CCISD Instrument Loan Contract & Fee

In order for our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students, Clear Creek ISD assesses a  fee of $50 per semester ($100 for the entire school year) to students who use a school owned instrument.  This fee, while not small, is substantially less than what it would be to rent an instrument from a music store.

We have not yet collected the fee or the Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract for the 1st or 2nd semester of the 2014-2015 school year.  We will begin collecting this fee and contract at this time; we waited until this time of year to collect this fee in order to not have it due at the same time as other payments (e.g. band dues,  Orlando trip payment, etc…).  The Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract will be distributed to the students who are using school owned instruments on Wednesday, March 25th.  Please sign the Instrument Loan Contract and submit BOTH the contract and the payment for the 1st and 2nd semesters(if applicable). These should be turned in to Mr. Brown by Wednesday, April 8th.  Please make Checks payable to “CCISD-MEF”.  DO NOT make checks payable to Clear Springs High School, to the band, to the booster club, or anything else.  ONLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “CCISD-MEF”.

Please submit the payment and contract by Wednesday, April 8th or you will be added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

Important Notes:
  • If a student uses more than one school owned instrument, only one contract and one payment needs to be submitted.
  • As this is a CCISD fee and not a Clear Springs Band fee, this fee will not show up in the financial section of CHARMS and cannot be paid with a credit card through CHARMS.  This also will not show up in unless it is not paid by the due date and we have to add it to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.
  • You can track whether or not the contract and payment has been turned in by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Forms Collected” icon.
  • Percussion have to pay this fee as they use school owned instruments.
  • Students are encouraged to take care of any fees that they may have on the Clear Springs fine and fee list as students will not be able to go to the band banquet at the end of the year if they are not clear.  They will also not be able to buy tickets to prom or graduate
If the contract that is given to the students is lost you will need to print a new one from CHARMS using the directions below:
    1. Login to CHARMS
    2. Click the “Inventory Uniforms” icon
    3. You should see a list of items checked out to the students, click the button labeled “F” to the right of an instrument (not a lock or locker)
    4. Print the form

Summer Instrument Rental

All students who will be checking out a school owned instrument for the summer must pay a $25 CCISD Instrument Rental Fee.  This fee is assessed by our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students and is due at our Equipment Night on Tuesday, June 3rd.

Current freshman, sophomore, and junior students must see Mr. Brown to check out the instrument before Equipment Night.  Incoming freshman must email Mr. Brown and request an instrument so that we will have one available for pickup at Equipment Night.

Please note that we send many of our instruments out for summer repairs and we may not have an instrument available for everyone at Equipment Night.  Students that do not receive an instrument at Equipment Night because of repairs will be contacted when the instrument returns from the shop and arrangements will be made to pick it up from school.  Also,  because we are still a relatively new school and because some sections will be the largest they have ever been, we will not have enough instruments for everyone at Equipment Night.  In order to provide these students with instruments, we will be purchasing additional instruments, however, these new instruments may not be available until October.  In order to fill the gap between Equipment Night and October we will attempt to borrow instruments from other schools, though there is no guarantee that any will be available.

CCISD Instrument Rental Fee

In order for our school district to provide and maintain instruments for students, Clear Creek ISD assesses a rental fee of $50 per semester ($100 for the entire school year) and $25 for the summer to students who use a school owned instrument.  This fee, while not small, is substantially less than what it would be to rent an instrument from a music store. We have not yet collected the instrument rental fee or the Clear Creek ISD Musical Instrument Loan Contract for the 1st or 2nd semester of the 2013-2014 school year.  Please print out and sign the Instrument Loan Contract from CHARMS and submit BOTH the contract and the payment for the 1st and 2nd semesters(if applicable). These should be turned in to Mr. Brown.  Please make Checks payable to “CCISD”.  DO NOT make checks payable to Clear Springs High School, to the band, to the booster club, or anything else.  ONLY MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “CCISD”.

Please submit the payment and contract by Monday, May 19th or you will be added to the Clear Springs fine and fee list.

Instructions for downloading the loan contract:
  1. Login to CHARMS
  2. Click the “Inventory Uniforms” icon
  3. You should see a list of items checked out to the students, click the button labeled “F” to the right of an instrument (not a lock or locker)
  4. Print the form
Important Notes:
  • If a student uses more than one school owned instrument, only one contract and one payment needs to be submitted.
  • As this is a CCISD fee and not a Clear Springs Band fee, this fee will not show up in the financial section of CHARMS and cannot be paid with a credit card through CHARMS.  However, you can track whether or not the contract and payment has been turned in by logging into CHARMS and then clicking on the “Forms Collected” icon.
  • Percussion have to pay this fee as they use school owned instruments.
  •  Do not turn in money for summer rentals yet, we will collect that at equipment night.