UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest

The students have been working hard in class and after school, with dress rehearsals and clinics, all culminating in the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is happening next week! We still need chaperones, especially for Concert Band on Tuesday. If you can lend a hand, sign up by clicking the link below or you can go through Charms.

Concert Band UIL – 4/30/2019

Symphonic Band UIL – 5/1/2019

Wind Ensemble UIL – 5/2/2019

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause. Make sure to get there early in case the performances are running ahead of schedule. Also, please remember proper performance etiquette and make sure you only enter the auditorium between performances or during applause.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Concert Band
Tuesday, April 30
Clear Lake High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, May 1
Clear Lake High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, May 2
Clear Lake High School

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Instructions for how to adjust hems if needed may be found HERE
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class next week.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

Pre-UIL & UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner.  Before they perform at Clear Lake H.S. for judges, they will be performing their contest music at Pre-UIL concerts as a dress rehearsal.

Pre-UIL Concert
Concert Band
Monday, April 15th

Clear Creek High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, April 15th
Clear Creek High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 18
Clear Springs High School

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause.  If you are able, please consider coming to Clear Lake HS and supporting the students at their UIL performances as well.

Make sure to get there early in case the performances run ahead of schedule. No one will be allowed to enter the auditorium once the director takes the stand. And double-check the calendar for time adjustments. Although unlikely, the preliminary times listed here are subject to change. If you want to make sure you don’t miss the performance, sign up in Charms to be a chaperone!

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Concert Band
Tuesday, April 30
Clear Lake High School
Symphonic Band
Monday, May 1
Clear Lake High School
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, May 2
Clear Lake High School

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Instructions for how to adjust hems if needed may be found HERE
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class the weeks of April 15th and 22nd.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

UIL Area Marching Contest Info

Congratulations Charger Band on earning a one at UIL Region and advancing to UIL Area!!  At this contest there will be 5 judges (3 music and 2 visual) that will rank all of the bands.  The top 10 bands in prelims will advance to finals in the evening and the top 5 bands at finals will advance to the UIL State Marching Contest on November 5-6 in San Antonio.  Finalist bands will be announced at 6:00.  Please see the itinerary below for our plan for either scenario.

Saturday, October 27th

UIL Area E Marching Contest
The Area E Marching Band Contest is the final qualifying round for the UIL State Marching Band Championships.

Admission Info

General Admission = $5.00 (wristband is good for Prelims & Finals)
Children under 12 and Seniors 65 and over are free
Parking is free!


There will be 24 bands performing in Prelims.  We will be the 16th to perform.  If you will not be helping the band as a chaperone or roadie and you will not be helping the booster club with contest operations, you need to plan on arriving before 2:00!  Spectator parking is on the scoreboard end of the stadium and will flow over to the visitors side parking lot by the time we perform.  Please bring your patience as  we anticipate nearly 200 buses, 24-48 equipment trucks, and upwards of 1,000 cars in the lot at one time.  Traffic entering and exiting the stadium may get crazy.


You may order patches for your letter jacket online at www.southwestemblem.com


PepWear will be selling souvenir merchandise throughout the day.



Bring $$ for concessions to support our intermediate programs
There is no contest meal this week!

8:30 Band Hall opens
9:00 Rehearsal
10:30 Load Truck/BYOL (bring your own lunch)
11:30 Inspection in Band Hall
11:30 Chaperone Meeting
12:00 Depart CSHS
12:45 Arrive CCS
1:40 Warm Up Lot B
2:10 Leave Warm Up
2:25 Enter Field
2:30 Perform
3:00 Load Truck
4:00 Return to stands to watch bands/get results
5:30 Drum Major Retreat
6:00 Finals Announcement

If we make Finals…..
6:40 Warm Up
7:10 Leave Warm Up
7:30 Perform
8:00 Load Truck
8:30 Return to stands for rest of Finals
10:45 Drum Major Retreat
11:00 Announcement of bands advancing to State

If we do not make finals, we will return home.  A Remind message will be sent when we begin to load buses. Parents, don’t risk missing the last time Beneath the Stars will be marched in a competition setting! Come out and cheer the band on to finals!

Students should bring money for concessions or they may bring a sack lunch/dinner on the bus.

  • Contest Day Checklist –  Please make sure that you have everything that you need.
  • See the Area E Marching Contest Full Schedule HERE

Volunteer Sign-Ups

We will once again be assisting with the operations of this event. Clear Springs is providing monitors/escorts. This is in addition to the usual crew of volunteers needed on any other contest day; chaperones, roadies, etc. We had terrific support last time with ALMOST all of the volunteer positions filled. Let’s see if we can’t cover all the spots this time!  If you can help, please sign up in Charms:

Area Marching Contest Chaperones/Roadies click here!

Area Marching Contest Monitors/Escorts click here!

UIL Region 17 Marching Contest

Saturday, October 20

The competitive marching season is quickly coming to a close with the UIL Region 17 Marching Contest on Saturday, October 20th. The contest is similar to concert UIL in that there will be 3 Judges that give a rating of between 1 and 5 (1 being superior). What is different however is that bands that earn an overall rating of 1 (2 out of 3 judges) will then advance to the UIL Area Marching Contest on Saturday, October 27th.

The rain make-up day is Tuesday, October 23. See the calendar or the Facebook event for details.

 7:30 Band Hall opens
8:00 Rehearsal
10:30 Load Truck
11:15 Inspection in Band Hall
11:15 Chaperone Meeting
11:45 Depart CSHS
12:00 Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
12:55 Warm Up
1:40 Leave Warm Up
1:50 Arrive at Gate
2:00 Performance
2:30 Load Truck
3:00 Arrive at CSHS
4:00 Last student picked up
Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX (map)

We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest.  Please use the Contest Day Checklist.

Parents and Friends:

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged. UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them at home or in the car.

No admission fee is charged.  

Other 6A band performance times:
Brazoswood – 12:00 PM
Dickinson – 12:15 PM
Alvin – 1:15 PM
Clear Brook – 1:30 PM
Clear Falls – 1:45 PM
Clear Lake – 2:15 PM
Clear Creek – 2:30 PM

UIL Concert & Sightreading

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner. Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause. Try to get there a little early in case they are running ahead of schedule. You will not be allowed to enter the auditorium during the performance until you hear applause between pieces.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Concert Band
Tuesday, April 24th
3:15pm Concert Performance
Clear Lake High School – Auditorium
2929 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058
Symphonic Band
Wednesday, April 25th
4:00pm Concert Performance

Clear Lake High School – Auditorium
2929 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 26th
5:30pm Concert Performance
Clear Lake High School – Auditorium
2929 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058

Important Reminders!

  1. Concert Uniforms will be worn
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.  BOYS NEED TO TRY ON THEIR TUXEDO PANTS TO MAKE SURE THEY STILL FIT.  MANY FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORE BOYS TEND TO GROW A BIT BETWEEN EARLY DECEMBER AND MID-APRIL.  If you do not check this, you may end up wearing Pee-Wee Herman pants for UIL!
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class this week and next.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.
  5. A couple chaperones are needed for each band. You can sign up in Charms.


Tuesday, October 24

Due to impending inclement weather in the area predicted for Saturday, the UIL Region Marching Contest has been moved to TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. The competitive marching season is quickly coming to a close.  This contest is similar to concert UIL in that there will be 3 Judges that give a rating of between 1 and 5 (1 being superior).

3:40 – Rehearsal
4:20 – Load truck/eat dinner/dress in full uniform
5:00 – Depart CSHS
5:30 – Arrive Challenger Columbia Stadium
6:10 – Warm-up
7:15 – Perform
7:30 – Load truck
8:00 – Depart stadium
8:30 – Arrive CSHS
9:15 – All students picked u

Challenger Columbia Stadium
1955 W Nasa Blvd, Webster, TX (map)We will be wearing our Full Uniform for the contest.  Please use the Contest Day Checklist.

Parents and Friends:

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come to the contest as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged. UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them at home or in the car.

No admission fee is charged.  


UIL/Pre-UIL performances Upcoming

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner.  However, before they perform at Pearland for judges, they will be performing their contest music at our Pre-UIL concert so that friends and family who cannot attend UIL have an opportunity to hear the contest music.  It is also an opportunity to have a dress rehearsal before we go to contest.

Pre-UIL Concert
Thursday, April 14th
Symphonic call time – 5:30pm
Wind Ensemble call time – 6:00pm
Concert begins – 6:30pm (auditorium doors open at 6:15pm)

Clear Springs High School – Auditorium

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause.  If you are able, please consider also coming to Pearland and supporting the students at their UIL performances as well.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Symphonic Band
Wednesday, April 20th

Pearland High School – Auditorium
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 21st
Pearland High School – Auditorium

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.  BOYS NEED TO TRY ON THEIR TUXEDO PANTS TO MAKE SURE THEY STILL FIT.  MANY FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORE BOYS TEND TO GROW A BIT BETWEEN EARLY DECEMBER AND MID-APRIL.  If you do not check this, you may end up wearing Pee-Wee Herman pants for pre-UIL!
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Both upcoming Monday rehearsals will be with clinicians.
  4. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class the weeks of April 11th and 18th.
  5. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

UIL Region Marching Contest

The competitive marching season is quickly coming to a close, beginning with the UIL Region Marching Contest on Saturday, October 17th.


8:00 AM Rehearsal
9:30 AM Load Truck
10:00 AM Meet in Band Hall in Full Uniform
10:20 AM Depart CSHS
11:00 AM Arrive Pearland High School
11:40 AM Warm-up
12:45 PM Perform (first band after lunch)
1:30 PM Depart Pearland High School
2:00 PM Arrive CSHS
2:30 PM All students picked-up
The Rig – Pearland High School

Contest Day Checklist – Please make sure that you have everything that you need.

Please come and support the band and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform at a contest with a large cheering section made up of  family and friends.   Family and friends can show their support by cheering louder than any other band’s supporters.  We should hear an especially loud cheer both when they announce our band at the beginning of our performance and at the conclusion of our performance.  Applause is also needed after solos, section features, and big musical or visual moments.  This is not like concert season.  A lot of applause is highly encouraged.  UIL rules prohibit balloons and air horns.  Please leave them in the car.

Other 6A band performance times:
Friendswood – 11:00 AM
Clear Creek – 11:15 AM
Alvin – 11:30 AM
Clear Brook – 11:45 AM
Clear Lake – 1:00 PM
Dawson – 1:15 PM
Manvel – 1:30 PM
Brazoswood – 1:45 PM
Clear Falls – 2:00 PM
Dickinson – 2:15 PM
Pearland – 2:30 PM

No admission fee is charged.  

Parking is on the visitor’s side of the stadium.  Overflow parking is available at Turner High School, 4717 Bailey Road, Pearland, TX 77584.  Two shuttle buses will run from Turner High School to the stadium.  Please allow plenty of time to park and walk to the home side or to ride the shuttle.

UIL & Pre-UIL Performances Upcoming

The students have been working hard for several months now preparing for the UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest which is right around the corner.  However, before they perform at Pearland for judges, they will be performing their contest music at our Pre-UIL concert so that friends and family who cannot attend UIL can have an opportunity to hear the contest music.  It is also an opportunity to have a dress rehearsal before we go to contest.

Pre-UIL Concert
Tuesday, April 14th

Clear Springs High School – Auditorium

Please come and support your child and encourage any other friends/family to come as it is always more enjoyable for the students to perform a concert with a large audience and loud applause.  If you are able, please consider also coming to Pearland and supporting the students at their UIL performances as well.

UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Symphonic Band
Tuesday, April 21st

Pearland High School – Auditorium
Wind Ensemble
Thursday, April 23rd

Pearland High School – Auditorium

Important Reminders!

  1. Uniforms will be worn for both performances
    • Boys – Tuxedo Jacket, tuxedo pants, tuxedo shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, long black socks, black dress shoes or black marching shoes.
    • Girls – black band dress, black close toed shoes with an inch or less heel
  2. As these performances get closer please ensure that you are at all after school rehearsals and in attendance at school unless very ill.
  3. Students who take private lessons during band class, should reschedule your lessons or postpone them until after UIL so that all students will be in band class the weeks of April 13th and 20th.
  4. Detail times for both events can be found in the event’s description on our Google Calendar.  You can see this description by clicking on the event.

Great Job At Area!

The students have been working hard now for 13 weeks and that hard work paid off with a great performance at UIL Area Marching Contest.  All of the band staff is very proud of the students for what was the best performance of the year.  Congratulations!  There is of course always room to grow and we look forward over the remainder of the year to continue working with the students to help them get better and better.

With only a couple of football games remaining, we will begin making the transition to concert season.  As such, students need to begin bringing their concert instruments to school on Monday, November 3rd.  See Mr. Brown before Monday if you need to check out a concert instrument.