Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations

Departure Preparation:

  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • *Dinner will be served in the cafeteria in front of the serving lines. You must have previously ordered dinner. *(No dinner served for Game 1 on 8/31/19 – each student is responsible for providing their own dinner for this game.)
  • Clean up your own mess!!!!!!!
  • Change into uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  If you are missing an item get it taken care of before a director or drum major comes to check you so that you do not delay our departure or hold up your line for dismissal.
  • Have all items laid out in front of you in the same configuration as posted on the white board.  This will make inspection go a lot faster.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall. Color guard will be in the hallway.

Game Procedures and Behavior Expectations:

  • Please read the section in the Clear Springs Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted the band directors.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing solid music for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members into the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well.  You are welcome to sit next to the band if space permits.  We encourage you to take photos of your child in uniform, but please do so as not to impede the functions of the band.  You may pose for photos with them during the football team’s pregame warm-ups, 3rd quarter snack time or immediately following the game.

Post-Game Procedures:

  • We will send a message (THROUGH THE BAND APP) as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes after our anticipated arrival time.  Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument and uniform (when applicable) are put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.  This includes, but is not limited to your water jug, shako, gloves, shoes, garment bag, tote bag, undergarments and instrument.

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Please make sure that you have the following items with you for all football games that require the summer uniform.  We will have a uniform inspection in the band hall before departing for the game to check for all of these items except some instruments (see below).  Students missing items will either need to purchase new items or will be sent home.

What should be loaded on truck:

  • Instrument (except flutes and clarinets) and instrument accessories (e.g. reeds, valve oil, sticks, harnesses, etc.)
  • Lyre

What you need for uniform inspection:

Please be fully dressed in the summer uniform for uniform inspection.*

*Adjustments will be made according to uniform order arrivals. Stay tuned to the Band App and check your email for the most recent announcements!

  • Flutes and Clarinets
  • Flip folder (containing ALL stand tunes in order) Do NOT load this on the truck.
  • Blue half gallon water jug purchased at Equipment Night
  • Blue band shirt
  • Black band shorts
  • Black band baseball cap
  • Black no show socks (NOT ankle socks)
  • Black band shoes
  • Longer hair tied back with plain THIN/SKINNY BLACK hair tie

What you cannot have:

This is not a comprehensive list, only a list of the most common items that students bring that they are not allowed to have.

  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No thick/wide or colored headbands (students may wear a THIN/SKINNY BLACK headband to keep their bangs out of their face)
  • No face paint or glitter (unless approved by directors for Marching Show Purposes)
  • No Sunglasses
  • Phones must remain out of sight at all times

Summer Band Is Almost Here!

As you should already know, even though you are probably trying to forget about it, we will be kicking off Summer Band next week.  This time of year can be a very exciting time for band students as we get up off the couch, head to school early, learn a ton of new stuff, and make countless new friends that you will always remember.  The Freshman and Upperclassmen will be getting together for the first time on the marching field to form the 2019-2020 edition of the Clear Springs Charger Band, a group that will only be in existence for this one year.

We will be starting a journey, one which will take us from thinking about one new concept at a time to thinking about literally hundreds of different concepts all at the same time, while also entertaining thousands of people.  So everyone buckle up, because here we go!

Full Band Begins
-Monday, July 29th *subscribe to and carefully review the updated 2019 Google Band Calendar per instrument for rehearsal schedule
-Clear Springs High School – Band Hall

1st Day Checklist:
  • Click here in order to view a detailed checklist of everything that you need to bring with you and everything that you need to do on the first day of Summer Band.  READ IT NOW! Do not wait to read it until the night before or you will be very stressed.
  • All forms are online in Charms except for the Physical Form which must be turned in at Equipment Night, Monday, July 29.  Please click the following links to sign off that you have read the information contained within. We will verify that this is completed when you arrive for Equipment Night.
    Physical Form – You must turn in the physical form at Equipment Night on July 29.  It is suggested that you make a copy for your records.

Summer Band Preparation

During Summer Band students will learn many new concepts to help them play their instruments better and of course learning how to march.  Students who take the time to prepare for Summer Band will get a much more rewarding and enjoyable experience out of it, which will result in a much more rewarding and enjoyable school year.  Therefore, we highly recommend that students take action now, before Summer Band begins, in order to get the best possible experience out of Summer Band  and the school year.  There are two components to successfully preparing yourself for Summer Band, which are practicing your music and preparing your body physically.

Practicing Music

Download the 2019 show music from CHARMS if you have not already done so. (Read this for help.)

  1. Work on one section of music at a time.
    • Do not try and work on an the entire piece at once.
    • When you have completed the steps below successfully, then you may move on to the next section.
  2. Use a metronome
    • Seriously, use a metronome 100% of the time that you are practicing and focus on completing the steps below, in-time with the metronome.
    • Start slow, only get faster when you can complete all of the steps below successfully.
  3. Tap your foot
    • This will help with marching
    • If this is easy for you, then you can practice taping your left foot on odd beats (1, 3, etc…)and right foot on even beats (2, 4, etc…)
  4. Count the rhythm
    • Count as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Instrument should be in playing position
    • Finger/position your part as you count
    • Only continue when you have counted and fingered/positioned 100% successfully.
  5. Say note names
    • Always do this under tempo, you won’t be able to do it as fast as counting or playing.
    • Say note names as strongly as if you were playing (don’t whisper under your breathe)
    • Say flats and sharps (e.g. if you have a B-Flat, then say “B-Flat”)
    • Finger/position your part as you say the note names
    • Only continue when you have said the note names and fingered/positioned 100% successfully
  6. Play the part
    • Record yourself
    • Listen to the recording and analyze
    • Did you stay with the metronome?
    • Did you play the correct rhythm?
    • Did you play the correct pitches?
    • If you are having trouble playing the correct rhythms, then spend more time counting.  If you are having trouble playing the correct pitches, then spend more time saying note names.
  7. Move onto next section or repeat this section at a faster tempo

Note:  There are many more practice techniques that can be used in addition to the ones listed above and I encourage you to use any that you may know.

Preparing Your Body

It’s hot in Texas, and while we will not be outside during the hottest part of the day,  there are some simple things that you MUST do to better prepare yourself for Summer Band.

  1. Drink Water!
  2. Go outside!
    • Seriously, go outside.  Yes, we know it is hot, but you need to get used to it.
    • Start off just going outside in the shade and then move to the sun, working your way up to longer times spent outside in the sun (wear sunscreen).
  3. Drink Water!
  4. Get some exercise (outdoors)
    • Some simple suggestions would be to go for walks or go swimming.
  5. Drink Water!
  6. Stop eating processed foods
    • I mean it, if it comes in a sealed plastic wrapper, has an expiration date that is more than one week away, and has hard to pronounce words on the ingredient list, then it is probably bad for you and will make you feel terrible when you do any physical activity.
    • Eat real food, normally found around the perimeter of the grocery store.
  7. Drink Water!
    • Have you gotten the hint yet that you need to be drinking water?
    • Stop drinking sugary beverages, they are bad for you and will make you feel terrible when you do any physical activity.

Summer Band – 1st Day Checklist

Summer Band – 1st Day Checklist

The following list of items should be brought with you on your first day of Summer Band.  Please review it carefully to ensure that you do not forget anything important, and do not wait until the night before to look at it.  READ IT NOW!  For your convenience, you can print it out by clicking the print button at the end of this post.

Students will be sent home the first day if a Physical Form is not on file.  It is the student’s responsibility to get the form from their athletic trainer if it was turned in to them in the spring.

*Returning students & parents: Please read #7 carefully as this is a slight change that will be enforced this year!

Students should have been contacted by respected section leader already in a text group (i.e.- GroupMe, group text thread, etc.). This is the absolute quickest way to get answers to questions as these leaders are in direct contact with the band directors beginning this week of 7/22/19, Leadership Camp. **Please make sure all of your information is updated in Charms ASAP!!!**

  1. Sheet music for Marching Show and Stand Tunes
    • The Marching Show needs to be in a 3 ring binder with plastic sheet protectors.
    • The Stand Tunes should be in a flip folder in numerical order.
  2. Flip Folder and Lyre for instrument.
    • These can be purchased at Music & Arts across from Baybrook Mall, at H&H Music across from Ellington Field, or at by clicking the link at the right.
    • Additional tunes will be added as they arrive.
  3. Instrument
    • With all necessary equipment such as reeds, valve oil, etc….
    • Instruments will be set down on concrete, therefore it is recommended that you bring a small towel to place underneath your instrument. (Not required)
    • School-issued instruments will be checked out the first day.
  4. Pencil(s)
  5. Water
    • Camelbaks are highly recommended
    • 1/2 gallon or bigger water jug filled with water only.  No water bottles, milk jugs, etc.
    • Blue water jugs ordered at equipment night are required for football games and should only have the student’s name and instrument on them.  Stickers and other decorations need to be removed.  These will not be delivered until the first game.
  6. Athletic shoes
    • Vans, Toms, converse, vibram five fingers, or similar shoes are not acceptable footwear.
  7. Athletic WHITE t-shirt and shorts (no jeans or long pants)
    • White tank tops are allowed.
    • White tees can have some print on them.
    • Ladies undergarments must remain hidden.
  8. Sunscreen
    • Get the correct SPF for your skin type.
    • Apply sunscreen before you leave your house.
    • Reapply as needed during breaks.
  9. Hat/visor and sunglasses
    • Sun protection for your eyes
    • Silly hats need to remain at home
  10. Prepare for rehearsal at least 48 hours in advance
    • Drink Gatorade the night before every rehearsal
    • Eliminate soft drinks and energy drinks from your diet
  11. Eat a quality breakfast and drink lots of water before rehearsal
    • Do NOT eat a big bowl of sugary cereal or pop-tarts.  You will end up feeling terrible and/or “feed the birds”.
    • Breakfast should include protein and avoid simple sugars.
    • A 1/2 banana is always good for potassium
    • Skipping breakfast is not an option
Instructions For Downloading Music and Forms
  1. Click here or the CHARMS link at the top of this page
  2. Enter your student area password (initially your CCISD student ID)
  3. Click “Files & Handouts”
  4. If you have not received your music or you no longer have it, click “2019 Show Music”, “2019 Stand Tunes” then click the PDF for your instrument.  It is recommended that you print a test page 1st to ensure that everything is working correctly in order to avoid wasting any ink.
  5. Download and READ the Band Handbook.  Parents should download and read the survival guide as well.
  6. All forms are to be completed online.  In Charms, in the “Files and Handouts” folder there is a PDF of “Required Online Forms” under the heading “Handouts for All Students.”
Important Note About Physical Form:


The high school region band process is very similar to the junior high region band process, However, there are two main differences.  The first is that there is a freshman only region band audition which takes place before the high school audition  and which is a non-performing band. The Freshman Region audition is for the purpose of earning a region band patch, points toward your letter jacket, and most importantly practice for the high school region auditions.  Freshman may audition for freshman region, high school region, or both. The second main difference between junior high and high school is that the highest placing students at Region band will advance to the Area band auditions and then the highest placing students at Area will become Texas All-State musicians, a prestigious honor.  They will then have the privilege of performing with one of the All-State ensembles at the Texas Music Educators Association convention in February.

Though participation in the region band auditions is not required it is strongly encouraged as the whole process is a very educationally beneficial one.  Also, students who wish to attempt to move up a band for second semester must participate in region auditions and students who do not want to be passed up by another student, and possibly moved down a band, should participate as well. All Wind Ensemble students will be tested on the music starting in September. Placement at the region audition in December will be a factor in second semester placement.

Some of you may be wondering why we are discussing this so early when region auditions are not until December and the etudes have not even been posted.  We are discussing this because your preparation needs to begin now if you wish to do well.

All-State & Region Band practice recommendations
  1. Practice all 12 major scales
    • Memorized
    • Full range
    • With a metronome
    • Both slowly while focusing on getting every note to sound the same, and fast while focusing on getting your fingers to be even.
  2. Practice all 12 major scales in thirds
    • Memorized
    • Full range
    • With a metronome
    • Both slowly while focusing on getting every note to sound the same, and fast while focusing on getting your fingers to be even.

If you are able to play your scales well, meaning that you sound the same on every note regardless of articulation, especially at the extreme ranges of your instrument and with even fingers, meaning that you are not rushing or slowing down at all between any notes, then you will be well on your way to being successful in the All-State/Region process.

Audition material
  1. Click here to see a list of the etude books.
    • The etudes will be chosen from these book.
    • We encourage everyone to purchase the etude books so that when the etudes are posted the last week in July, they can begin practicing the etudes immediately, as it will take us several weeks to get copies of all the etudes made.
  2. Click here on or after July 22nd at noon to see the specific etudes.


Students who play school-owned instruments should have them checked in by now.

Instruments may be checked out for the summer at the Parent Meeting on Monday, June 3, provided the instrument is not sent off for summer repair. There is a $50 rental fee for the summer payable to Clear Creek ISD.



The first production of next year’s marching show “Dios de los Muertos” is available for download in Charms for brass and woodwinds.

Download Instructions:
  1. Click here to go to CHARMS
  2. Enter student ID to log in (or other password if you changed it from your ID)
  3. Click on the “Handouts & Files” icon
  4. Click on the folder labeled “01 Marching Show Music”
  5. Click on the PDF file for your instrument. If your instrument has multiple parts (2 or more), print all of the parts so there is flexibility when assigning parts.
Please Note:

Region Band Auditions UPDATE

Due to the weather issues last week, Region Auditions have been rescheduled for this weekend. Check the calendar for your new audition time: Phase 1 or single-auditions on Friday, 12/14, and Phase 2 auditions on Saturday, 12/15, all at Alvin High School.

The Region Band Clinic & Concert has been moved to January 25-26, 2018 at Clear Lake High School.  Please make sure you are available on these dates before you continue with your audition.

For those who advance to Area, those audtions will be held on January 12 at Clements High School.


The band staff would like to thank all of the students, parents, family, and friends for a great competitive marching season.

The number of parents (especially freshman parents) who stepped up and volunteered this year has been awesome!  We welcome the new faces joining with the experienced (not old) ones to help move this organization along.  If you have not had a chance to chaperon a game or volunteer on a committee, please step up and participate where you can.  You will not regret it!  Not only will you learn more about the band and its directors, but you will get to meet many wonderful parents with which you have things in common.  You will be amazed at how many lifelong friendships have developed between band parents simply because their children were in band together.

Contrary to what many believe, our year is not over.  We turn the page and get ready for the Holiday Parade and Winter Concert.  We also have a number of students who will be auditioning for a spot in region band.  Please check the calendar weekly to see if there are updates.