Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations

Departure Preparation:

  • All instruments except Flutes and Clarinets go on the truck.
  • Do NOT load flip folder on truck. This is checked during uniform inspection.
  • Load truck BEFORE eating dinner
  • *Dinner will be served in the cafeteria in front of the serving lines. You must have previously ordered dinner. *(No dinner served for Game 1 on 8/31/19 – each student is responsible for providing their own dinner for this game.)
  • Clean up your own mess!!!!!!!
  • Change into uniform AFTER eating dinner.
  • We will have uniform inspection in the band hall before departure.  If you are missing an item get it taken care of before a director or drum major comes to check you so that you do not delay our departure or hold up your line for dismissal.
  • Have all items laid out in front of you in the same configuration as posted on the white board.  This will make inspection go a lot faster.
  • Students will be lined up in rows by grade level.  Seniors by parking lot wall, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen by hallway wall. Color guard will be in the hallway.

Game Procedures and Behavior Expectations:

  • Please read the section in the Clear Springs Band Handbook regarding expectations at football games.
  • Remember that parents, friends, relatives, etc. are not allowed to bring food or drink to a band student at any time before, during or after the game. Any violation of this may result in the student being excluded from the marching band for the remainder of the year. We will be providing an apple or a banana after halftime. Anyone with a medical condition requiring an alternate dietary need should have already contacted the band directors.
  • Students must ask a chaperone for permission to go to the restroom.  A chaperone will accompany them to and from the restroom.
  • Students are expected to treat the chaperones and other parent volunteers with the utmost respect and appreciation. Anyone who does not adhere to this will face disciplinary action.
  • While it is our intent to have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that comes with Texas high school football, we are there to do a job. Remember our purpose is to support the football team and represent the school and community with dignity and class as well as act as the premier spirit organization on campus.  We also have a job to do at halftime entertaining the crowd and providing solid music for the drill team during their performance. We are very confident we will succeed. With this in mind, please refrain from visiting with your child or bringing family members into the band to see them. This goes for younger siblings of the band members as well.  You are welcome to sit next to the band if space permits.  We encourage you to take photos of your child in uniform, but please do so as not to impede the functions of the band.  You may pose for photos with them during the football team’s pregame warm-ups, 3rd quarter snack time or immediately following the game.

Post-Game Procedures:

  • We will send a message (THROUGH THE BAND APP) as soon as we leave the stadium letting those know who aren’t at the game what time to pick their child up from CSHS.  Please plan to be there no later than five minutes after our anticipated arrival time.  Do not park in drive lanes or against the curb.  If you see someone parking in these areas, please ask them politely to move as they will be in the way and delay the buses and truck from being unloaded.  The band parking lot will have plenty of free parking spaces.  
  • When we arrive at school each student is responsible for getting his or her instrument off of the truck and back into their assigned locker (or for pit, the pit room). Students who leave instruments on the truck will face disciplinary action the following week.
  • Once your instrument and uniform (when applicable) are put away, you are free to leave. Remember to take your belongings with you.  This includes, but is not limited to your water jug, shako, gloves, shoes, garment bag, tote bag, undergarments and instrument.

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Game Day Checklist (Summer Uniform)

Please make sure that you have the following items with you for all football games that require the summer uniform.  We will have a uniform inspection in the band hall before departing for the game to check for all of these items except some instruments (see below).  Students missing items will either need to purchase new items or will be sent home.

What should be loaded on truck:

  • Instrument (except flutes and clarinets) and instrument accessories (e.g. reeds, valve oil, sticks, harnesses, etc.)
  • Lyre

What you need for uniform inspection:

Please be fully dressed in the summer uniform for uniform inspection.*

*Adjustments will be made according to uniform order arrivals. Stay tuned to the Band App and check your email for the most recent announcements!

  • Flutes and Clarinets
  • Flip folder (containing ALL stand tunes in order) Do NOT load this on the truck.
  • Blue half gallon water jug purchased at Equipment Night
  • Blue band shirt
  • Black band shorts
  • Black band baseball cap
  • Black no show socks (NOT ankle socks)
  • Black band shoes
  • Longer hair tied back with plain THIN/SKINNY BLACK hair tie

What you cannot have:

This is not a comprehensive list, only a list of the most common items that students bring that they are not allowed to have.

  • No jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, wristwatches, anklets, etc…
  • No thick/wide or colored headbands (students may wear a THIN/SKINNY BLACK headband to keep their bangs out of their face)
  • No face paint or glitter (unless approved by directors for Marching Show Purposes)
  • No Sunglasses
  • Phones must remain out of sight at all times

Playoff Game 1 v. Alief Hastings

Friday, November 16

Silverado tune: September

Full Uniform

3:00 Rehearsal
4:30 Load Truck/Eat Dinner (pizza provided)/Change into full uniform
5:15 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:30 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
10:20 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Challenger Columbia Stadium (map)
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX 77598

Click here for the UIL Playoff Bracket 

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday or you will be very stressed.

  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
  • Game Day Checklist (Full Uniform) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Students are encouraged to dress for warmth.  Jeans may *not* be worn under the uniform.  Thermal underwear or similar tight-fitting garments are allowed.  Only black, royal blue, or dark gray jackets/coats, knit caps, gloves, etc. can be worn.  These items will need to be removed for halftime.
A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Friday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:15pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so grateful to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Friday!

Game 10 @ Clear Creek

Friday, November 9

Silverado tune: Soak Up The Sun (?)
Full Uniform

3:30 Rehearsal
4:30 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:15 Chaperone Meeting
5:30 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:45 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive Veterans Memorial Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Veterans Memorial Stadium
10:20 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

2305 E Main St, League City, TX 77573, USA

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.

  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Friday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:15pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so grateful to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Friday!

Football Playoffs Heads Up

As we approach the final game of the regular season, it is time to look ahead to the playoffs.  In Texas, four teams from each football district advance to the playoffs.  The teams are then divided into Division I and Division II based on their enrollment numbers.  The two schools with the highest enrollment compete in Division I while the other two compete in Division II.  This means that there will be two champions for Class 6A. Based on the current standings, Clear Springs will be in the playoffs.

What does all of this mean to the band?  We are required to go to all football games including the playoffs.  Plan on an additional football game the weekend of November 16-17.  The game site and kickoff time will be determined when all of the districts solidify their playoff spots.  It is possible we will not know a day or location of the game until Monday, November 12.  If we win, we will repeat this scenario until we lose or until we win the state championship.

Game 9 @ Clear Lake

Friday, November 2

Full Uniform

3:30 Rehearsal
4:30 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:30 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:30 Chaperone Meeting
5:45 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium (visitors)
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
10:20 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX  (map)

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.

  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Friday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:30pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Saturday!

Game 7 @ Dickinson

Friday, October 19

Silverado tune: Soak Up The Sun
Full Uniform

3:00 Rehearsal
4:00 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:00 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:00 Chaperone Meeting
5:30 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive at stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart stadium
10:40 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Dickinson High School
3800 Baker Dr, Dickinson, TX 77539 (map)

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.


  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

Chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:00pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Saturday!

Game 6 vs. Clear Brook – Homecoming & Intermediate Night

Please help us welcome our intermediate school band brothers and sisters as they will be joining us for the run-through and dinner as well as the game this Friday night.

This is also our Homecoming game.  If you are not from Texas and don’t understand the homecoming mum phenomenon, that’s okay.  We don’t understand it either.  Nevertheless, students will be allowed to wear their mums in the stands.  They will carry their jackets and shakos into the stands.  Mums may not be pinned or attached to the uniform.  They will be removed before halftime and put on the benches.  After halftime, when the jackets are removed, they may put the mums back on.

Friday, October 12

Silverado tune: September
Full Uniform

3:30 Rehearsal
4:30 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:15 Chaperone Meeting
5:30 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:45 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
10:20 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX  (map)

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.

  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Friday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:15pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Friday!

Game 5 @ Clear Falls

Friday, September 28

Silverado tune: Soak Up The Sun
Full Uniform

3:30 Rehearsal
4:30 Load Truck/Eat Dinner/Change into full uniform
5:15 Chaperone Meeting
5:30 Inspection in the Band Hall
5:45 Depart CSHS
6:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium (we are the visiting team)
7:00 Kickoff
10:00 Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
10:20 Arrive CSHS
11:00 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX  (map)

Please make sure that you read the game day checklist below BEFORE Friday to avoid confusion and delay.

  • Game Day Checklist (FULL UNIFORM) – read this to make sure you have everything.  Students missing items will either be required to purchase a new item or will be sent home.
  • Game Day Preparation, Procedures, & Expectations – read this so that you know what to and not to do. (e.g. – do not eat in the stands except for our 3rd quarter snacks or you will be suspended from the remaining football games.)
A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Saturday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 5:15pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.  We will be working with full uniforms this week and along with the usual tasks we will need to make sure all hems are properly measured, secured, and ready for pressing.  Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Saturday!

Game 4 vs. Katy

Saturday, September 22

Summer Uniform
*No Game Meal Will Be Served*

3:45 Band Hall open
4:00 Chaperones Pre-Game Meeting
4:15 Inspection in the Band Hall
4:45 Depart CSHS
5:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
6:00 Kickoff
9:00 Depart Challenger Columbia Stadium
9:20 Arrive CSHS
9:50 Band Hall closes/last student picked up

Clear Creek ISD Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX  (map)

In an effort to relieve the stress and enhance the excitement of football games, we have created the following two posts which can be referred to throughout the season.  Please make sure that you read them or you will be very stressed.

A Message for Our Chaperones:

For this Saturday’s game, chaperones need to be at CSHS in the hallway outside the band hall at 4:00pm for the pre-game meeting and assignments.   Please take time to review the chaperone handbook prior to the meeting.  We are so excited to have such wonderful volunteers and are appreciative of your time and service to our band.  See you Saturday!