NOT print double sided.
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian and Student.
  3. UIL Acknowledgement form
    • Do NOT print double sided
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian and Student.
  4. UIL Health Tips for Marching Band Acknowledgement Form
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian and Student.
  5. Parent Consent Form for school sponsored trip
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian.
  6. Student Medication Form
    • Signed by Parent/Guardian
  7. Secondary Honor Code
    • Signed by student
  8. Sheet music for 2014 Marching Show and 2014 Stand Tunes
    • Available for download from CHARMS.
    • scroll down the page for instructions/help.
  9. Flip Folder and Lyre for instrument.
    • Put stand tunes in flip folder and in order.
  10. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
    • Instruments will be set down on concrete, therefore it is recommended that you bring a small towel to place underneath your instrument. (Not required)
  11. Pencil(s)
  12. Water jug (1/2 gallon minimum; does not have to be the blue one purchased at Equipment Night)
    • Water jugs ordered on equipment night will be distributed the first day of Summer Band. Camelbaks are highly recommended for rehearsals. (not required)
    • Blue water jugs (the one from equipment night) are required for football games.
  13. Athletic shoes
    • Vans, converse, vibram five fingers, or similar shoes are not acceptable footwear.
  14. Athletic t-shirt and shorts
    • Tank tops are allowed.
    • Ladies undergarments must remain hidden.)
  15. Sunscreen
    • Get the correct SPF for your skin type.
    • Apply sunscreen before going outside.
  16. Hat/visor and sunglasses
    • Sun protection for your eyes
    • Silly hats are not acceptable.
Download Music and Forms
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of this page
  2. Enter your student area password (initially your CCISD student ID)
  3. Click “Files & Handouts”
  4. Click the different music folders and then your instrument.  (Use the instructions in this post in order to figure out which part you should download.)
  5. Download and READ the 2014 Band Handbook, and then continue to number 6.
  6. Click the folder “Required Forms” and download and print every form
Important Note About Physical Form

Summer Band Is Almost Here

As you should already know, even though you are probably trying to forget about it, but we will be kicking off Summer Band next week.  This time of year can be a very exciting time for band students as we get up off the couch, head to school early, learn a ton of new stuff, and make countless new friends that you will always remember.  The Freshman and Upperclassmen will be getting together for the first time to form the 2014-2015 edition of the Clear Springs Charger Band, a group that will only be in existence for this one year.

We will be starting a journey, one which will take us from thinking about one new concept at a time to thinking about literally hundreds of different concepts all at the same time, while also entertaining thousands of people.  So everyone buckle up, because here we go!

Freshman Begin
Monday, July 28th at 9:00 AM
Clear Springs High School – Band Hall

Full Band Begins
Tuesday, July 29th at 9:00 AM
Clear Springs High School – Band Hall

Important notes for the 1st day
  • Eat breakfast and drink water before band begins everyday of Summer Band.  Click here to review our previous post on preparing your body for summer band.
  • Make sure you are on time, in fact you should plan on arriving 15 minutes early for every rehearsal.
  • All required forms and music are now available for download from CHARMS.  Please visit CHARMS by clicking the link at the top of this page or by clicking here, and download them as we will be collecting the forms at the beginning of rehearsal on the first day and you may be sent home if you are missing something.
  • Click here in order to view a detailed checklist of everything that you need to bring with you on the first day of Summer Band.  READ IT NOW! Do not wait to read it until the night before or you will be very stressed.

All-State & Region Band Summer Preparation

The high school region band process is very similar to the junior high region band process, However, there are two main differences.  The first is that there is a freshman only region band audition which takes place before the high school audition  and which is a non-performing band. The Freshman Region audition is for the purpose of earning a region band patch, points toward your letter jacket, and most importantly practice for the high school region auditions.  Freshman may audition for freshman region, high school region, or both. The second main difference between junior high and high school is that the highest placing students at Region band will advance to the Area band auditions and then the highest placing students at Area will become Texas All-State musicians, a prestigious honor.  They will then have the privilege of performing with one of the All-State ensembles at the Texas Music Educators Association convention in February.

Though participation in the region band auditions is not required it is strongly encouraged as the whole process is a very educationally beneficial one.  Also, students who wish to attempt to move up a band for second semester must participate in region auditions and students who do not want to be passed up by another student, and possibly moved down a band, should participate as well. All Wind Ensemble students will be tested on the music starting in September. Placement at the region audition in December will be a factor in second semester placement.

Some of you may be wondering why we are discussing this so early when region auditions are not until December and the etudes have not even been posted.  We are discussing this because your preparation needs to begin now if you wish to do well.

All-State & Region Band practice recommendations
  1. Practice all 12 major scales
    • Memorized
    • Full range
    • With a metronome
    • Both slowly while focusing on getting every note to sound the same, and fast while focusing on getting your fingers to be even.
  2. Practice all 12 major scales in thirds
    • Memorized
    • Full range
    • With a metronome
    • Both slowly while focusing on getting every note to sound the same, and fast while focusing on getting your fingers to be even.

If you are able to play your scales well, meaning that you sound the same on every note regardless of articulation, especially at the extreme ranges of your instrument and with even fingers, meaning that you are not rushing or slowing down at all between any notes, then you will be well on your way to being successful in the All-State/Region process.

Audition material
  1. Click here to see a list of the etude books.
    • The etudes will be chosen from these book.
    • We encourage everyone to purchase the etude books so that when the etudes are posted the last week in July, they can begin practicing the etudes immediately, as it will take us several weeks to get copies of all the etudes made.
  2. Click here on or after July 25th at noon to see the specific etudes.

Summer Band Preparation

During Summer Band students will learn many new concepts to help them play their instruments better and of course learning how to march.  Students who take the time to prepare for Summer Band will get a much more rewarding and enjoyable experience out of it, which will result in a much more rewarding and enjoyable school year.  Therefore, we highly recommend that students take action now, before Summer Band begins, in order to get the best possible experience out of Summer Band  and the school year.  There are two components to successfully preparing yourself for Summer Band, which are practicing your music and preparing your body physically.

Practicing Music

Download the 2014 show music from CHARMS if you have not already done so, read this for help.

  1. Work on one section of music at a time.
    • Do not try and work on an the entire piece at once.
    • When you have completed the steps below successfully, then you may move on to the next section.
  2. Use a metronome
    • Seriously, use a metronome 100% of the time that you are practicing and focus on completing the steps below, in-time with the metronome.
    • Start slow, only get faster when you can complete all of the steps below successfully.
  3. Tap your foot
    • This will help with marching
    • If this is easy for you, then you can practice taping your left foot on odd beats (1, 3, etc…)and right foot on even beats (2, 4, etc…)
  4. Count the rhythm
    • Count as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Instrument should be in playing position
    • Finger/position your part as you count
    • Only continue when you have counted and fingered/positioned 100% successfully.
  5. Say note names
    • Always do this under tempo, you won’t be able to do it as fast as counting or playing.
    • Say note names as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Say flats and sharps (e.g. if you have a B-Flat, then say “B-Flat”)
    • Finger/position your part as you say the note names
    • Only continue when you have said the note names and fingered/positioned 100% successfully
  6. Play the part
    • Record yourself
    • Listen to the recording and analyze
    • Did you stay with the metronome?
    • Did you play the correct rhythm?
    • Did you play the correct pitches?
    • If you are having trouble playing the correct rhythms, then spend more time counting.  If you are having trouble playing the correct pitches, then spend more time saying note names.
  7. Move onto next section or repeat this section at a faster tempo

Note:  There are many more practice techniques that can be used in addition to the ones listed above and I encourage you to use any that you may know.

Preparing Your Body

It’s hot in Texas, and while we will not be outside during the hottest part of the day, (we normally go inside around 10am and don’t go back outside until around 6pm)  there are some simple things that you MUST do to better prepare yourself for Summer Band.

  1. Drink Water!
  2. Go outside!
    • Seriously, go outside.  Yes, we know it is hot, but you need to get used to it.
    • Start off just going outside in the shade and then move to the sun, working your way up to longer times spent outside in the sun (wear sunscreen).
  3. Drink Water!
  4. Get some exercise (outdoors)
    • Some simple suggestions would be to go for walks or go swimming.
  5. Drink Water!
  6. Stop eating processed foods
    • I mean it, if it comes in a sealed plastic wrapper, has an expiration date that is more than one week away, and has hard to pronounce words on the ingredient list, then it is probably bad for you and will make you feel terrible when you do any physical activity.
    • Eat real food, normally found around the perimeter of the grocery store.
  7. Drink Water!
    • Have you gotten the hint yet that you need to be drinking water?
    • Stop drinking sugary beverages, they are bad for you and will make you feel terrible when you do any physical activity.

If you have any comments/questions about practicing music or preparing your body, please use the comment box below so that others may benefit from your comment/question.

CHARMS Financial Statement Demystified

The CHARMS financial statement is an incredibly useful tool for both students/parents and directors.  This statement gives students/parents a snapshot of exactly what has been paid and what has yet to be paid.  It includes trips, equipment, uniforms, game meals, band dues, etc….

The statement consists of the trip ledger balance, the fixed payments due, the fundraising balance, and the miscellaneous balance, which are summarized at the top of the financial statement.  We will occasionally email this statement, however, for your convenience it is accessible online 24/7 through CHARMS.  For directions on how to access this statement, scroll to the bottom of this page or click here.

Quick Links:

Click the links below to skip ahead to the section that interests you or simply keep reading to read about all of the sections.

Trip Ledger Balance:

The trip ledger balance will list any trips you will be attending and show each payment you have made and show how much you have left to pay.  You may make an online payment with paypal by clicking on the button labeled “make trip payment” or you may make a trip payment by bringing cash, money order, or cashiers check to Mr. Brown.  Personal checks are not accepted.

If you are not planning on attending any trips and a trip is still listed for you in the trip ledger, it is likely that you have not turned in the trip Letter of Intent indicating that you will not be going on the trip.  For more information on the Letter of Intent and our 2015 Orlando Trip click here.

Fixed Payments Due:

This section will show equipment and uniform purchases, band dues, and game meals.  The due date for each item is listed to the right of each item.

You may make an online payment with paypal by clicking on the button labeled “pay fixed payments” or you may make a fixed payment by bringing cash, money order, or cashiers check to Mr. Brown.  Personal checks are not accepted.  For more information about equipment and uniform purchases read the Equipment Night articles by clicking here and here.  You can also find more information about equipment, band dues, and game meals by reading the Parent Survival Guide in CHARMS.

Fundraising Balance:

IRS rules and CCISD policy does not allow us to have individual fundraising accounts, which means that any amount that an individual fundraises cannot be applied to that individual.  Instead, the amount that an individual fundraises must go into the general fund and benefit everyone.

However, the fundraising balance section of the financial statement is used to track how much each student has fundraised for informational purposes only.  Any amount shown here cannot, per IRS rules and CCISD policy, have any effect on any other portion of the financial statement.

For more information on fundraising visit our fundraising page by clicking here or by clicking the fundraising link in the left sidebar.

Miscellaneous Balance:

As the name suggests, this area is used for any miscellaneous items or costs.  E.g., if a student loses a required equipment item and needs to purchase a new one in the middle of marching season, the item will be listed here.  This section may also include sales tax and shipping for equipment and uniform purchases if they were not purchased on June 3, our tax free day.  If you paid for your equipment and uniform items on June 3 there will not be any sales tax or shipping charges.  There is never any sales tax on band dues or game meals.

Also, CHARMS does not allow a single online payment to be made to multiple sections at the same time, e.g., making a trip payment and paying your game meals at the same time.  To work around this, make a single payment in the miscellaneous ledger and once completed click the “request transfer” tab at the top of the financial statement page and make a request for the payment to be applied to specific areas and items.

You may make an online payment with paypal by clicking on the button labeled “make miscellaneous payment” or you may make a miscellaneous payment by bringing cash, money order, or cashiers check to Mr. Brown.  Personal checks are not accepted.

How to access the CHARMS financial statement:
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of the page.
  2. Enter your student area password (this will initially be your CCISD student ID)
  3. Click the “finances” icon

Equipment Night: Part 2

This is an addendum to the first Equipment Night article.  Please read it first if you have not already done so, by clicking here, before continuing below.

All 2014-2015 Members/Parents
  • Park behind the school and enter the cafeteria through the back parking lot.  Do not enter from the front of the school.
  • Completed Rock-A-Thon envelopes for the mail-in campaign are due.
2014-2015 Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors

If you will be ordering any of the required items at Equipment Night in order to replace ones that have been lost or outgrown, you must complete a Google form, by clicking here, before noon on Tuesday, June 3th.  The purpose of this form is to find out what required items upperclassmen will be ordering so that these can be entered in CHARMS before equipment night, which will save time.  Note that you are required to have the band shoes, blue polo, black sweat-wicking shirt, black shorts, garment bag, tote bag, and blue water jug, which cannot be purchased from another retailer.  So if you have lost, outgrown any items, or have items that are not in like new condition, you must order new ones.  Gloves are not listed because all woodwinds/brass will already be ordering new ones.

Student Leaders

Sign-up for jobs for Equipment Night in the band hall before the beginning of school on Tuesday June 3

Leave Comments, Ask Questions

A new feature which has been added to our site is the ability to either leave comments or ask questions about articles directly on the site.  We will be enabling this feature on select articles, as an experiment, to see if there is a benefit.  Simply scroll to the end of an article and look for “Leave a Comment or Ask a Question” and then click the box, enter name and email or login with Facebook or twitter, and leave your comment or question.  The main benefit that we foresee in having this feature available is that the comments and our answers to the questions will be visible to all students and parents.  If you have a comment that you think will help clarify the information for others, or if you have a question that is not of a personal nature, please use this feature instead of emailing the directors so that all may benefit.

Important Notes:
  • All comments will be reviewed by Mr. Brown or Mr. Williams before being posted to ensure that they are school appropriate.
  • If you are leaving a comment instead of a question, please make sure that it is something that is informative and will benefit others.
  • Your IP address will be recorded if you submit a comment/question, and we will blacklist your IP if you are spamming or submitting fake names or emails.

Graduation Band

Our last performance of the 2013-2014 school year is the graduation ceremony.  This is a required performance for current 9th-11th grade members of Wind Ensemble and select members from Symphonic Band.  These students have already been notified if they are selected for this group.

Saturday, June 7th
CCISD Veteran’s Memorial Stadium


4:00 – Report to Band Hall for final rehearsal
5:45 – Load Truck
6:10 – Depart for Veteran’s Stadium
7:30 – Graduation Ceremony Begins
9:00 – Graduation Ceremony Ends
9:45 – Arrive Clear Springs High School


3:15 – Report to Band Hall for final rehearsal
4:00 – Load Truck
4:30 – Depart for Carlisle Field House
6:00 – Graduation Ceremony 1
7:00 – Dinner Break (Mrs. Love is providing pizza)
8:30 – Graduation Ceremony 2
9:30 – Load Truck
10:15 – Arrive Clear Springs High School

Slacks or khakis – No jeans
Collared button-down shirt with tie (serious ties only)
Dressy or leather shoes – no athletic shoes, sandals, or flip flops
Slacks or khakis
Collared button-down blouse – strapless or sleeveless not allowed
Low-heel shoes – no sandals or flip flops

Equipment Night

All 2014-2015 members are required to attend our Equipment Night next Tuesday, June 3rd.  Families with more than one child may follow the schedule with the older sibling.

Juniors & Seniors – 4:30-5:00 PM
Sophomores – 5:00-5:30 PM
Freshmen M-Z – 5:30-6:15 PM
Freshmen A-L – 6:15-7:00 PM
Clear Spring High School – Cafeteria

The purpose of Equipment Night is to size all students, pay for the various uniform items that they are required to have, and to get everything ordered before other bands do so in August.  Another reason we do this in June is to give parents a financial break from the Back-to-School rush.

Tuesday night, students will be sized for a blue band polo and black shorts which will be worn for the first three or four football games because of the heat.  (You will need to get a plain black leather belt before the first football game.)  Also, they will be sized for a black sweat-wicking shirt, black gloves, and black band shoes to be worn with their marching uniform which we will assign them in the fall.

Please understand that the polo/shorts combination and the marching uniform require a tailored look.  If you are accustomed to purchasing shirts or shorts one size larger because “that’s the style” or with the intent for your child to “grow into it”, this will not be allowed.  Remember that this is a uniform and uniforms are meant to be fitted to the person’s measurements.

Another very important aspect about this event is that it is a tax free night.  All items ordered and paid for Tuesday night will be exempt from sales tax.  If you have to order or pay after Tuesday night, you will be charged sales tax and additional shipping charges may apply.  Please note that because this is a uniform, the items listed above must be purchased from us.  Items may not be substituted from another retailer.  Items purchased previously may be used provided they are in excellent condition.  The directors will have the final say.

  • Meal Plan payments will be accepted – due August 1st – no checks.  Cash, Money Order, or Credit Card payments only.
  • Band Dues will be accepted – due September 1st – no checks.  Cash, Money Order, or Credit Card payments only.
  • Orlando Trip payments will also be accepted – $100 student & $50 chaperone deposit due June 1 – no checks.  Cash, Money Order, or Credit Card payments only.
  • Booster club membership dues will also be accepted, but must be paid separately as this money goes to the booster club – all forms of payment accepted.
  • The $25 summer CCISD instrument rental fee is due at this event and must be paid for separately.  Make checks payable to “CCISD-MEF”

Read part 2 of this article by clicking here.