Summer Instrument Rental

All students who will be checking out a school owned instrument for the summer must pay a $25 CCISD Instrument Rental Fee.  This fee is assessed by our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students and is due at our Equipment Night on Tuesday, June 3rd.

Current freshman, sophomore, and junior students must see Mr. Brown to check out the instrument before Equipment Night.  Incoming freshman must email Mr. Brown and request an instrument so that we will have one available for pickup at Equipment Night.

Please note that we send many of our instruments out for summer repairs and we may not have an instrument available for everyone at Equipment Night.  Students that do not receive an instrument at Equipment Night because of repairs will be contacted when the instrument returns from the shop and arrangements will be made to pick it up from school.  Also,  because we are still a relatively new school and because some sections will be the largest they have ever been, we will not have enough instruments for everyone at Equipment Night.  In order to provide these students with instruments, we will be purchasing additional instruments, however, these new instruments may not be available until October.  In order to fill the gap between Equipment Night and October we will attempt to borrow instruments from other schools, though there is no guarantee that any will be available.

Student Leaders Announced

2014 – 2015 Charger Band Officers
  • Drum Majors:  Kunqian Li, Daniel Del Nero
  • President:  Nicholas Caten
  • Vice-President:  Kristen Canales
  • Historian:   Mary-Cate Brooks
  • Librarians:  Brittany Roller, Deanna Ingram, Joshua Kantara, Sabrina Pascualli, Faith Lamb, Aaron Lassmann
  • Brass Rep.:  Ashton Franssen
  • Woodwind Rep.:   LaShawna Townsel
  • Color Guard Rep.:  Lauren Grover
Marching Leaders
  • Flute:  LaShawna Townsel, Vanessa Le, Sabrina Pascualli
  • Clarinet:  Allyson Clark, Ben Hazel, Deanna Ingram, Brittany Roller
  • Saxophone/Low Reed:  Faith Lamb, Joshua Kantara
  • Trumpet:  Christian Cruz, Allan Key, Cole Gibbs, Craig Sellstrom
  • Horn:  Nicholas Caten
  • Trombone/Euphonium/Tuba:  Matt Larsen, Steven Carlisle, William Hill, Aaron Lassmann
  • Pit Percussion:  Mary-Cate Brooks
  • Color Guard:  Tamia Davis, Lauren Grover
  • New/Late Arrival/JV:   Caitlin Alexander, Kristen Canales

There will be a short meeting after school on Friday, May 30, 2014 at 2:31 PM!!!

2014-2015 Parent Meeting

All members of the 2014-2015 Clear Springs Charger Band and at least one parent/guardian is required to attend next week’s meeting:

Tuesday, May 27th
6:00 PM
Clear Springs High School – Auditorium

We will discuss Summer Band, Equipment Night, the Orlando trip, Dues, and Fundraising.  This is the only opportunity to hear everything straight from the directors and ask questions as needed before next year.

Band placement audition results will be posted at the conclusion of the meeting.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Please bring the following items for our Rock-A-Thon Fundraiser:
  • A book of Stamps (20 stamps)
  • 10 or more Names and Addresses of Family and Friends
  • Optional – 10 pictures of your child in marching uniform, if available, if not with their instrument will be great. In the past, including a personal note and/or a photo of your child creates a more successful response in the mail- out.

Instrument Collection

CCISD will be conducting its annual inventory of all school owned instruments the week beginning May 27th.  In order to facilitate this, all school owned instruments must be turned in by Friday, May 23rd.  Failure to turn in an instrument will result in the full value of the instrument being added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

  • If you need your instrument over the weekend, please see Mr. Brown.
  • We will begin checking the instruments back out to students on Thursday, May 29th.

Concert Uniform Collection

We will begin collecting Concert Uniforms on Monday, May 19th.

  • Uniforms must be dry cleaned and then returned to school still in the plastic.
  • Write student’s name on the receipt and then attached the receipt to the plastic.

Uniforms must be turned in by Friday, May 23rd or you will be added to the Clear Springs High School fine and fee list. Orchestra members may turn this in on Tuesday, May 27th.

Updated 5/21/2014: Deadline extended for orchestra members.

2014-2015 Band Boosters Board

We are very excited to announce the 2014-2015 Band Boosters Board. The new board was elected at the Regular Band Boosters Meeting on Monday, May 12th. Congratulations and welcome aboard!

2014-2015 Band Boosters Board
  • Rebecca Valdez – President
  • Cathy Ingram – 1 Vice President, Fundraising
  • Bryan Clark – 2 Vice President, Communications
  • Karen Elizondo – Secretary
  • Glen Santos – Treasurer

The 2013-2014 Audit Committee was also selected. Our Financial information will be handed to this committee on June 1. They will submit the Audit Report to the District’s Internal Auditor and will present it at our September Regular Meeting.

2013-2014 Audit Committee
  • Janet Lamb, Chair
  • Edi Heilig
  • Barbara Hester

THANK YOU so much to these members for stepping up for our Charger Band.

Spring Concert

Our final concert of the year is coming up and everyone is cordially invited to attend and support the students as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform to a packed house with loud applause.

Thursday, May 15th
7:00 PM (Doors open at 6:50 PM)
Clear Springs High School Auditorium

This concert is looking to be a great concert for the whole family. Selections will include a medley from The Wizard of Oz to celebrate its 75th anniversary, Let It Go from the movie Frozen, and two of Leroy Anderson’s most famous pieces, The Syncopated Clock and Bugler’s Holiday, featuring trumpet soloists Adam Hazel, Cole Gibbs, and Gilberto Torres.  You won’t want to miss it!

This will also be the last time our seniors will perform with The Clear Springs Charger Band.  This means that this concert could be the last time some of these seniors will ever play with a band again, so all family members and friends won’t want to miss it.

Important notes for students and parents:
  1. Uniforms will be worn
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel.
  2. Call time for Symphonic and Concert Bands is 6:00 PM
  3. Call time for Wind Ensemble is 6:30 PM
  4. We will begin collecting Concert Uniforms on Monday, May 19.
    • Uniform must be dry cleaned and then returned to school still in the plastic.
    • Write student’s name on the receipt and then attached the receipt to the plastic.

Uniforms must be turned in by Friday, May 23rd or you will be added to the Clear Springs High School fine and fee list.

Professional Band Portraits

Professional portraits will be taken of the band students on Friday, May 16th during their band class period in their concert and/or marching uniforms; students should bring their concert uniform on that day. The portraits will be taken by Wendy Larsen of Lakewood Photography.  Group photos will also be taken of the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble the night of our spring concert. Click the links below to download the order forms:

CSHS Band Individual Order Form 2014
CSHS Band Group Order Form 2014

Ms. Larsen will also have a table set up at the concert to take orders.

Pre-Participation Physical Opportunity

Do you still need to complete your pre-participation physical?  While this physical can be performed at your family doctor, UTMB is also offering physical screenings on Saturday, June 21st from 9am to 1pm at the Specialty Care Center at Victory Lakes.  Cost is $25 dollars; students should wear t-shirts and shorts, and bring a signed UTMB consent form, available at, and the CCISD Physical form available by clicking here. To save time at the screening, please complete the forms before your arrival. Appointments appreciated, walk-ins welcome. Click here for the flier.

All students who will be participating in High School Band during the 2014-2015 school year are required by the district to have a Pre-Participation Physical which must be dated after April 1, 2014. These Physical Forms will be due the first day of Summer Band, but can and should be turned in to the band office if completed before the end of the school year.  Forms are available for pickup in the band office and available for download online by clicking here.  Be sure to get the physical form back from the doctor after it is completed.  Do not rely on someone to turn the form in for you.