Parent Survival Guide-Marching Contests

Parents, please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section. Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters. We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance. Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments. This is not like concert season. A lot of applause is highly encouraged!

Many contest venues charge an admission fee. Watch for an article on our website and in the Band Buzz as an event approaches. If a website is available, it will be listed in the article so that you can get more information specific to each contest. There is no admission fee for UIL.

What is unique about a band contest is that everyone is there to see and hear their band.  When parents sit together in a block of blue, our kids see that from the field and get really pumped up for the performance.  At bigger competitions such as Bands of America and Sam Houston State, there will be blocks of several colors.  In fact, it is sometimes a matter of pride for the parents to see who brings the biggest crowd.  Hopefully you will be able to join us at our competitions this season.

University Interscholastic League

Texas is fortunate to have a countless number of strong extracurricular programs throughout the state. The governing body of many of these programs is the University Interscholastic League, or UIL.  It was formed in 1910 by the University of Texas at Austin to provide leadership and guidance to public school athletic and debate teachers.  Over the last century, it has grown into the largest inter-school organization of its kind in the world and now includes music, academic, and theater competitions.  Classification in UIL events is based on school enrollment.

Region Marching

Region Marching Contest takes place in mid-October every year. Three judges give the band a rating of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 with 1 being the best.  A consensus of two judges determines the overall rating.  Therefore, if two judges give the band a 1 and the other gives the band a 4, the overall rating is a 1.  In the rare instance where no two judges agree, the middle rating is what prevails.  For example, a 1-2-3 is a 2.

What to DO and what NOT to DO

Do … attend every band competition and cheer loudly for your Charger Band. Don’t … stay at home on contest days and assume the students don’t need 100% of your support.
Do … wear your black, blue, silver and white in support of Charger Nation. Don’t … wear red, blue, maroon, green, or orange.
Do … support our friends from other schools and understand that band competitions are about recognizing high achievement. Don’t … boo our friends from other schools and think band competitions are where second place is the first loser.

Contest Day Checklist

Please make sure that you have the following items with you for all contests.  We will have a uniform inspection in the band hall before departing for the contest to check for all of these items except some instruments (see below).  Students missing items will either need to purchase new items or will be sent home.

Full Uniform = Black band jacket, black band bibbers (pants), plain calf-length black socks, black band shoes, black gloves (winds only), blue band horse head shirt worn under uniform.

What should be loaded on truck:
  • Instrument (except flutes and clarinets) and instrument accessories (e.g. reeds, valve oil, sticks, harnesses, etc….)
What you need for uniform inspection:

Please be fully dressed in the full uniform for uniform inspection.

  • Flutes and Clarinets
  • Blue half gallon water jug purchased at Equipment Night
  • Black band tote bag
  • Black band garment bag
  • Marching uniform jacket
  • Marching uniform pants
  • Blue sweat-wicking t-shirt with horse head on the back
  • Plain calf-length black socks
  • Black band shoes
  • Hat box
  • Shako (band hat)
  • Black band gloves
  • Longer hair tied back with plain THIN/SKINNY BLACK hair tie
  • Clothes to change into after performance (We will go back into the stands to watch bands.  Please check the weather forecast and plan accordingly):
    • Show shirt
    • School appropriate shorts or pants/jeans
    • Athletic shoes (Not your black band marching shoes, flip flops, or sandals.)
    • Baseball caps and sunglasses in the stands are allowed
What you cannot have:

This is not a comprehensive list, only a list of the most common items that students bring that they are not allowed to have.

  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No thick/wide or colored headbands (students may wear a THIN/SKINNY BLACK headband to keep there bangs out of their face)
  • No Hats
  • No Sunglasses
  • Phones must remain out of sight at all times

Bands of America Houston – 10/6/18

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Even with all of the rain, the band has been working hard to put together a fabulous show.  They will start this year’s marching competition season at the Bands of America Houston Regional at Woodforest Bank Stadium in Shenandoah, Texas.


7:30 Band Hall opens
8:00 Rehearsal on field
9:00 Load/Change into uniform
9:30 Inspection in band hall
9:30 Chaperone Meeting
10:30 Depart CSHS
11:30 Arrive @ Stadium
12:25 Warm-up
1:30 Performance
2:15 Back in stands for The Woodlands
4:00 Report to Bus
4:30 Dinner at Main Event
6:15 Report to Bus
6:45 Return to Stadium
7:00 Gates open for finals
8:00 Finals begin
10:45 Finals Awards/Results
11:30 Depart stadium
12:30 Arrive CSHS
1:15 All students picked up

Woodforest Bank Stadium
19115 David Memorial Dr, Shenandoah, TX 77385, USA

We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest. Please use the Contest Day Checklist.


Students need to use the restrooms before we depart for the contest, as there may not be an opportunity to use the restroom until after our performance.

Dinner will be provided following the prelims portion of the contest. Students should pack a sack lunch or plan on eating concession food until then. They should also eat a good breakfast before arriving.
There will be souvenir shops at the competition. We all know our kids love tees and hoodies. Prices range from $22 – $45.

The band will be taking a professional panoramic photo. This and other photos will be available for purchase at the event as well as through the photographers website. There is a link on the events webpage.

As of today (Tuesday, October 2), the predicted high for Saturday is 84 with a low of 73. The forecast calls for a 40% chance of scattered rain. Students should plan accordingly.

Chaperones Travelling with the Band:
If you did not purchase band meals for the season you will be able to order from the restaurant at the location where the students are eating.

Parents and Friends:
Guests are encouraged to read the Spectator Guide.

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of family and friends. Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters. We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance. Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments. This is not like concert season. A lot of applause is highly encouraged.

For information about ticket prices and other details, please visit the contest webpage below:


The Wind Ensemble has had an exciting year. Thanks to their stellar performances at the recent UIL Concert and Sight Reading Evaluations and the combined efforts of all band members during marching season, the Charger Band has brought home it’s first ever UIL Sweepstakes Award! There is one more competition this year for the Wind Ensemble at the SHSU Concert Band Festival. Come on out if you can and support the band at the Gaertner Performing Arts Center at Sam Houston State University.

Friday, May 18
9:04 (3rd period) Report to Band Hall/Load Truck
10:00 Depart for SHSU
11:30 Lunch at Cici’s Pizza or Subway – BRING $$$ or bring lunch
1:00 Arrive at SHSU
2:00 Performance
3:00 Load Truck/Bus
3:30 Depart for CSHS
5:30 Arrive CSHS
Performance at 2:00 PM
Sam Houston State University
1905 University Ave, Huntsville, TX 77340, USA

Click HERE for more Contest Info from SHSU School of Music.


Saturday, October 28

The band has worked hard and put together a fabulous show. They will conclude this year’s marching competition season at the Sam Houston State School of Music Marching Band Festival in Bowers Stadium on the Sam Houston State University campus in Huntsville, Texas.


9:00 Report to Band Hall
9:30 Depart CSHS
12:30 Warm-up
1:15 Perform
1:30 Return to buses/load truck/change clothes
2:15 Return to stands to watch bands
4:15 Sam Houston State Band Performance
4:30 Prelim Results
5:00 Dinner @ Truck
7:00 Finals
10:00 Finals ends
10:30 Depart Huntsville
1:00 Arrive CSHS
1:30 All students picked up

Bowers Stadium
620 Bowers Blvd, Huntsville, TX  (map)

We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest. Please use the Contest Day Checklist.

Contest Day Checklist – This is what you need for the contest.


Students need to use the restrooms before we depart for the contest as there may not be an opportunity to use the restroom until after our performance.

Dinner will be provided following the prelims portion of the contest.  Students should pack a sack lunch or plan on eating concession food until then.  They should also eat a good breakfast before arriving.

As of today (Tuesday, October 24), the predicted high for Saturday is 59 with a low in the mid-30’s.  Students should plan accordingly.  Black thermal gear may be worn under the uniform.  Sweatpants and anything bulky may not.  In the stands, students may wear whatever they want to stay warm, however they may not share blankets in the stands or on the buses.

Parents and Friends:
Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of family and friends. Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters. We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance. Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments. This is not like concert season. A lot of applause is highly encouraged.

For information about ticket pricing and other details, please visit the contest website below:



Tuesday, October 24

Due to impending inclement weather in the area predicted for Saturday, the UIL Region Marching Contest has been moved to TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. The competitive marching season is quickly coming to a close.  This contest is similar to concert UIL in that there will be 3 Judges that give a rating of between 1 and 5 (1 being superior).

3:40 – Rehearsal
4:20 – Load truck/eat dinner/dress in full uniform
5:00 – Depart CSHS
5:30 – Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
6:10 – Warm-up
7:15 – Perform
7:30 – Load truck
8:00 – Depart stadium
8:30 – Arrive CSHS
9:15 – All students picked u

Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX (map)We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest.  Please use the Contest Day Checklist.

Parents and Friends:

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged. UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them at home or in the car.

No admission fee is charged.  



The CCISD Pre-UIL Marching Contest has been rescheduled!

Monday, October 16

3:00 rehearse on parking lot
4:00 load truck/dinner/dress
5:20 depart CSHS
5:35 unload at Challenger
6:05 warm up
6:45 perform
7:00 load trucks
7:30 depart stadium
7:45 arrive CSHS/unload truck(s)
8:30 last student picked up

Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598 (map)

The evening’s performance schedule is as follows:

6:45 PM – Clear Springs
7:00 PM – Clear Falls
7:15 PM – Clear Creek
7:30 PM – Clear Brook
7:45 PM – Clear Lake

There is no admission fee! Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section. Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters. We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance. Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments. This is not like concert season. A lot of applause is highly encouraged.


Saturday, ROCKtober 14th will be another busy day for the Charger Band!  We will have our Homecoming football game followed by the Channelview ISD Marching Band Festival that evening.


10:00 AM – Rehearse
11:00 AM – Load Truck
11:30 AM – Depart wearing Summer Uniform/Load Full Uniform on Bus in Garment Bag
1:00 PM – Kickoff
4:00 PM – Dinner at Stadium; Change into Full Uniform

Challenger Columbia Stadium (map)
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598

5:00 PM – Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
6:30 PM – Warm-up
7:15 PM – Perform
8:30 PM – Awards
9:00 PM – Depart Maddry Stadium
9:45 PM – Arrive CSHS/Unload Truck
10:15 PM – All students picked up

Ray Maddry Stadium (map)
828 Sheldon Rd, Channelview, TX 77530

We will be wearing the Summer Uniform for the football game and our Full Uniform for the contest.  Please use both Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform) and Contest Day Checklist:

  • At the game there will be no restroom breaks until after we are settled into the stands.  Everyone should use the restroom before we depart before and after the game.
  • Students need to use the restrooms before we depart for the contest as their will not be an opportunity to use the restroom until after our performance.

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.

Admission is $5 per person over the age of 6 (under 6 is free).
Spectator parking is free and available off of Sheldon Rd.  Additional parking will be provided across the street in the Early Childhood Center parking lot.  The spectator entrance is located at the south end of the stadium.


Saturday, October 7th will be a busy day for the Charger Band! We will have practice in the morning and our first marching contest at Galena Park in the afternoon.


9:00AM – Full Band Practice – CSHS
12:00PM – Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
1:00 PM – Depart CSHS
2:00 PM – Arrive GPISD Stadium
3:00 PM – Warm-up
3:45 PM – Perform
6:00 PM – Awards
6:30 PM – Depart GPISD Stadium
7:30 PM – Arrive CSHS/Unload Truck
8:15 PM – All students picked up

Galena Park ISD Stadium
15025 Wallisville Rd, Houston, TX (map)

We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest.  Please use the Contest Day Checklist.

  • Contest Day Checklist –  This is what you need for the contest.
  • Students need to use the restrooms before we depart for the contest as there may not be an opportunity to use the restroom until after our performance.

Parents and Friends:
Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.

For information about ticket pricing and the detailed performance schedule of all bands,  please visit the details in the band calendar or the contest website below:

2017 Galena Park ISD Marching Band Festival


Please make sure that you have the following items with you for all contests.  We will have a uniform inspection in the band hall before departing for the contest to check for all of these items except some instruments (see below).  Students missing items will either need to purchase new items or will be sent home.

Full uniform = Black band jacket, black band bibbers (pants), plain calf-length black socks, black band shoes, black gloves (winds only), blue band horse head shirt worn under uniform.

What should be loaded on truck:
  • Instrument (except flutes and clarinets) and instrument accessories (e.g. reeds, valve oil, sticks, harnesses, etc….)
What you need for uniform inspection:

Please be fully dressed in the full uniform for uniform inspection.

  • Flutes and Clarinets
  • Blue half gallon water jug purchased at Equipment Night
  • Black band tote bag
  • Black band garment bag
  • Marching uniform jacket
  • Marching uniform pants
  • Blue sweat-wicking t-shirt with horse head on the back
  • Plain calf-length black socks
  • Black band shoes
  • Hat box
  • Shako (band hat)
  • Black band gloves
  • Longer hair tied back with plain THIN/SKINNY BLACK hair tie
  • Clothes to change into after performance (We will go back into the stands to watch the last band and for the awards ceremony.  Please check the weather forecast and plan accordingly):
    • Show shirt
    • School appropriate shorts or pants/jeans
    • School appropriate footwear (Not your black band marching shoes or black calf length socks.)
What you cannot have:

This is not a comprehensive list, only a list of the most common items that students bring that they are not allowed to have.

  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No thick/wide or colored headbands (students may wear a THIN/SKINNY BLACK headband to keep there bangs out of their face)
  • No Hats
  • No Sunglasses
  • Phones must remain out of sight at all times