Biggest AmazonSmile Promo Ever

AmazonSmile is increasing the donation rate 10x from Oct 29 – Nov 2

Through Nov 2, AmazonSmile is donating 5% (ten times the usual amount) to Clear Springs Charger Band Boosters when you shop at

So shop now for your concert season needs- reeds, valve oil, tuxedo shirt, bowtie & cumberbund, etc- and start stocking up on stocking stuffers! Just remember to choose Clear Springs Charger Band Boosters as your AmazonSmile charity and you will be giving to the band at no cost to you!

UIL Area Marching Contest Info

Congratulations Charger Band on earning a one at UIL Region and advancing to UIL Area!!  At this contest there will be 5 judges (3 music and 2 visual) that will rank all of the bands.  The top 10 bands in prelims will advance to finals in the evening and the top 5 bands at finals will advance to the UIL State Marching Contest on November 5-6 in San Antonio.  Finalist bands will be announced at 6:00.  Please see the itinerary below for our plan for either scenario.

Saturday, October 27th

UIL Area E Marching Contest
The Area E Marching Band Contest is the final qualifying round for the UIL State Marching Band Championships.

Admission Info

General Admission = $5.00 (wristband is good for Prelims & Finals)
Children under 12 and Seniors 65 and over are free
Parking is free!


There will be 24 bands performing in Prelims.  We will be the 16th to perform.  If you will not be helping the band as a chaperone or roadie and you will not be helping the booster club with contest operations, you need to plan on arriving before 2:00!  Spectator parking is on the scoreboard end of the stadium and will flow over to the visitors side parking lot by the time we perform.  Please bring your patience as  we anticipate nearly 200 buses, 24-48 equipment trucks, and upwards of 1,000 cars in the lot at one time.  Traffic entering and exiting the stadium may get crazy.


You may order patches for your letter jacket online at


PepWear will be selling souvenir merchandise throughout the day.



Bring $$ for concessions to support our intermediate programs
There is no contest meal this week!

8:30 Band Hall opens
9:00 Rehearsal
10:30 Load Truck/BYOL (bring your own lunch)
11:30 Inspection in Band Hall
11:30 Chaperone Meeting
12:00 Depart CSHS
12:45 Arrive CCS
1:40 Warm Up Lot B
2:10 Leave Warm Up
2:25 Enter Field
2:30 Perform
3:00 Load Truck
4:00 Return to stands to watch bands/get results
5:30 Drum Major Retreat
6:00 Finals Announcement

If we make Finals…..
6:40 Warm Up
7:10 Leave Warm Up
7:30 Perform
8:00 Load Truck
8:30 Return to stands for rest of Finals
10:45 Drum Major Retreat
11:00 Announcement of bands advancing to State

If we do not make finals, we will return home.  A Remind message will be sent when we begin to load buses. Parents, don’t risk missing the last time Beneath the Stars will be marched in a competition setting! Come out and cheer the band on to finals!

Students should bring money for concessions or they may bring a sack lunch/dinner on the bus.

  • Contest Day Checklist –  Please make sure that you have everything that you need.
  • See the Area E Marching Contest Full Schedule HERE

Volunteer Sign-Ups

We will once again be assisting with the operations of this event. Clear Springs is providing monitors/escorts. This is in addition to the usual crew of volunteers needed on any other contest day; chaperones, roadies, etc. We had terrific support last time with ALMOST all of the volunteer positions filled. Let’s see if we can’t cover all the spots this time!  If you can help, please sign up in Charms:

Area Marching Contest Chaperones/Roadies click here!

Area Marching Contest Monitors/Escorts click here!


Welcome to our gourmet popcorn fundraiser from Popcornopolis! These products make great gifts and are equally welcome as everyday snacks. Ask a band student for an order form or download and print a Popcornopolis order form here.  Be sure to write the student’s name and organization (CSHS Charger Band)  on the top of your order form.

Orders are due  Wednesday, 11/7, with payment.

Please collect money when taking orders. NOTE: Checks payable to CSHSBB only please. Do not send cash! Please write a check for any cash received. If you must send cash, please contact Alicia McConnell to make arrangements for drop off (713-261-8866 or There is no need to collect sales tax. Promote to family, friends, coworkers & social-media circle to maximize sales. Thank you for participating!

Buy-Out Option

For those who do not have the time or the resources to participate, we have a buy-out option. The buy-out cost is a minimum contribution of $60. Send payment in an envelope labeled “Popcorn Fundraiser Buy Out”. Be sure to include the student’s name.

Popcornopolis is a family-owned business, committed to producing the world’s best popcorn. Their products carry a full 100% satisfaction guarantee, so we can sell with confidence. We also love their attention to using quality ingredients. Let’s make this our best fundraiser ever!

Thank you for supporting the band!!!

About Popcornopolis

Why this Popcorn
Tastes So Good.

At Popcornopolis, they blend the nostalgic flavors of old-fashioned caramel, real cheddar cheese and confectioner’s chocolate into mouth-watering treats.

Rather than put in preservatives, they designed this cool cone. Not only will it keep your popcorn fresh for months, it also makes a beautiful and memorable gift.

Popcornopolis is a reminder of simpler times when recipes were made with natural ingredients, milk was delivered in glass bottles, and time was more plentiful than it seems to be today.

Old-fashioned wisdom. Tastes you’ll love. Guaranteed to please.RegularCones

Letter Jackets

Students who believe they are eligible for a letter jacket must download and print the letter jacket form from CHARMS, fill it out completely and turn it in to Mr. Williams by Friday, October 26. Students whose forms are turned in on time and have the eligible number of points will be given an order packet the following week.  When you receive the order packet, the band office is no longer involved in the ordering process until the jackets are delivered 6-8 weeks later. For more details about letter jackets and qualifications, see the Awards section in the Band Handbook.

Students earn a letter jacket through their participation in band through a participation-based points system as follows….
• Selection to District or Freshman Region Band = 5 points each
• Selection to Region Band/Orchestra = 10 points each
• UIL Solo Division 1 (Class 1) = 3 points
• UIL Solo Division 1 (Class 2) = 2 points
• UIL Ensemble Division 1 (Class 1) = 2 points
• One completed year of band = 10 points
• Once completed semester of Colorguard/Winterguard = 5 points

A student may receive only one major award for combined activities during his or her four years in high school and no more than one award per year for participation in the same organization. Should a student receive a letter jacket from another activity prior to becoming eligible for one in band, he or she will only receive a letter that can be added to the jacket they already have. Most students add patches to their jackets from various events. You may want to purchase patches at the various events in which we participate throughout the year and save them for when your child earns a jacket.

UIL Region 17 Marching Contest

Saturday, October 20

The competitive marching season is quickly coming to a close with the UIL Region 17 Marching Contest on Saturday, October 20th. The contest is similar to concert UIL in that there will be 3 Judges that give a rating of between 1 and 5 (1 being superior). What is different however is that bands that earn an overall rating of 1 (2 out of 3 judges) will then advance to the UIL Area Marching Contest on Saturday, October 27th.

The rain make-up day is Tuesday, October 23. See the calendar or the Facebook event for details.

 7:30 Band Hall opens
8:00 Rehearsal
10:30 Load Truck
11:15 Inspection in Band Hall
11:15 Chaperone Meeting
11:45 Depart CSHS
12:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
12:55 Warm Up
1:40 Leave Warm Up
1:50 Arrive at Gate
2:00 Performance
2:30 Load Truck
3:00 Arrive at CSHS
4:00 Last student picked up
Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX (map)

We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest.  Please use the Contest Day Checklist.

Parents and Friends:

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged. UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them at home or in the car.

No admission fee is charged.  

Other 6A band performance times:
Brazoswood – 12:00 PM
Dickinson – 12:15 PM
Alvin – 1:15 PM
Clear Brook – 1:30 PM
Clear Falls – 1:45 PM
Clear Lake – 2:15 PM
Clear Creek – 2:30 PM

Game 7 @ Dickinson

Friday, October 19

Silverado tune: Soak Up The Sun
Full Uniform

3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:00 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:00 Chaperone Meeting
5:30 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive at stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart stadium
10:40 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Dickinson High School
3800 Baker Dr, Dickinson, TX 77539 (map)

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.


  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

Chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:00pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Saturday!

Chargers Holiday Ornaments

The 2018 Charger ornaments are in and ready to be added to your collection! Every year we feature a glass ornament in a rotating assortment of CSHS colors. This year’s ornament is silver with the Charger Horse Head in white, blue, and silver above the year in black.

  • Ornaments make a great thank you gift to family members who donated to the Rock-a-thon.
  • Buy several to make a wreath or to add to a tree.
  • Use them as centerpieces on a table or as name plates on a dinner table.

Make sure you get one every year to have a complete set! Supplies are limited so visit the Booster Club Store on the Charger Band website to order yours today! Online orders will be avaiable for pick-up at the December 4th booster club meeting.

Region Band/Orchestra Entries Due

We are less than a month away from Region Orchestra and 9th Grade Region Band Auditions.  Please see the Region Band Entry Form on CHARMS for details.

It is an expectation that students in Wind Ensemble audition for Freshman Region (9th grade only) and High School Region (all grades).  Region Orchestra is optional.  Students who do not audition run the risk of losing their position in Wind Ensemble to someone from another band who does audition.  All Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band students regardless of audition status will be tested on the music during the 2nd 9 Weeks.  This will determine second semester placement and chair order.  While the Region audition results do not determine the placement or chair order, the results are taken into consideration along with the tests taken during the 2nd 9 Weeks.

Students in Concert Band should not audition unless they are taking private lessons and a director has approved them to audition.

Symphonic Band students should only audition if they are taking private lessons and want to be considered for placement in Wind Ensemble for the spring semester.


Entry fee:  $15 per audition

Please include your entry fee payment at the above times.  Signed forms (with both parent and student signatures) and payment are required before students can be entered in the audition.  Forms turned in after the due dates will have a late fee of $15 per audition added (as required by TMEA Region 17).

Students who enter but do not audition for whatever reason are still responsible for paying the entry fee.  No refunds are given for withdrawing from the contest even in cases of illness or academic ineligibility.


Students must be academically eligible at the time of the audition. The entry fee will not be refunded if you are ineligible to participate in the audition.  Please note that there is only one opportunity to regain eligibility before the Region Orchestra, 9th Grade Region.  Students who are declared ineligible due to a 1st 9 Weeks grade, must be passing all classes at the close of school on November 2 to participate in Region Orchestra, 9th Grade Region, and/or Phase I Auditions.  Students who audition on specialty instruments (oboe, bassoon, piccolo, color clarinets, tenor sax, bari sax, bass trombone) that do not audition until Phase 2 must be passing on November 30 in order to regain eligibility on December 7 and audition on December 8.  To avoid these confusing scenarios, all students are encouraged to work hard and pass all their classes.

Game 6 vs. Clear Brook – Homecoming & Intermediate Night

Please help us welcome our intermediate school band brothers and sisters as they will be joining us for the run-through and dinner as well as the game this Friday night.

This is also our Homecoming game.  If you are not from Texas and don’t understand the homecoming mum phenomenon, that’s okay.  We don’t understand it either.  Nevertheless, students will be allowed to wear their mums in the stands.  They will carry their jackets and shakos into the stands.  Mums may not be pinned or attached to the uniform.  They will be removed before halftime and put on the benches.  After halftime, when the jackets are removed, they may put the mums back on.

Friday, October 12

Silverado tune: September
Full Uniform

3:30 Rehearsal
4:30 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:15 Chaperone Meeting
5:30 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:45 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
10:20 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX  (map)

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.

  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Friday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:15pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Friday!

Gulf Coast Marching Festival – 10/13/18

The Gulf Coast Marching Festival is similar to the Pre-UIL Marching Contest. This contest is Prelims/Finals format and will be all day. All CCISD bands are responsible for covering duties for the operation of the festival. Clear Springs is providing monitors/escorts. This is in addition to the usual crew of volunteers needed on any other contest day; chaperones, roadies, etc. We did not have enough Roadies at BOA.  If you can help, please sign up in Charms.

Saturday, October 13

9:00-12:00 Rehearsal

1:30 Inspection in FULL UNIFORM
1:30 Chaperone Meeting
1:55 Depart CSHS for Challenger Columbia Stadium
2:40 Warm Up
3:45 Perform
4:30 Return to stands for Prelim Awards
5:15 Drum Major Retreat
5:55 First Finalist Band Warm Up
7:00 Finals Begin
10:00 Finals Awards
11:00 Arrive CSHS
11:45 Last student picked up

Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598 (map)

Contest Day Checklist – Please make sure that you have everything that you need.

REMINDER: How to Wear Your Uniform

Volunteer Sign-Ups


Cash or credit at the gate:
Prelims $10
Finals $10
All Day Pass $15

Cash Concessions

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section. Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters. We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance. Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments. This is not like concert season. A lot of applause is highly encouraged.