CCISD Instrument Rental Fee

In order for our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students, Clear Creek ISD assesses a rental fee of $50 per semester ($100 for the entire school year) and $25 for the summer to students who use a school owned instrument.  This fee, while not small, is substantially less than what it would be to rent an instrument from a music store. We have not yet collected the instrument rental fee or the Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract for the 1st or 2nd semester of the 2013-2014 school year.  Please print out and sign the Instrument Loan Contract from CHARMS and submit BOTH the contract and the payment for the 1st and 2nd semesters(if applicable). These should be turned in to Mr. Brown.  Please make Checks payable to “CCISD”.  DO NOT make checks payable to Clear Springs High School, to the band, to the booster club, or anything else.  ONLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “CCISD”.

Please submit the payment and contract by Monday, May 19th or you will be added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

Instructions for downloading the loan contract:
  1. Login to CHARMS
  2. Click the “Inventory Uniforms” icon
  3. You should see a list of items checked out to the students, click the button labeled “F” to the right of an instrument (not a lock or locker)
  4. Print the form
Important Notes:
  • If a student uses more than one school owned instrument, only one contract and one payment needs to be submitted.
  • As this is a CCISD fee and not a Clear Springs Band fee, this fee will not show up in the financial section of CHARMS and cannot be paid with a credit card through CHARMS.  However, you can track whether or not the contract and payment has been turned in by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Forms Collected” icon.
  • Percussion have to pay this fee as they use school owned instruments.
  •  Do not turn in money for summer rentals yet, we will collect that at equipment night.

Booster Meeting Reminder

Band parents and students, you are all cordially invited to attend the last Band Boosters meeting of this school year.

Monday, May 12th
Band Hall

Click the button above to add this event to your personal google calendar.

2014-2015 Audition Material

The 2014-2015 audition material is now available for download from CHARMS.

Download Instructions:
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of the page.
  2. Under “STUDENT AREA PASSWORD”, enter your CCISD student ID.
  3. Click on the “HANDOUTS & FILES” icon.
  4. Click on the “2014-2015 Audition Music” folder.
  5. Click on the PDF for your instrument.

Woodwind and brass auditions begin the week of May 19th and percussion will be May 27th, please check our Google Calendar for the specific day and times.

The audition material contains a cover letter with more detailed information.  Please read it as it contains information that you will need to know for auditions.

Texas Music Scholar Award

The Texas Music Scholar Award designates students in high school music programs who exemplify attributes of meritorious performance in the areas of scholarship, musicianship, and citizenship. Designation is attained by TMEA Active Member recommendation of students in grades 9-12 who have met the following criteria during the current school year:

  • Is a viable member of the school’s parent musical organization for the entire school year.
  • Maintains in all coursework an overall “A” average as defined by the local school district for the entire school year.
  • Maintains academic eligibility for the entire school year.
  • Participates in all scheduled events of the parent organization.
  • Attends, as an audience member, two director-approved concert events of high school, collegiate or professional level during a school year.
  • Has auditioned, been selected, and participated as required in a TMEA or ATSSB organization (band, orchestra, or choir).
  • Performs a UIL Prescribed Music List Class 1 solo for a competition or public performance.
  • Consistently exhibits behavior which brings honor to the parent organization, school and community.

These criteria may be met through participation singularly or in any combination of band, orchestra, or vocal organizations. The distinction may be achieved each school year. The school year is defined as the beginning of the year through the next-to-the-last official grade reporting period of the local school district for the purposes of calculating grade averages and determining eligibility. To be eligible for this award, turn in a typed resume’ listing the criteria met and attach a copy of the third nine weeks report card by Tuesday, April 29.  Late applications will not be accepted. Texas Music Scholars receive a certificate, patch and letter from the Texas Music Educators Association signed by the Executive Director. Please note that this is an award, not a scholarship or other offer of money.

2013-2014 Band Banquet

The 2013-2014 school year is quickly coming to a close, which also means that the 2013-2014 edition of the Clear Springs Charger Band will be coming to an end as our seniors graduate and incoming freshman join to form the 2014-2015 Clear Springs Charger Band.  However, before we say goodbye to our seniors and welcome in the new freshman, lets all get together and celebrate our achievements from this year as well as reminisce about your favorite memories by attending the 2013-2014 Clear Springs Charger Band Banquet.

The program for the banquet will begin with an Italian dinner buffet after which the directors will present various awards for achievement and service to various members regardless of class.  We will also be having door prizes and will be treated to what I’m sure will be an awesome slide show, which is being put together by Mr. Clark.  To close the evening we will crank up the volume on our loudspeakers, which are entirely overkill for indoor use, and let the kids loose on the dance floor.  Don’t worry parents, there will be parent chaperones to keep an eye, or several, on things.  To request a song, sign in to Google with your account and then click here to take you to a Google Form.  Mr. Williams and Mr. Brown will review every song, so keep it clean.

Cost: $30 per person
Make checks payable to: CSHS BAND BOOSTERS or pay online here.
Payments are due no later than May 9 to the Band Hall safe.
Student ticket orders must have the following 3 items included:

Friday, May 16, 2014
7:00 – 11:00 pm
Doors will open at 6:30 pm
Nassau Bay Hilton

Please note:

  • Only currently enrolled CSHS band students may attend.  Dates and former band members may not attend. 
  • Students may not leave and re-enter the banquet.
  • Students who do not drive themselves must be picked up by 11:00 PM.
  • Parents may purchase tickets and attend; however, we are limited to the capacity of the room.  Students, staff, CSHS Band Boosters Executive Board, banquet organizers, invited guests, and senior parents are placed at the head of the guest list.  If ticket purchases exceed room capacity, we will notify those who are on the excess list and issue refunds accordingly.
Updated 04/29/2014: added link to instructions for getting “All Clear Form”

Dallas Trip Meeting

With our spring trip to Dallas fast approaching, please remember that we will be having a mandatory trip meeting for BOTH students and at least one of their parents/guardians.

Monday, April 28th
7:00 PM
Clear Springs High School

We will be discussing important information about the trip, including but not limited to rules and expectation of student behavior, as well as what to bring, and our itinerary.

Pre-Participation Physicals

All students who will be participating in High School Band during the 2014-2015 school year are required by the district to have a Pre-Participation Physical which must be dated after April 1, 2014.  These Physical Forms will be due the first day of Summer Band.  Forms are available for pickup in the band office and available for download online by clicking here.

This physical can be performed at your family doctor, however a doctor will be available at Clear Springs on Thursday, April 24th from 2:00 to 5:30 for your convenience.  This will be in the Clear Springs High School Competition Gym.  The cost will be $25 dollars; cash is preferred or checks may be made payable to Dr. John Kirkwood.

These physicals are due the first day of Summer Band, but can and should be turned in to the band office if completed before the end of the school year.  Do not let the trainer keep the form.  Wait for the doctor’s signature and take the form with you when you are done.  You can then turn the form in the next day to Mr. Brown or Mr. Williams.

UIL & Pre-UIL Performances Upcoming

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for The UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner.  However, before they perform at Pearland for judges they will be performing their contest music at our Pre-UIL concert so that the students can have an opportunity to perform for an audience before UIL and so that friends and family who cannot attend UIL can have an opportunity to hear the contest music.

Pre-UIL Concert
Tuesday April 15th

Clear Springs High School – Auditorium

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause.  If you are able, please consider also coming to Pearland and supporting the students at their UIL performances as well.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Symphonic Band
Tuesday, April 22nd

Pearland High School – Auditorium
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 24th

Pearland High School – Auditorium

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.  IMPORTANT:  FRESHMAN BOYS NEED TO TRY ON THEIR TUXEDO TODAY SO WE CAN SEE IF THEY NEED TO BE RE-SIZED BEFORE THE CONCERT!  IT IS VERY COMMON FOR SOME TO HAVE GROWN A SIZE SINCE OUR LAST PERFORMANCE.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students that take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class the weeks of April 14th and 21st.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

Drumline Send Off & State Championships

The indoor drumline season is almost over and all the students have been working hard to put the finishing touches on the show.  In preparation for the TCGC Percussion Championship show this Saturday they will be having a send off performance this Friday:

Friday, April 4th
approximately 7:30pm
Clear Springs HS Gym

Please show your support for our drumline by attending the send off performance above.  Also, If you are able to make the trip to college station on Saturday, please come and support them for their TCGC Championship performance on Saturday.

Saturday, April 5th
Texas A&M University-Reed Arena

Click on the Google Calendar buttons above to add these events to your personal Google Calendar. Also, please share this post with friends and family to help spread the word by clicking the Facebook, Twitter, and/or Email buttons below.

Charms Info


CHARMS is the band’s online database and is used by the directors and boosters to communicate with students and parents through email and text messaging.  CHARMS is much more than an email database though, as there are several items that can easily be tracked including student finances, attendance at band rehearsals, assigned inventory items such as instruments and uniforms, volunteer signup, and forms and handouts. One of the best parts of CHARMS is that students and parents/guardians can login to CHARMS, view all the information listed above, and update their own contact information. In fact, the key to receiving communication from the directors and boosters is to always ensure that BOTH student and parent/guardian email, cell, and cell carrier information is entered and entered correctly.  We cannot overemphasize the importance of this enough.  If this information is not in CHARMS you will miss important information as we do not send information home with students on paper handouts and we do not always make announcements to students in class in order to utilize rehearsal time efficiently.

How do I create a CHARMS account?
  1. Click here to create an account.
  2. Click the “NEW Students Click Here!” button.
  3. On the next page, enter the information in ALL fields (not just the ones in red). This includes email, phone number, instrument, cell phone number, and cell phone carrier (needed in order to receive text messages).
  4. When you are done, be sure to click the green “Register” button.
  5. On the next page, click “Add Adult”. Be sure to click the green “Update” button before leaving the page. Do this for each adult you want to add.
  • How do I login?
  • To login simply click here or the CHARMS link at the top of the page and enter you CCISD student ID, including any leading 0’s.
  • alternatively, you can visit directly and use school code “cshschargerband” to access the parent/student area and then enter your CCISD student ID.
How do I get even more information about CHARMS?

The information in this post should be enough to get you started.  Once you have access to CHARMS you will be able to view our Parent Survival Guide as well as our Band handbook. Both of these documents contain additional information about CHARMS.